A browsing around an ol' playground
Chris's first upload in almost a month. This video begins with an ill Chris, shamelessly returning to begging for handouts. Chris, despite being in a desperate financial situation, demands nothing less than $10.00 from each of his potential donors. In a rare turn of events, Chris edited his video to include a tour he made of an old playground from a few weeks ago. What compelled him to amalgamate the two videos together is anybody's guess.
Notably, Chris parks in the handicap spot and appears to exhibit genuine nostalgia as he's browsing the playground, sniffling and wavering his voice throughout the video.
Chris edited this video minutes after uploading it, chopping it from a length of 5:33 to 2:00; however, copies had been made of the original.
Original video
A browsing around an ol' playground | |
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Stardate | 16 February 2017 |
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previous The United States of America has NO President or Vice President, Whatsoever. |
Edited video
In this version, the video ends as Chris walks up to the entrance of the playground. It does not contain the scenes of him walking around inside.
A browsing around an ol' playground | |
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Stardate | 16 February 2017 |
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previous The United States of America has NO President or Vice President, Whatsoever. |
And, Please, my mother and I need more money. Please send more than $10.00 via PayPal to my phone number. |
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(intro) Hello, this is Christine Chandler coming to you live from home once again; got a cold, it's in my throat, my voice. Anyway, my bank accounts here are really low, so we could really use some money, please help us. Just send kind donations, more than $10 a piece via PayPal to my phone number, 434-760-0848. Over PayPal, PayPal [sic], and the recipients [unintelligible] you put in my phone number, OK? And now, for something completely different I've done a few weeks ago, is a recording of me at one of my favorite past, childhood parks.
Hello everybody, this is Christine Chandler, coming to you live from Harrison Park, Virginia. And today, we're doing something a bit different: I'm exploring to be a little nostalgic. We're over at, uh, Purcell Park in Vi--in Harrisonburg. My father took me here an x number of times -- a whole lot of times -- and this is the first time I've actually been here in a long... in so many years. So we're just gonna take a look around and take in the reminiscence. So yeah, that's the shed and my father would park about around here, where is where I'm parked right now. And of course the main attraction is right over this way.
Whoof, I don't know why it's so smelly around here. I guess, uh, people tend to walk their pets around here. Oh yeah... hmm... yeah I kept getting confused about what the name of this thing used to be. Ahhh... I kept confusin' it with Gypsy Hill Park in Stanton. But yeah, Kid's Castle, that's what the playground was called. Hmm... hmm... mm, okay, well anyway we're just takin' a look around. Ahh... I remember so many memories I used to have right here... hm.... I mean look at it, even from the outside perspective it looks quite castle... hm....
Yeah, there's some swings over at one end although I guess they've got swings over there... hm... hey, looks like they might've changed... no... *inaudible* but yeah, stood on this thing and it just swung around side by side. Here's a little pretend vehicle. Walked over to this little bridge... well right through this tunnel from one side to the other -- this thing was quite amaze! Any -- any child, like you know, like uh, like about half my height -- five foot eleven or less -- could definitely enjoy all the amazing things. We've got so many ins and outs. You can climb everywhere, you can get yourself like--yourself lost *chuckle* in all these things. It was fun. It was fun for me. Woop, there's one way you can go in... ah.. and a way you can go out... mm... you totally definitely want to be careful not to bump your head. *lalala* There's a slide going down! Oh yeah, I got myself trapped around here at the back of the castle... I think... ha... oh my goodness... *sniff*
And this site is a place you could definitely take your kids to enjoy on a good warm day whereas right now it's... like around in the 50s. Oh yeah, I always had trouble with monkey bars... with the... hand to hand monkey bars like that.... yeah. Oh look, somebody painted something over here! It's cute. There's a round about picnic table and... lazy slide.
And about way over there in the distance... there was a, uh, there was a rustic old airplane. They just left it there... and we used to play in that, uh, the metal got a little hot on the warmer days... well eventually they took it away but over there somewhere was that very old airplane. And there's a river along side, along that bed back there. And yeah... Purcell Park... Oh! And yeah, ha, another slide-----
Oh, sorry about that folks, I got interrupted with a phone call. Anyway, yeah, this was Purcell Park. I'm just gonna hang out here a little while longer before I make my way up to my destination. Christine Chandler, wishing y'all a very good day, and enjoy your childhood memories while you are... young... and enjoy them when you reminisce when you're older.
⇐ The United States of America has NO President or Vice President, Whatsoever. | Chris's videos | ⇒ |