Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots

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Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots is a two-part livestream which took place on 14 December 2023.

Part One

Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots
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Stardate 14 December 2023
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
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Text from YouTube's captions
good evening everybody this is Christy W

CH Prime here so try spot it

up very much so all right so as the

title of the I was able to edit before

get the stream started States actually

going to be reading some fan mail

because I did receive some recently so

let's get the obvious elephant in the

room is is relevant in regards to the

tweet I posted earlier

today if it's a gift that you would give

to yourself genuinely deeply

authentically something you would really

like for yourself that's a good gift to

give to me obviously just obviously stay

away from anything that involves the uh

smoking and alcohol and stay away from

just jokeful items I mean do you would

you really want one of those for

yourself ask yourself that before you

order it anyway so yeah got this from

the PO boots he look at me have a pickle

pickle pickle yeah there you go there's

that so yeah I did I did ship my PO Boot

and we got a few kind letters at in that

one package and one another joke present

so just going to go through a few of

these and

uh I'm not going to dce anybody I'm not

going to read any names and I'm not

reading any addresses because that's not

a cool thing to do all right so anyway

with that being

said h

dear Chine Weston Chandler how are you I

hope that you are

well has been crazy since I learned of

you I'm a recent fan and so you have a

poot so I felt I had to write to you

this letter won't be long as I don't

have too much to say I already did to

introduce myself let me just have to

skip the introduction because I don't

want do this

guy he introduces himself and that let's

see what all right so El so I listened

to videos and that's how I found you how

Isabelle was a truly terrible person

aside from this yeah this okay so this

guy I'm like a lot y'all he's a gamer

and he likes reading fanfit [ __ ] so

that's a good thing all right I don't

know what else to write if you want feel

free to uh oh thank you very much zor

Day Z day it is not be

dad feel free to write back I would like

to hear from you personally have you

watched the new movies 30 TV

shows f it up of course I watched Scott

Pilgrim takes off that's a really good

anime and I've watched a few other

movies and shows I just can't name on

top of my head right now cuz I'm focus

on this but if I think anything I'll get

back to anyway what about books so re

rereading B of song birds

and what say to read snakes though that

a looks like a lyric too as I read again

I see so many of the


snow did or influence once the original

trilogy at H supposed to happen timeline

wise oh and I did like the WX seal this

came with a couple of these layers

including this one they came with the w

seal very very I like I like w seals

they're very

nice all right so that's one L Dan let's

read a few more I like that layer that's

this is lovely family so this will

confirm oh tell you what I'm going to

explain this once my hands are covering

the return address so if youall are

looking to send an fan mail to me that's


Poots it's on my Twitter posted pined

tweet there so feel free to send me and

the nice kind gifts or fan mail and like

I said

just if you if you a joke gift if it's

something you would not really want for

yourself seriously

then just not not my way okay all right

anyway we'll just go look at this one

it's a lovely little Christmas card

looks like they made themselves oh even

feels like there's like a DOT of paint

there it's a lovely little card

anyway they misspell my name so it's

like hi chistine happy holidays my

husband and I been long fans of your

content when I saw you were accepting

fan mail I was ecstatic please do not

listen to the you are amazing we are so

happy you overcame the jail

Fiasco I have I have only played a

little bit of the original Kingdom

Hearts I had that on play on the

PlayStation 2 despite me being late to

the party there anyway we knew you would

I'm happy to see you making more content

and art you are an inspiration am why

you send you a card to show support

again I hope you have a wonderful time

on Christmas and I hope you have great

Thanksgiving keep going you God

bless anyway so obviously this guy um

I'm not going to say but this her

husband or their

husband they cover songs so they just

clue me into what they're doing so let's

just let you

know your friend is

blessed all right so let's

look in another letter I'm just going to

make sure this is one because a couple

of them oh

congratulations you both are very much

blessed thank you all right let's say

just making sure I got

