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(don't think the Lainchu name fits since he wasn't commonly known as it and it wasn't his own pseudonym)
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#Redirect [[The WCT]]
{{Infobox Person
|name    = Sean Walker
|image    = SeanWalker.png
|imagesize= 200
|birthsrc =
|aliases  = Leo Azul<ref name=EverfreeSecurity/><br>Psychic Espeon<ref name="WCTThread/><br>Neko / Neko Onyx<ref name=RSD>See Gallery section in [[Randy Stair discussion]]></ref><br>Kat<ref name=RSD></ref><br>TheWildcat (WCT)<ref name="WCTThread/><br>Lainchu<ref name=lainchu/><br>BrownHairedDragon<ref name="BrownHairedDragon"/><br>Conner<ref name="WCTThread/>
|gender    = Male<ref name="WCTWiki"/>
|race    = Part-Filipino<ref name=naughtthread/>
|nationality    = American
|organization = [[Watchmen]] (formerly)
|saga = [[Saga#Watchmen Saga (Late 2019 - June 2021)|Watchmen]], [[Saga#Bella Saga (20 April 2020 - 30 July 2021)|Bella]]
'''Sean Walker''', more commonly known online as '''The Wildcat (WCT)''', '''Psychic Espeon''', '''Neko Onyx''', and plenty of other pseudonyms, is a former [[Watchmen]] member and wannabe school shooter, self-described as "one of the final protagonists" of Christory.<ref name='finalprotagonist'>{{Cite farms|thread=97689|post=9742266|title=Sean declaring himself as a "final protagonist"}}</ref> He boasted that he was proud about his eventual feature in [[Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History|Geno Samuel's documentary series]].<ref name='finalprotagonist'/> He has also claimed himself to be a "successor" to [[Null|Joshua Moon]] of the Kiwi Farms, even having one of his white knight pseudonyms be "'''Conner'''",<ref name="WCTThread>{{Cite farms|thread=97689|title=Sean Walker / @Psychic Espeon / Lainchu / WCT / WildCat / Neko (etc.) - Self-described "Final Protagonist of Christory", spree-killer fanboy, connected to Bellagate}}</ref> Josh's middle name, in spite of having a deep-rooted hatred towards the man.{{cite}}
==As a Watchman==
===Becoming a Watchman===
Through watching ''[[Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History]]'', Sean became "fascinated" with Chris in early to mid-2018.<ref name="WCTWiki"/> Sean, an amatuer documentarian, then joined the [[Discord#CWC Rebellion|CWC Rebellion server]], where he made friends with a user named "Smoky Chris". The aspiring documentarians met in GenoSamuel's Discord server some time in 2019. <ref>[https://archive.fo/o/Syrle/https://twitter.com/VilleCwc An archive of Sean and Smoky Chris meeting on Twitter]</ref> Sean had also met Naught in the GenoSamuel server when he hung out with Joseph Draft, director of CWC vs the world, who were both early Watchmen.
He later joined the Watchmen, where he mainly archived calls involving Chris while maintaining a YouTube channel that posted Chris-centric content which has since been privated. In February 2021, he attempted to become the fourth person behind the role of 'Lainchu,' an OC created by the Watchmen, but was rejected by Chris, who still preferred his predecessor.<ref name=lainchu>[[March 2021 Watchmen leaks#Rejection of the Fourth Lainchu]]</ref>
===Internal conflicts===
{{quote|I doxed Sean since he asked me to use his Logan account on kiwi farms, and I said no.
Yet, when I was banned from kiwi farms he said no, so i doxed him it didn't help he kept blaming me for striking his video's as he worked with lolcow.org to make a thread on me.|An actual edit from Naught, admitting to have doxxed Sean.<ref>[https://archive.ph/wip/9215A Archive of the edit]</ref>}}
Early in [[June 2021]], The WCT dox was reposted on [[Kiwi Farms]] by fellow Watchman and group leader Bismuth.<ref name=naughtthread>[https://www.lolcow.org/threads/anameisaname-bismuth-anon-llc-naught-nitto-nanashi-death-of-chans-doppelganger-nightmare-tardwarsllc-heart-cpu-bismuth-heart.724/ Bismuth thread on lolcow.org] [https://archive.fo/G30td (archive)]</ref> When Sean confronted Bismuth in a voice chat, Bismuth denied the allegation, then threatened to further dox Sean in an attempt to silence him.<ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3hYztxRHRA Watchmen Call (June 21, 2021)] </ref> Sean explained the events to Chris himself, who believed The WCT's evidence and apparently cut ties with Bismuth over it.<ref name=wctinterview>[[Sean Walker#Interview|July 2021 interview]]</ref>
Sean was eventually doxed by a Watchman, [[naught]], on /cow/ in 2019, and on lolcow farm. Much later, Sean revealed to [[Bella]] that he had been "working with Former Kiwi Farmers to bring down the Watchmen".<ref name=chess>[https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/servers-zip.2416454/ Zip file of Chess Club Discord leaks hosted at Kiwi Farms]. See "Chess group # 15 - general" at 20-Jul-21 1:42 AM timestamp. [[:File:Sean_bella_allen.png|Also in screenshot form]].</ref>
Shortly after, Sean was banned from [[The Place]], the Watchmen's [[Discord]] server. In response, Chris left the server himself. In Sean's own words, "[Chris] saw my banning as a signal to him that my suspicions about Bismuth and the others were correct." The [[Praetor]] group, who had also been in the server, left it as well following Chris's departure.<ref name=wctinterview></ref> In late June, [[MKRNightVee]] tagged Chris’s Twitter and posted, “Have fun getting fucked over by WCT and [[Praetor]].”<ref>https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1410076709148266498 (archive: https://archive.fo/zb0wM)</ref> accusing Sean of having sinister motives, including "probably [wanting] Chris to kill himself in a similar manner [to Randy Stair].<ref>https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1410103600932548609 (archive: https://archive.md/UKGom)</ref>
Sean created a successor group and invited in Chris and several of the Watchmen who had been in The Place, titling his group [[Knights of CWC|The Knights of CWC]].
