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< User:Byzantine
Revision as of 12:38, 11 August 2020 by Byzantine (talk | contribs) (Started transcript)
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Intro (0:00-0:20)

[Video begins with a close up of Chris's face, revealing it is shot on a phone]

[Gives us a quick flash of the house before returning to face shot]

Hello, on the internet, this is Christine Chandler, coming to you live from home once again, and today... givin' y'all an update nyauh- gonna take a tour of, the house... as it currently... is!

Chris's work room (0:20-)

Um, ok? So, esc- es- start it... hm... pretty much from what is the family room is now my...

[Turns the camera to show the room, which is unfocused] ...kind of... living space- why is it blurry? The hell? [Camera focuses, revealing a very cluttered room, but less clutter than before] Oh, there is is. Just needed to focus, FOCUS! Anyway so that's... one half, um- that side but also, cats like to... hop on the couch, we don't let 'em, come in guests... but anyway, um...

[Walks up to some boxes] Um, boxes of... um... the VHS tapes, from Mr. Cs collection, and some of mine...

[Pans around to show some monitors and piles of paper and toys] and uh, there's the... PlayStation monitor and look! I've found the... C64 monitor today! Yep, right there with the old keyboard, 'n... there's the floppy disc drive, which needs some... hm, t-keyboard n' the disc drive need some TLC, anyway.

[Quickly pans away to move on to the Lego collection] Um, [sigh] um, I'll give you, kind of an expansive view, of my nowd- my... old Lego kinda kits and whatnot, I'll go round the other side...

[Walks around the central table in order to access the second half of the Lego table] But anyway, I spend... most of my... time, on THAT side of the room [Indicates towards the side he was just on] neh- just-

[Shows us various Lego buildings on this second half of the Lego table] Yep, there's my... Lego high school, there's my little house, srs... another house, there's the Simpson's house, there is... spooky house, aneren... other... Legos... I've kind of lost track along the way, an... yada yada yada, um...

[Pans down to show his desk] There's m' desk!

[Pans to his OC's amiibos] There's, all my... Sonichu and Rosechu figure- phototype figures, um along with Sonic and Mewtwo there, just... because, for now.

[Hold's Chris-Chan Sonichu and Magi-chan amiibo figures up for the camera] Um, there's magi-chan and f- and I... yep! Why not?

[Pans down to show his custom playmat] And this is a lovely, custom, playmat I had, uh, printed... from uh... Custom... Ink, uh, it's got my, skylander... counterpart on it.

[Holds camera down to plug the Xbox controller back in] Excuse me this, chord unsti- unplug it's off, d- whynee- t'do dat? Stay in! Stay in. Hm, stay.

[Pans up to show another monitor and then pans around the room] Um, there's my monitor! Um, there things... it's that...

[Shows Equestria girls figures below monitor]Um, uh, equestria girls... figures, and sympoa- hm... ther's my figure! And... there's Nightstar with... Kunt Nyuget! Yep!