Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 6

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Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 6 is the sixth of the calls between Chris and Alec Benson Leary, which took place on 04 February 2010. As Alec notes several times, Chris is far too agreeable to Alec's conditions, and at times simply doesn't seem to be listening.

The end result the demands is the C-log of 5 February 2010, in which Chris half-asses his way through most of Alec's requests.



Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 6
Stardate 04 February 2010
Subject Matter Fanartn.PNG Fan Art
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Saga AsperchuAsperchu Asperchu
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked
Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 5
Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 7


Alec: [cut off]--s it's, uh, it's Alec.

Chris: Yes, hello, Alec.

Alec: Hi. Um. Uh, I was uh, wondering if you'd like to...continue our discussion about, um, about getting all the ads down?

Chris: Ohhhh-kay.

Alec: Um, well first I wanna let you know that um, just to make it clear, if you--if you make another video that, um, includes all the requirements that I'm going to list for you, I will, uh, remove all of my ads completely. From the CWCipedia. If you, if you follow my instructions. That sound good?

Chris: Yeah okay, hang on lemme get something to write on and something to write with.

Alec: Alright.

Chris: Okay, I'm listening.

Alec: Alright. Um, first of all, like I said in our last call, I'd like you to admit that I do have a very sizeable fanbase. Uh, because I think you believe that I don't have any real fans. I'd like you to admit that I do. I have quite a lot of fans. A lot of them are former Sonichu fans.

Chris: Okay, well, yeah...admit that. Okay what's the next thing?

Alec: Um, well, in your apology video I asked you to address not only Simonchu, but Simonla. And you didn't. And I'd like you to bring up that you actually did ask Evan permission to use Simonla when you first began using her, uh, which shows that you understood from the beginning that Simonla was not yours and you were borrowing her from--or, or him, rather, Simonchu--from the original creator. And I'd like you to admit that Simonla was never yours.


Chris: I see. Hm.

Alec: Will you do that, Chris?

Chris: I'm writing it down, hang on.


Chris: Alright, what's the next thing?

Alec: Ummm...I'd like you to admit that you...attempted to edit the CWCipedia article about Simonla to say that she was your original creation. Well, wasn't a nice thing to do to your fans.

Chris: Right. Anyway, uh, got that written down. What's the next thing?

Alec: Um...I want you to acknowledge that even though Evan gave you permission to use Simonla, he later took it away. And he took it away quite a long time ago. And I'd like you to admit that you have been ignoring and disrespecting his requests to remove his character from your comic.

Chris: Alright I'm writing it down. Hm. Huh...permission to [mutters]...

Alec: You know, it sounds like, um, you're actually pretty agreeable about this, and I'm glad about that.

Chris: Yeah well I'm writing it down here. Um...yeah.

Alec: Well yeah you're writing it down. So you're, you're going to do those things so far?

Chris: Yeah. [very quickly, as if trying to sneak this past Alec] Well anyway--anyway it's still debatable. Anyway. What's the next thing?

Alec: [nobody's fool but his own] Nooo, it's not debatable. Chris, all these conditions I'm listing, you have to do these, or my ads go nowhere.

Chris: Yeah. Anyway. Uh, okay, what's the next thing?

Alec: Does that matter to you, Chris? You said that's debatable and I'm saying it's not. Don't you...wanna acknowledge that?

Chris: Acknowledged, anyway, uh, what's the next thing?

Alec: [sigh] Alright. Um, I asked you to apologize for the word naive. I want you to do that. Specifically say that you used the word naive because you intended to hurt and insult me, and you know that I am not naive.


Chris: Alright. Yeah. Okay what's the next thing?

Alec: I want you to apologize for cursing Mao. And um, actually I'd like you to issue him--give him a forgive-a-ness blessing. To--to retract that curse-ye-ha-me-ha.

Chris: Hm. Mm...okay, uh, anything--anything else?

Alec: Um, I want you to apologize for stealing from me.

Chris: Hm.

Alec: You know, the um...the false Chaotic Combo I created, you stole them, and you stole Asper...chu and tried to change them around.

Chris: Uhh...


Alec: [inhales] Um, can we talk about S--can we talk about Simonla a bit? Because I wanna know why you say it's debatable.

Chris: Hm. Lemme think about that a, I guess that was a...premature thing to say, so I re--I respectfully withdraw it. So, is there anything else?