Sean gave [[Sean Walker#Interview|an interview to the CWCki]] explaining his side of the story.
==Randy Stair==
{{main|Randy Stair}}
Sean was a regular contributor to a wiki dedicated to the documentation of [[Randy Stair]], who infamously killed three people and then himself after losing his mind, having held his own obsession with Stair since at least [[July 2018]],<ref name="WCTWiki">[https://the-egs-reupload.fandom.com/wiki/The_WCT?oldid=564 "The WCT" - EGS Reupload Wiki] [https://web.archive.org/web/20210811043202/https://the-egs-reupload.fandom.com/wiki/The_WCT (archive)]</ref> according to a wiki page [[Ego|he made about himself]].<ref>[https://the-egs-reupload.fandom.com/wiki/The_WCT?action=history History of the page shows only one contributor, 'BrownHairedDragon'] [https://web.archive.org/web/20210913153431/https://the-egs-reupload.fandom.com/wiki/The_WCT?action=history (archive)]</ref><ref name="BrownHairedDragon">[https://kiwifarms.net/threads/thread-retired-isabella-loretta-janke-bella-the-chris-chan-incest-troll-and-her-clique-of-extremely-sick-people.96787/post-9706881 BrownHairedDragon is confirmed to be Sean himself]</ref>
Sean produced a YouTube documentary on Stair. In [[November 2020]], Chris found the documentary and took an interest in Stair's story, particularly the aspects involving Stair's belief in [[Chris and reality|fictional characters existing in an alternate dimension]].<ref name=discussion>[[Randy Stair discussion]]</ref>
Chris recorded an audio file to "help [Stair] get a post-death message out," giving the file to Sean.<ref name=discussion></ref>
Over the course of his interactions with Chris, Sean displayed numerous strange behaviors, including seemingly doxxing himself to Chris at one point.<ref name="California">[[Chris channels Randy#"Randy" just starts rambling about the Merge|Chris reveals in a call that he knows Sean's home state.]]</ref>
==Interactions with Bella==
On 13 July 2021, Chris brought up [[Bella]] to Sean, telling Sean she would be accompanying him to [[Everfree Northwest]], as Sean had expressed concern over [[Jacob Sockness]] attending the same con<ref name=EverfreeSecurity>[[Sean Walker Discord DMs#Everfree security]]</ref>, declaring that he had plans to attend in disguise to meet with Chris.<ref>{{Cite Reddit
|title= Going to Ever Free
|username=[[Jacob Sockness|luvshak214]]
|archive=https://archive.fo/dcP2u}}</ref> On 19 July, Chris invited Bella, as well as the [[Suitress]], into the [[Knights of CWC]],<ref>[[Sean Walker Discord DMs#Invitation]]</ref> a [[Watchmen]] splinter group headed by Sean, and the group discussed plans to protect Chris from Sockness.<ref>[[:File:Discussioneverfree8.png]]</ref><ref>[[:File:Discussioneverfree9.png]]</ref>
Bella invited Sean and Chris into her Chess Club Discord server. which they discuss Chris. Sean also asked Bella to assist him in doxing Naught, calling him an "evil man."<ref name=chess></ref>
{{Protip|Given the complicated history with WCT, it's possible that at least some of his claims here are not completely TRUE or HONEST. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.}}
The WCT was interviewed over Discord about the Watchmen breakup on 11 July 2021. The WCT's messages are in blue and the interviewer's in green.