this all right all right let skipping

any skip any specific details so

hi I was want to give you want to be pen

pal I hope this letter finds you well I

want to take a moment to express my

admiration of your incredible

creativity your work never fails to

Captivate and inspire me and I believe

it is important to let you know just how

much it means to me your Creations are

like little bursts of magic in the

mundane World bringing joy and wonder to

those fortunate enough to experience

them better it's your beautiful work

your imaginative storytelling your

unique fashion

sense everything you create is a

testament to your talent and Imagination

your art speaks value

oh your Mark speaks volumes about your

ability to see the beauty in the

everyday and your attention to detail is

truly commendable every stroke of your

brush your pen every carefully chosen

color or composition comes together to

create a visual Feast for the eyes your

talent for bringing characters and

stories to life is

extraordinary thank

you I bring oh they seem to leap off the

pit draw the viewer in into their en

enchanting World beyond your Artistic

Endeavors your creativity expands to

your sense of style as well I am

constantly amazed by your ability to

effortlessly put together outfits that

are both bold and elegant mixing parents

and texures in the way that only you can

p off is a true Testament to your vision

and fearless approach to

self-expression thank you but what truly

sets you apart is the passion and

authenticity that shines through in

everything you do you approach each new

project with unwavering enthusiasm

pouring your heart

out well that depends is your uh is your

friend I just pausing on this I'm

hitting the pause button on this layer

so that depends on how your friend

really feels feels about the job

deeply but I'd say uh it needs to I

would say recommend weighing the options

if he uh feels like it's really not

benefiting him then

uh yeah if it's not really benefiting

him at all then I pray for that he finds

a better job other than that unless he

really needs to keep at the job really

needs some money really needs to stay on

with this job despite the thing I say

tough it out guy you tough it out and

you continue to do your best thank you

and yay thank you all right

your work never feels contrived by

whether a genuine reflection of who you

are as an artist and as a person I want

you to know that your creativity has had

a profound impact on

me we are not

stuck okay it's still in progress is


on the ultimate Miracles broadcast is is

manifesting I have not heard of that

book and I don't know if I ever would

considering that it might potentially be

meme tastic since you just cited

it I've heard of one piece I have not

watched the anime I've seen a little bit


it I'd say comparable to like having the

Guess The Guest The Crossover with Goku

I've heard about that from watch


anyway watch you know your creativity

has a profound hat on me it has inspired

me to embrace my own artistic passion

and to fly express myself without

reservation your ability to take risk

has put boundaries motivates me to do

the same to step out of my comfort zone

and explore new artistic

territories happy


you got blessing and Merry Christmas


you your abil need to take risks and

push boundaries at least within

reason motivates be do saying step out

my cfort zone explore new artistic

territories thank you for create for

sharing your incredible creativity with

the world your art has brought joy to so

many and I can I hope that you continue

to inspire others as you has inspired me

your talent and determination are

totally exception and I am grateful for

the opportunity to witness your artistic

Journey Keep creating keep J you know

what your creativity is cherished and

celeb thank

you um love crafty and beings I'm taking

it you mean to Minecraft Minecraft is a

whole different dimension period so I'm

going say initially unless I'm Lear




oh wait I just remember the series

Lovecraft there is a series called

Lovecraft um you know what I may change

my answer just let me meditate on that

as we proceed and let me just few a

couple more letters go through our

lovely little mail


bag I have seen a Tetris movie I thought

it was a pretty good thing a decent

representation on the one hand of how uh

closed off Russia is and just how uh bad

life the guy that created the guy that

actually originated the Tetris game hard

hard he had it but still yeah I thought

it was a decently good movie fairly

accurate portra

fairly all

right all right so I'm just going to

read this later so dear Christine I'm

writing to you for advice on how to see

through the Iron Curtain is coming to my

attention there is so much I don't know

about reality I think you could teach me

I watch want to know about the dimension

merge healing and psychic

abilities I make go I'm the podcast I

believe I know what you're talking about

the uh low cal that's a possibility I'm

still meditating on it still to be


