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==Video renaming policy, take 2 - IMPORTANT POLICY DISCUSSION DEALIE==
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Okay, there's a lot of talk about videos, mostly because people don't understand the rationale behind the current policy.
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The current policy is this - generally, to name videos where Chris addresses a wide audience as "Captain's Log" (as opposed to videos where he says "This is to Clyde Cash..." or "This is to [insert sweetheart here]..."). The rationale is that Chris tends to name his videos dates which isn't very useful. In cases where it's not a Captain's Log but it's still a nonsensical title, generally people call it something like "Chris threatens Clyde again" or something that describes the action of the video.
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This isn't the best system, as some people complain that it's only a Captain's Log when Chris says it is, while others say that a Captain's Log is a general theme. The problem is, this can be confusing - people generally don't consider [[IamSTRAIGHT]] as a captain's log sort of video.
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Ideally, I think we should just call the videos what they were originally called (much like how The Beatles's 1968 album is [[Wikipedia:The Beatles (album)|"The Beatles"]] on Wikipedia and not "The White Album" as 99% of the population refers to it). The problem is, at least one occasion Chris released two videos with the same name (I believe it was 10252009) and that it's a bitch to find videos that way.
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Clyde suggested using quotes, which is a more natural approach - people tend to think, at least in my experience, videos in terms of things Chris said like "the video where he says 'DYKES DYKES CHINA!'" But take a video like [[Captain's Log, Stardate August 3rd, 2008|this]]. Should it be called "DYKES DYKES CHINA"? "YOU'RE DA HOMOS!"? "YOU'RE THE PEDOFORKS, YOU DORKS!"? They're all memorable quotes and many Chris videos have many memorable quotes that they can't be characterized by one. Conversely, some videos are quite forgettable.
Anyways, what I'm trying to get at is that we need get a conversation going about how to approach titling pages for videos. Obviously we need to make a note about what Chris officially calls the videos. Ultimately, we need a system that promotes usability and makes it easy for people to find videos.
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So let's try and think of ways to approach this. --[[User:Champthom|Champthom]] 23:21, 3 November 2009 (CET)
==This Day in Christory==
i've added a new section to the front page that displays a message based on the day of the year. to add more stuff, read [[Template:Christory Entry|this]] and then make a page that follows this format:
*Template:Christory/(Month in words) (Day in numbers, less than 10 padded with zeros)
for example:
*Template:Christory/October 01
*Template:Christory/November 23
i'd like it if someone could add a huge list of all the possible entries to the bottom of [[Template:Christory]](within the noinclude tags, of course) so it's easier to tell which have been made already and which haven't --[[User:Cogsdev|cogsdev/vedsgoc]] 01:51, 1 November 2009 (CET)
*I created the list for November. So gais, whenever you have time, pleas scroll trough the [[CWChronology]] and start eliminating the blue links on the list. Oh, and if a certain date doesn't have anything happening on it, just leave it blank, and hope that Chris does something funny on it [[2009|this year]]. :3 [[User:RachmaninovDESU|RachmaninovDESU]] 22:47, 1 November 2009 (CET)
**Considering Cogsdev wants a huge list of all possible entries, is it OK for measly commoners such as myself to start adding some of the other months? i.e. December onwards. [[User:Xentrilus|Xentrilus]] 00:28, 3 November 2009 (CET)
***Oh sure I guess, it's a hell of a job, and any work we do on it now we won't have to do in the future. :3 [[User:RachmaninovDESU|RachmaninovDESU]] 01:43, 3 November 2009 (CET)
***please do whatever days you like, there's no restrictions --[[User:Cogsdev|cogsdev/vedsgoc]] 03:31, 3 November 2009 (CET)
==IRC Formatting==
Has anyone got all the IRC chat logs in their original format? I want to write a script that will output them in a format like on [[User:Ed.kelly.sonichu/IRC_Format|this page]]. If there's a few different formats it doesn't matter, I just want the raw text files as they were before being uploaded and formatted. --[[User:Ed.kelly.sonichu|Ed Kelly]] 05:21, 1 November 2009 (CET)
*canine probably does, i'll direct him here --[[User:Cogsdev|cogsdev/vedsgoc]] 05:32, 1 November 2009 (CET)
** uhh... yeah, pm me on rizon, i'm canine [[User:Canine|Canine]] 06:13, 1 November 2009 (CET)
== Titles of Videos should just be whatever Chris put down ==
unless he put down just a date or just ECV then we should either use the quotable line that most people will remember or...something this is getting too confusing for me. [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 00:06, 2 November 2009 (CET)
examples- [[10252009 For Kacey]] should just be For Kacey
[[For Chris II] should just be For Chris No 2
many of the captain's log that don't explicitly say CAPTAN'S ROG should really be retitled to something more descriptive. i know champ you want to use the Captain's ROGARU for every video he "addresses" to the fans, but who gives a shit. if chris gave a shit to say caputanaRU'S LOGARUUUUU then it must have been important enough for CHRIS so stuff. and stuff. AND STUFF AND STUF FCUCKSE YUSEIJYALRKAW YIHOJBNIUO^ $NYB(& [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 00:40, 2 November 2009 (CET)
:*I've held similar concerns for a while. Now that I have jerkop privileges, I'm trying to sort all of that stuff out as best I can. Giving articles for Chris's videos sensible titles is currently my top priority!