{{quoteboxgreen|Hi. Someone told me you’re The WCT. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to ask you some questions about the Watchmen breakup for the Cwcki.}}
{{quotebox|hi there.
and yes, by all means ask said questions.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|The initial conflict seems to be between you and Bismuth, that Bismuth doxed you. How did it grow to break up the Watchmen group?}}
{{quotebox|After I concluded that it was Bismuth that was responsible for the doxing, I made the choice to contact MKRNightVee (or Meghan some of you know her as) and I showed her a lot of screenshots in DMs that compared the typing style of his old Kiwi Farms accounts to one that he used to dox me. (which was Nightmare)
I recall telling her that I was 90 percent sure that it was him.
But in spite of the evidence that I had presented to her at the time, she didn't believe me. And during our VC on June 21st, She and Kyle were still not convinced.
They originally thought it was somebody who I angered in the past, but knowing what the Nightmare account was up to at the time, I knew that it was him.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|How did Chris learn of the dispute?}}
{{quotebox|Not long after the VC, I decided that I would contact him myself.
So with the help of a Former Watchmen who had his phone number, I was able to get in contact with him on June 25th.
And there, I had an hour and 40 minute talk with him that first started off as any conversation I'd usually have with him until I was comfortable enough to tell him the details.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|Did you show Chris the same evidence that you did to MKRNightVee?}}
{{quotebox|When I was talking with MKR, I didn't show her as much evidence at the time since the Investigation was still ongoing. And compared to what I shared with Chris, I shared less with MKR.
Not because I didn't trust her, but it was because there was not enough information available at the time. And what I ended up showing Chris was a combination of the Kiwi Farms posts and the VC that I had with the rest of the group.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|How did Chris react to it?}}
{{quotebox|It took Chris a while to process it.
With each screenshot, he began to believe that my claims were true. And when we were both going over the VC, he noticed how Bismuth was getting really defensive and thought that he was clearly lying to me.
Especially when I told Bismuth that Josh (Null) claimed to me that him and Nightmare were the same person.
And that 3-4 seconds of silence on his part was something that helped convince Chris that I was in the right.
He also noticed how hostile Bismuth was getting towards me as well, especially when I kept on asking him if he doxed me or not. Chris saw that as a red flag.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|Did Chris cut ties with Bismuth?}}
{{quotebox|From what I know, yes he did.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|What happened between Chris and MKRNightVee? MKR’s recent tweets indicate they’ve had a falling out. Is it related to the Watchmen breakup?}}
{{quotebox|yes it is.
Meghan was upset that Chris had sided with me in regards to what had happened.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|How does Praetor fit in to this? MKRNightVee has said in a tweet that you’ve teamed up with them.}}
{{quotebox|Praetor had nothing to do with what happened.
Its just that when they got word from Chris that he had left the server, they followed. So it makes sense on MKR's part to accuse me of working with them because we all either got banned or left the place at the same time.
It was a strange coincidence yes, but there is zero contact between me and Caden.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|What server did Chris leave?}}
{{quotebox|The Watchmen's Place.
as some of you might've heard of on the CWCki. - https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Discord#The_Watchmen.27s_Place}}
{{quoteboxgreen|Why did he leave it?}}
{{quotebox|when he got word that I got banned from the server (by Kyle that is), he saw it as a green light to leave it himself.
So essentially he saw my banning as a signal to him that my suspicions about Bismuth and the others were correct.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|Are you still in contact with Chris?}}
{{quotebox|at this moment in time, I'm not.
We went our separate ways not long after the Watchmen had broken up and I believe that its for the best for both me and him.
And rather or not if he wants to be in touch with me still is completely up to him, but I won't be too surprised if he had already moved on at this point, and I respect whatever path he goes on moving forward.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|Forgot to ask earlier, but what was your motivation for informing Chris of the conflict between you and Bismuth/MKR/Kyle?}}
{{quotebox|I was running out of options on what to do. When MKR and Kyle didn't believe my claims, I felt that I had no choice but to inform Chris on what had happened.
It was a very risky move on my part to do that, but I don't regret telling him.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|That’s all the questions I have. Thank you for answering. Is there anything else you would like to add?}}
{{quotebox|I just want to let people know that Chris is now a free man with nobody to dictate his actions. And for his sake, it needs to remain that way.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|Thanks again. I'll look to getting this conversation to the CWCki. Do you want your username/avatar censored?}}
File:The WCT interview1.png
File:The WCT interview2.png
File:The WCT interview3.png
File:The WCT interview4.png
File:The WCT interview5.png
File:The WCT interview6.png
With his last remaining hours of freedom, Chris chose to send his final known online message to Sean Walker, informing him that the pets were being taken care of.<ref>[[Sean Walker Discord DMs#Chris's final messages]]</ref> Within a few hours, Chris was [[August 2021 Arrest and Court Case#Arrest|taken into custody]]. With Chris in jail and Sean's identity doxxed by the Farms, he hasn't made a move since this exchange. It remains to be seen if he has plans for when - if ever - Chris gets out of jail, but it's likely his involvement in Chris's life is over.
[[Category:White Knights]]

Latest revision as of 10:51, 26 December 2021

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