Happy Women's Day

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Revision as of 03:16, 10 March 2016 by Moscardino (talk | contribs) (Spelling errors fixed)
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Happy Women's Day is a video Chris uploaded 9 March 2016 to belatedly mark International Women's Day streamed from his PS4. In it Chris sports a side-parting in his hair resembling a bad comb-over, his usual clothes that are too tight for him and announces his support of woman's rights, encouraging them to be sexy, not stare at his "tits" but stare at his ass and free their nipples. Chris frees his own before announcing he was late to the party.





Happy Women's Day
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Stardate 9 March 2016
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt blue tank top
Happy Birthday Tom


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

[Chris, controller in hand, stands in his now favoured video position of the centre of a room surrounded by his Amiibos, Medallions, Collected toys and Garbage, his hair noticably has a side parting making it more thin looking than usual].

Christine Chandler commin' live from her house. I just eh, been reminded that today is International Woman's day so, I wanna wish everyone a ha- I wanted to show all the woman a happy one, and a safe one too.

I support womans rights and their freedom to choose in what they do and everything.

[Chris Raises his hand to his face and points at his eyes, which stare blankly at his TV screen and not into the camera] My eyes are up here!

[After a moment of silence, Chris puts his arm back down behind him, returning to the awkward stance he had before] 'kay...Yeah...So anyway [Chris raises his arms up in a surrendering notion] be sexy as ya like ladies!

[Chris now awkwardly maneouvres himself to show the camera his butt, though still staring at the TV, and sings in a higher pitched voice] I'm sexy too, look at my booty! [Chris then proceeds to slap himself in the ass before shifting and standing awkwardly, puffing out his chest and giving his "seductive" face for a few uncomfortably seconds]

Also if you're free to do that, so, free the nipple. [Chris pulls down the front of his tank top and exposing his nipples, he attempts to bounce them for a second before covering then back up] Um, D-cups. Lady Cups. Enjoy.

Everybody have a good day, do what 'cha like. [Chris turns and points at what's presumed to be a clock off-screen] ;Specially for the remainder as I'm putting this in at the near last minute. Have a good day.

[[Chris attempts to turn off the camera, a look of confusion grows on his face before it cuts to the Camera-feed-off screen. After a few seconds of hearing Chris fumble with buttons the video ends]