:*As for "For Kacey" in particular, you'll notice that Chris has essentially called ''two'' videos "For Kacey". One of them is [[10252009 For Kacey]], and the other is the earlier [[For Kacey from CWC]]. Thus, it'd be somewhat rash to re-title 10252009 For Kacey "For Kacey". Really, 10252009 For Kacey should be re-titled "For Kacey II", and the earlier For Kacey from CWC should be re-titled "For Kacey". In fact, I'll make those changes right now. :3
:*Keep in mind that re-directs from official titles are automatically being generated whenever I move a page, so nothing's being screwed up in that respect. And I keep the official titles, bolded, in the lead sentences of their respective pages. Everything should be A-okay. [[User:Llort|Llort]] 01:47, 2 November 2009 (CET)
*[[User:Llort|Llort]] gives a shit. Or at least someone was very hardcore about this shit a few months ago and I'm like "fine dude, so be it." Also, people had their say when we discussed this a few months ago. But using a memorable line may be a good idea, similar to "THAT IS MY HOUSE" though people have different ideas of "memorable" lines. --[[User:Champthom|Champthom]] 01:49, 2 November 2009 (CET)
:*That "For Kacey from CWC" video should remain what it is, as it's different from "For Kacey" and maybe make a note about it on each page, to clarify it for people. --[[User:Champthom|Champthom]] 01:52, 2 November 2009 (CET)
:*Well, I was re-naming the second "For Kacey" as "For Kacey II" to clear up the confusion. I'd like "For Kacey from CWC" to remain simply "For Kacey" for that reason, but I don't think it wise to revert your reversion of my move unless you give me a thumbs-up to that effect! [[User:Llort|Llort]] 01:56, 2 November 2009 (CET)
::*But they're different. One is "For Kacey", another one is "For Kacey from CWC." Two different things. One has "from CWC" to it. No less confusing than adding "For Kacey II." Also, in the event Chris makes another video with the same name, maybe make it "Video title (date)" with date for each video. --[[User:Champthom|Champthom]] 02:33, 2 November 2009 (CET)
Okay I change my mind. If Chris does a stupid nondescript title like 09205398 or Update September 2008 or some bullshit, change it, make note of the original title but yeah. [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 20:06, 3 November 2009 (CET)
==Original Video Titles==
Does anyone have a comprehensive list of the original titles that Chris has used for all of his YouTube videos? If not, does anyone have a way to at least find out those titles, especially for Chris's oldest videos and his newer ones that've been taken down? I'm trying to fix up a bunch of page titles, but I'll need that info where it's no longer readily available. Any help would be much appreciated! [[User:Llort|Llort]] 00:04, 3 November 2009 (CET)
* no www.youtube.com/cchan6789 for a few of them. most of them are gone though :( [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 19:54, 3 November 2009 (CET)
:*That sucks. I've been working through the CChan6789 videos slowly but surely; it's too bad to hear that most of the titles for videos even earlier than those are likely lost forever. :( [[User:Llort|Llort]] 22:28, 3 November 2009 (CET)
::*Try some of the other CWC video archive channels on YouTube. They tend to use the original titles whereas Arjen and TheCWCvilleLibrary opted for clever titles (like "The Realization"). --[[User:Champthom|Champthom]] 22:58, 3 November 2009 (CET)
==Old Titles==
Captain's Log, Stardate November 7th, 2007 - [[Chris Chan's Public Announcement]]
Captain's Log, Stardate August 3rd, 2008 - [[CWC's Second Message]]
Captain's Log, Stardate August 6th, 2008 - [[Attention All Sonichu Fans (NOT HATERS)]]
Captain's Log, Stardate August 8th, 2008 - ???
Captain's Log, Stardate August 15th, 2008 - [[An Official Sonichu Update]]
Captain's Log, Stardate August 28th, 2008 -
Sonichu Game Talk Part 1
Sonichu Game Talk Part 2
Captain's Log, Stardate September 11th, 2008 - Christian's Update Sept. 11, 2008
Captain's Log, Stardate September 13th, 2008 - Christian's Update Sept. 13, 2008
[[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 20:01, 3 November 2009 (CET)
*Thanks, Clyde. I'm with you now that the "Captain's Log" titles need to go. I'll take these suggestions of yours into consideration when I get around to actually making said name changes, but I won't start that process until I've done a bit more digging into the original titles. While I figured that you would be my best bet, a partial list could still turn up from some unlikely place! [[User:Llort|Llort]] 23:06, 3 November 2009 (CET)
**to clarify, these titles are the OFFICIAL AND ORIGINIAL titles. granted, I don't think it's a huge loss if we can't recover all of them. the descriptions on the few are nice though [[User:Clydec|Clydec]] 23:07, 3 November 2009 (CET)
***Yeah, I gotcha, Clyde. I'd left my browser open for a while, and I was responding to your original list of suggested titles. You've quickly rendered my above post largely irrelevant, and I thank you for that. You were my best bet after all. :) [[User:Llort|Llort]] 23:11, 3 November 2009 (CET)
****Family Guy is funny, and Megan Marie Griffin is THE BEST Character of the show. If she was a real woman, and a year older, I would LOVE to be her Sweetheart. desc for august 8 still looking for title

Latest revision as of 06:36, 1 April 2018

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