I'm some oldfag that browses here too much.
I r lurk.
Bedges 4 Doik
Warrior This user is Normal. He/She has contributed to trolling Chris in some way, shape, or form. |
Skittles This user thinks Skittles is the best Chandler cat! :3 |
Lesbian This user is a lesbian. A female gaybian. |
Americunt: This user is an Americunt and refuses to use unnecessary vowels. Uncle Sam would be proud! |
Transgendered This user is transgendered and would very much like to become the opposite sex. If Chris ever falls off the straight path, he'll join you. |
Atheist This user is a pizza-faced atheist and does not believe in God nor the Bear. |
Grammar Nazi This user edits the CWCki to exterminate all typos and grammatical errors. HEIL GRAMMAR! |
Ham This user is a HUMONGOUS HAM and enjoys the fine art of MELODRAMA! |
Weeaboo This user is a weeaboo and is devastated by Chris's taste in animu. この人はおたくだので、アニメはクリスーちゃんに好かれたのは我慢しなさい。 Because this person is geek, anime was not liked by Sudie Endure chestnut. |