anyway and oh and I am aware about their

history but I have also made set

boundaries about you know if I am to go

on at if if when I do go on that show it

will be quite where it's positive and

more focused on my present and future

tense things details so that's just let

y'all know and Merry Christmas

to that guy that guy name just left


Christmas okay thank you thank


anyway Al obviously me being got me

being pretty much on God level just it's

well supered president

yeah well I don't know who W is so I

don't know if I can necessarily say I

like him but I can reflect and

appreciate that you appreciate

re I

just K you are

blessed I blessed him I blessed you

thank you right so let's see I know you

probably get lots of mails so in the

small chance you are reading this I ask

that you please respond but anything

that may be of help all right so on the

website that we are making we're going

to be we went to specific details about

what the demension merge and the

ultimate Miracle is but yeah long story

short just the Earth was divied back in

the back in 1389 ad where the magic went

on the C1 i7 half for just everything

else because neurotypical individuals

including King Arthur himself couldn't

handle it it's just everything original

fishal cartoon characters and mythical

creatures and individuals they end up on

the SE when I and half and so on so

forth been there for the entire time and

continuing in and living and manifesting

over the over the centuries yeah

centuries that's right word because

that's hundreds not thousand anyway and

essentially the demension merges the

reunion the full reunion of the two

Earth has coming together as they were

divided from the whole universe in the

center to see when I said half has been

there since 2006 with the events of

pycho sit and our 128 half is just

breaching through the veil into the

whole on devide universe and recombining

with the C1 ISO and

half the Veo has been quite the problem

with us but we are dividing but we are

getting rid of that Veil we are

undivided the veil uh but as far as it

seems to the our current goes you can do

that by essentially meditating on it

open your mind as B said

says anyway so he got

that my brain went blank for a

moment oh that's okay

anyway now yeah open your mind and uh

meditate it's like you can open your

vision to see through the ve so

essentially that IM that imaginary

friend you had not imaginary they'd be

living on a c197 half this entire typ if

you had imaginary friend as a child hood

you can get you can type back into that

and see into the C1

i72 simple as that simple as that just

like essentially it could be simple as

yeah reconnecting with your imaginary

friend okay all right so I'm just

tucking this layer away we have one more

from the mailbag and then we'll get to

our n fed


yeah this guy he

could qu a drawing

just it's a short one so yeah dear

chistine i' like your OC's and

explaining autism on the Little Big

Plant video cuz I have autism as well

I've made OC's myself I would like be an

honor if I asked if you had signed an

autograph on my drawing I love my f in

the but you know what just going to show

off the drawing really quick but

covering up the name of it there oh yeah

that's right did you a little

carry yeah any right okay so I'm really

quick really quick I'll


oh little

girl G just gonna go enjoy her beats in

the headphones for a little while but

yeah there you go that's uh that's a lot

in the mail

bag and it was a lovely B mail so let's

expand further on the Autobots of


now youall become aware of this from the

expansion pack I made for secret ship f

folder which of course features Al but

Sonu and uh and


Fowler bumba lumba which uh we're

getting the figure shortly enough so I

can manifest them it's essentially going

to be the the Legacy anime bumblebee

total recolor and alterations and all

that may give it give him a new head

head sculp but it's all different thing

and of course armor rats rocking the uh

guitar which he

has I'd say at this point San Prime is

not as overpowered as Goku I mean shoot

not Li individuals could even match CL

Kent so

yeah flat


they are going through their tough times

as they need to be right now cuz in

Divine timing everything shall clear up


enough attempts were made but obviously

the better attempts but better chances

be done after getting

out thank you very much thank

you anyway

so I've meditated on and uh written down

further about about the all box of quick

fil so i' so written down further

backstory and

uh details

so just like I want to just essentially

initially read this to you but yeah I'm

going to just

uh all right so I got my little camera

camera secondary camera set up here so

you can look at this table I got on this

Bri right

here I'm just going to switch over to

that camera


Part Two

Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots Part 2
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 14 December 2023
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.
Toys for Tots Chris's videos