
From CWCki
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Date of Birth 30, November 2001 (age 23)
Gender Male
Nationality British
Skin tone White
Height 5'09" (175.26 cm)
Links Twitter

Wow... How do I word all of what I wanna say out correctly...?

How I found out about Chris

I was watching SammyClassicSonicFan and heard him mention Chris. I can't remember what video it was so you'll either have take my word for it or find the fucking video yourself. So after hearing Sammy mention Chris. I forgot about the name "Christian Chandler" for a bit until I went on ED and found the words "Chris-Chan" while browsing through some page. That's how I found out about Chris. After that, I watched Sachumo's documentary and became infatuated with the fucker.

What I do with my miserable life

Nothing special, I like to skate and I also make shitty videos.

Misc shit

I actually like Vivian Gee's art style, it reminds me a lot of that early 2000s shit you'd see on like... SheezyArt or something

Userboxes or some fucking shit like that

Union Jack Britfag: Tito got no luck against this user, who is British.
This user is a JERK and takes away all the girls.
Chris Acting Black White
This user is white and finds Chris's race relations embarrassing.
Thorg Atheist
This user is a pizza-faced atheist and does not believe in God nor the Bear.
High-Functioning Autistic High-Functioning Autistic
This user has high-functioning autism, and therefore receives lots of stress from their gosh darn Mental Block.
Observer Observer
This user is taking it Easy. They have followed Chris-Chan's movements, but hasn't contributed to the trolling efforts.