Alec: Um, so you are going to say that Simonla is not y--you're going to say exactly what I asked you to say about Simonla? You're going to...?

Chris: Yeah.

Alec: Okay. Um, the next thing is...these are the things that I wanted you to make in a video. But I also want you to, um, in your comic, just take a page or whatever, you know, take a little side break from the main story, and use the page to explain, uh, everything that I just said as well. And I would like you to, in that comic page, apologize to me, and to Mao, and to Evan, for all the things that I just listed.

Chris: Uh-huh.

Alec: Are you gonna do that?

Chris: Yeah.

Alec: 'Cause uh, I asked you...I just wanna make sure you're going to do these Chris, 'cause I asked you to do these things last time that we talked about it, I mean the last time before you, you know, hung up on me, and um, you said you were writing it down but then you forgot like half the things that I asked you to do.

Chris: Yeah. Alright so, is that it, is there anything else?

Alec: Um, I guess you don't have to put it in the video, this next part, but I'd like you to apologize for pretending to be your mother in the last phone call. And uh, pretending that she was calling you away from the phone call.

Chris: Hm.

Alec: And the reason I'd like you to apologize for that is because I, um, really don't benefit a whole lot from calling you about these matters, I was calling you because I wanted to give you a quick and easy way to settle this whole ad business and to settle the fight between us, and rather than take the opportunity to listen to what I said, you pretended to be your mother, and, you know, pretended that your mother was calling you away to do an errand and you had to leave the phone call. So instead of handling the problem right then and there, and if you had done so, then, you know, the ads could have been gone by now, but instead you [Chris 'hm's] ran away from me. It shows you don't respect me.

Chris: Right. Yeah. So, alright. Wrote that down. Anything else?

Alec: Well, I'd like--I'd like you to admit that right now, Chris. That you lied about that.

Chris: Okay, why don't--

Alec: And since you--

Chris: I admit that--I admit that I pretended to be my mother, to end the call early last time.

Alec: Can I ask you why you did that, Chris?

Chris: Because I felt it was going on and on, and I was--

Alec: We were--

Chris: --tired...

Alec: We were barely on the phone for five minutes when you did that. And this is, like I said, this is a serious matter, and it's your problem that I'm trying to help you with. I was being gracious enough to call you, to, you know, give you a way to settle it. And you still--you ran away from me. Real men don't run away from their problems, Chris. When I--I talked to you, I talked to you on an even footing, man to man. I don't lie or deceive you. And I don't run away, even though you are a troll to me. Because, you know, obviously I've been calling you. To talk to you. Instead of hiding from you.

Chris: Okay.

Alec: Um...that's another thing I want you to put in the video. I want you to admit that you are a troll. And that you have been trolling me ever since I--ever since my comic started. And use that word specifically. Say, "I, Christian Weston Chandler, am a troll."

Chris: Yeah. Okay.

Alec: Can you, um, read back, uh, to me the list that you've made since we started this call, please?

Chris: Okay. Admit that Alec has sizable fanbase, address the--I had permission for Simonchu but then it was withdrawn, and I did not admit to--uh, an a, admit--admit--admit Simonla was not mine, admit (?) anything to my Simonla article, yeah Evan gave permission, but withdrew it, gone against his wishes, no Simonla, apologize to Alec for calling him naive, apologize to Mao forgiveness blessing, apologize for stealing Asperchu and parodic characters, and (?) comic page explaining all of that with more apologies, and I just apologized to you for pretending to be my mother to end the call early, and admit trolling you.

Alec: Okay, good. That's good so far. Um, I'd also like you to apologize for insinuating that I keep female prisoners in my basement and use them as a...unwilling harem and rape them. Because I don't do anything of the sort.


Alec: That's just creepy. I don't...I don't know where you got that idea.


Alec: I mean, I can kinda see some of the other complaints that you had were based on, you know, like direct misunderstanding of things, but--but that, you know, me raping female prisoner things...that just--that c--that came outta left field. Where'd you get that idea?

Chris: [talking over him] Yeah okay well, okay. Well Ah...I never said--I never used the word 'rape', you just had them in prisom [sic] and you treated them like hamsters. You did not rape them.

Alec: [talking over Chris, who says something unclear] What do you mean, 'treated them like hamsters'?

