Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World

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Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World! is a video uploaded by Chris on 14 November 2017, featuring him dancing to the 1995 Serbian patriotic song "Bog je srbin i on će nas čuvati" ("God is a Serb and He Will Protect Us", known in Internet circles as REMOVE KEBAB) while yelling crap related to Hyperdimension Neptunia. At this time it is unknown why he created this video, but he posted on Twitter, saying:

Haters are going to hate. What I did in the dance video, I Did for Our Home World and for You All! You will thank me later when I am able to take out Bullies with my powerful friends. As well as my family and my Sonichus and Rosechus! Make up! ❤️⚡️

It should be noted that the aforementioned song was written as a nationalist propaganda piece. Presumably Chris chose this song because it sounded like something one could dance to, or other reasons.

Freestyle Dance With Me, For Our World!
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Stardate 14 November 2017
Subject Matter MusicMusic Music, RacismRacism Racism, Video gamesVideo games Video Games
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga Idea Guy
Singing Sorry (Not Sorry)

For Our Home World and All other Dimensions, Realities and Worlds; All Of Us! Dance! Dance! Dance!!!



People of the world! Christine Chandler coming to you from live from home! And the world is in need of your services as well as my own. Most direly. So dance with me if you will, to this lovely little polka. And put on a tinfoil hat to show that... THE MAN will not take over your MIIINNNDDDSSS! A beret [?] will also suffice as well.

[plays "Bog je srbin i on će nas čuvati" and dances awkwardly]


[Snoopy and Clover start baying in the background]

Even the dogs are singing!

[dogs are heard trying to get into the room]

Moon walk! Do a twirl! Have fun!

[dogs bay again]

For the world! For Gamindustri! For all the other worlds and dimensions!

[dogs bay again after a bit]

[song ends]

Go with it. FOR OUR WORLD!

Singing Sorry (Not Sorry) Chris's videos