Chris: You know, just keep them in cages, giant hamster wheels, giant water bottles, nn...and food pellets.

Alec: 'Kay, um, even if you didn't use the word 'rape', what do you think people--what do you think the impression is people are going to get when you suggest that someone keeps female prisoners in their basement? They're going to think that um, said prisoners are being raped by their captor. And I mean, that seems like a pretty obvious insinuation. Even if you don't use the word directly.

Chris: Okay. Ahh...alright anything else after that?

Alec: [inhales] Umm...I am still trying to think. Um...y-you know, I apologize for seeming like I'm beating a dead horse, but I...I am a little suspicious that you seem so agreeable, because in all our previous correspondences you've been um, you know, insulting, rude, or...manipulative. Or a combination thereof. But now it seems like, you know, you're--you're just rearin' to go with this. ... Are you sure you're just not trying to--?

Chris: (??)

Alec: --finish the phone call with me quickly? 'Cause,

Chris: Well, I'm not trying to--

Alec: Because--

Chris: --finish anything.

Alec: Okay.

Chris: I mean, I'm not trying to finish this phone call, I want to put this to rest.

Alec: Okay, well, good. 'Cause like I said, you do all these things perfectly, as I say, um--

Chris: Yeah.

Alec: --then my ads will go away. Um, but if--but if you make a video and you're missing anything, or if you deliberately contradict something, um, or if I feel like you are trying to pull a fast one on me and weasel out of something, then the ads are going to get worse. Because at this point I do have to assume that anything that goes wrong is a deliberate, um...evil intent on your part.

Chris: I see.

Alec: Do you--? I mean, that's a...fair assumption for me to make, don't you think? Considering how much you've--

Chris: [talking over him] You have, you have, you have right--you have the right to make that assumption.

Alec: Mmkay. Kay, well good. Excuse me just a second.

Chris: Kay.

[pause, a stress sigh is heard]

Alec: Sorry about that, I'm back. Um...

Chris: Right.

Alec: Can I ask you why you think the word 'naive' is so...horrible?

[small pause]

Chris: Not only does the word sound like nails on--nails on a chalkboard when one says it, but also, it questions one's intelligence and experience. In life.

Alec: I--I think it actually only questions experience, it's not about intelligence.

Chris: [interrupting] Yeah but, yeah but--experience versus knowledge...still implied, the knowledge part.

Alec: Well no, knowledge is different from intelligence.

Chris: Yeah but also similarly it can sound like, you know, callin' somebody stupid. Or worse than that.

Alec: Well, you know, no pun intended here, but if you...if you believe that then I think you kind of are naive. I mean, because the--that you--you don't have a, you know, an understanding of the word.

Chris: I looked it up in a disshonary [sic]. I have a understanding of the word.

Alec: I--I don't know what dictionary you looked up that suggested it's a direct question of one's intelligence. ... I mean, lemme look it up on uh, an online dictionary here. Um...let's see..."lacking experience or judgments", it's really not about intelligence. And um, I am still kinda bothered that, you know, you think it's such a horrible insult that you wanted to use it on me.

Chris: Hm. Okay well, in--

Alec: And you--and you had happily--

Chris: Okay well still in my defense though, you did tell me to--you did say, "well, call me naive" during that particular conversation.


Alec: Um, you know that's just a turn of phrase, right? I wasn't actually asking you to call me naive.

Chris: [watch as Alec's words bounce off Chris, like throwing ping-pong balls at a whale...] Mmkay. Well, you gave me the opportunity, so that's my defense right there.

Alec: You should--

Chris: (?) --agree on that.

Alec: You should exercise some personal responsibility though, because, you know, you think 'naive' is such a horrible thing, like, have you ever heard the phrase, uh, "just shoot me"? Like, you know, someone's frustrated, they'll say "just shoot me." I mean, if someone said that in your presence, would you feel, you know, okay with "well, I'll just pull out a gun and shoot them"?

Chris: No, not nec--no, not necessarily shoot them.

Alec: "Not necessarily"? Does that mean you'd consider it?

Chris: Mm. No, I would not shoot them at all.

Alec: Well, I should hope not. I mean, you shot people in your comic before. I hope you wouldn't shoot them in real life.

Chris: Date. (?) Anyway, uh, alright, so, anything else for this video, or I mean--[mumbles] aside from before apologize for labeling you as having female prisoners in your basement and...raping.

Alec: Um, yes. There is another item. I'd like you to admit that you don't have a good excuse to not upload pages every day.

Chris: Mm.


Alec: I mean, I think that's...correct, right? You don't have a job, you don't go to school. I have both, you know, school and a job, and I upload every day.

Chris: Yeah. In my defense though, actually, yesterday I actually went on a nice d--on a date with a nice girl, and it was a great date, could have not gone better.

Alec: Oh, um, what was the date? Like all day, I mean, it wasn't like in the morning, was it? You could have uploaded in the morning.

Chris: Yeah well I wa--Yeah well I was not up in the morning.

Alec: Um, you didn't have, you know, any ti--What time did you wake up? How long do you sleep?

Chris: [Unintelligible word mixing] Yeah, I woke up at about eleven.

Alec: Yeah, well, that's not la--

Chris: [Interrupting] And I had to go out and ru--I had to go--and I actually had to go out to run a couple of errands at the g-grocery store and also I had to go and get my family some anti-freeze for their car.

Alec: Okay, well I-I have chores-- [Can't make out over Chris's interruption]

Chris: And 'caus--and c--and the--and then with that I also had to take a shower and make myself fully ready for the date.

Alec: Um [small sigh of disapproval] You know, when I--When I shower and clean myself up, that takes like 20 minutes. I--I, like I said, I have a job and school and I have errands to do and I go out with people and I go out on dates and I still make sure I upload every day. I mean, Sonichu is your--Think of--Think of it this way: Sonichu is gonna be your big franchise. That's what's gonna make you money, right? Um, so you should treat it like it is your...your day to day job.

Chris: Yeah

Alec: And [Chris interrupts again with another "Yeah"] You--When was the last day when you uploaded a page? It's been about a week, hasn't it? I mean, even if you had, you know [possibly "finished it"] yesterday...

Chris: [Interrupting again]] Well, in my--in my dis--yeeah. Yeah, well, okay, I did update the CWCipedia day before yesterday.

Alec: [Alec interrupts] With new comic pages?

Chris: I didn't necessarily upload. I made an update.

Alec: W-what kind of update did you make?


Chris: [Can't understand the "Abeyru" sounding thing he says.] the captain's log or a quote update.

Alec: W-well, like, a quote? Really? I mean...What does that take? 5 minutes?

Chris: Yeah I mean, well--I mean uh--I--[I give up. Tardspeak]--answer letters and ema--in--To answer mailbag letters but I just--

Alec: [Interrupting] Yeah, you got some mail--You got some mailbags piling up too.

Chris: I-I just-I just could not--I just could not stand the, uh, image that was plag--that was plaguing my CWCipedia, that Mao put up. [Disapproving "Um" from Alec] I just could not stand that.

Alec: You know, Chris, if we confront our demons head on and defeat them, we come out stronger on the other side. You won't accomplish anything by running from the ads just 'cause they're unpleasant to look at. I mean [Chris puts in a "Right" quickly] Yo--You se--You know, this is the internet. You've seen tonnes of unpleasant crap, I'm sure I have. It doesn't stop me from [Chris quickly: "Yeah"] going on the internet. Um, a-and like I said; "Sonichu is serious business". It's your job. You should--and jo-Jobs are difficult. Jobs are hard. And... [Chris quickly: "Yeah"] I've had--I've had plenty of hard jobs. Like, you...I don't think you have any real work experience, right? But trust me, jobs are difficult.

Chris: [Probably disregarding everything Alec has just said because he mentioned that Chris has never had a hard job and Chris has only ever had "hard working jobs"] Hmm. Yeah, anyway uh...Is there anything else?


Alec: Umm...Like I said, y-you know; Take Simonla out of the comic and, in the comic, apologize to me and Mao and Evan for...for everything I've listed.

Chris: Yeah. Okay.

Alec: And...

Chris: [Interrupting] I have the list here.

Alec: Um, can I ask you what you're going to do to get your fans back? 'Cause you've lost a lot of fans to me and I know you want them back.

Part 3 on Youtube. 2:08

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Chris and Alec Call 5 Alec Benson Leary calls Chris and Alec Call 7

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