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I'll just ramble here.
[[User:MoarLurk/MoarRambles|And here.]]

Oh, and I'm the guy whose letter caused Chris to describe the mildest nightmare ever.
I'm the guy whose letter caused Chris to describe the mildest nightmare ever.

I mean, seriously, how can Chris consider a nightmare where OTHER PEOPLE are suffering to be terrible?
I mean, seriously, how can Chris consider a nightmare where OTHER PEOPLE are suffering to be terrible?

I had a dream about Chris last night.
I had a dream about Chris once.

He stuck his hand (the one with the High School Ring on it) in front of the camera, and then dumped a bunch of pills into it.
He stuck his hand (the one with the High School Ring on it) in front of the camera, and then dumped a bunch of pills into it.
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I wonder if Chris really roars on the rare occasion he actually uses the goddamn toilet?
I wonder if Chris really roars on the rare occasion he actually uses the goddamn toilet?

This has nothing to do with Chris, but one of the news items on my homepage today was "THE PLOT OF ECLIPSE IS REVEALED, THE IDIOT GIRL HAS TO PICK BETWEEN THE FURRY AND ROBERT PATTINSON!".  Jesus CHRIST, I know those books SUCK, but could people actually read them?  I mean, I guess I'm happy and all, because that means I can spam fake spoilers everywhere.  Also, Pattinson only has one more awful movie to go.
==YT Login==
==To Chris==
Hello, Chris, and welcome to my page.  In the event that you wandered here, I just wanted to let you know that you have my permission to attempt to deny the honest truth on this page.  However, you are more than welcome to assist in my speculations--especially with regards to what happened the day you were pulled out of class so your screaming could be recorded and what "mental institution" you were going to be sent to.
But you're going to want to know why I troll you, so I'll give you that answer as well.  Naturally, I find it funny, but I also believe that you are a horrible, horrible person--I've known you over the internet for more than a year, and I've seen the entirety of your life splayed across the internet for everyone to see.  No matter how many times you claim that I don't know you in person, you won't change the fact that you are a horrible person.
It's not, as you assume, because I'm a horrible person--I've got a bunch of good friends on and off the internet.  It's not because my life is miserable, either--in fact, it's quite awesome and I am very pleased with myself.  I'm perusing the major of my choice with the intent to enter a field I have wanted to be in since I was ten.  Life isn't like fiction, Chris--sometimes people just torment specific people because they feel like it.
And it's not about my Aspergers(when I was diagnosed at seven the doctors weren't sure if it was HFA or Aspergers), either.  Honestly, I didn't even know what it was until I was thirteen and even then I didn't give a damn.
== Theories ==
Something I've noticed about Chris and authority--Chris envies it.
So does Chris consider his comic self to be a separate person or an equal?  The lines tend to blur, but at the times when Chris sees them as separate entities, I think I can detect a small amount of jealousy in his tone.  That he's not the Lord of CWCville.  That Sonichu isn't with him.  That he didn't travel to the future and fuck his wife.  That there isn't a gay hegehog telling him everything he should do in clearly defined steps.  That his medal is just a hunk of clay.  That there's a city that obeys his beck and call and he can blow up ED for making fun of him.
This is why Chris wants his town built--he's jealous of Comic Chris because of all the neat toys he has.
I'd like to see a fic where the real Chris is sucked into CWCville and has to put up with his comic self--who thinks that he's an impostor.
Chris has no concept of maintenance.  He can't take care of himself and obviously doesn't take care of his fans.  I'm going to try and tap that logic of his.
His poor hygiene, I think, can be pinned on his parents failing to teach him to shower every day.  Simple.
Failure to understand fans?  Lack of empathy--Chris like Sonic because Sonic is Sonic.  He likes Sonic 2006 because it had Sonic in it.  He bought the PS3 because Sonic was on it.  He doesn't understand that something has to be good to maintain popularity--he refused to listen to Yathzee's Sonic Unleashed review and ignored me when I brought up the fact that Sonic 2006 got universally bad reviews.
It seems to me that Chris has a very childish notion of dreaming.  He seems to think that if he has a dream, it was made for him and him alone by GodJesus.  If he's feeling down, it's the task of GodJesus to make sure he has a good dream to make him feel better.
This makes sense, though.  All of Chris's plans abide by some form of logic up until a certain point--the point where anything might happen.  At this point, he automatically assumes that the best case scenario will happen--that he'll win the art contest, that Kacey will fall in love with him when she learns that he is really not Ian Brandon Anderson, that Liquid will drop out of the contest after he sings Lift Up Your Eyes.
So it makes sense that the best case scenario of a good dream--that it was a vision of his future sent by GodJesus to make him feel better--will fall victim to this as well.
"I am--OPEN!"
Naitsirhc isn't just referring to Chris's closeted homosexuality.
Some forms of media like to create villains who are just like the hero at their core, they just made different choices.
To Chris, Naitsirhc is one of these.  He allegedly insults Gio at every chance he gets, disrespects his Sonichu, and failed to suppress his homosexuality.  Chris already thinks that most homosexuals act like stereotypical black people (evidenced by his assumption that "Don't trust those new niggers over there" would keep the same meaning if he replaced most instances of "nigger" with "homo") and that they're all out to corrupt him.
"Behold the power of the well-trusted dog!"
Hmmm.  This is more than a line stolen from Excel Saga.  I'm going to use it as evidence to support my theory that Chris "trusted" Patti with his deepest angst after high school.
I mean, think about it.  We all saw what Bob's reaction to Chris bitching was: "I don't care what you do, just get that stuff offa there!".  And from the Kacey and Liquid call, Barbara seems to hate dealing with Chris whining if he does it enough.  Patti couldn't talk back if she wanted to, and besides dogs are known for being made of love and affection.
High school, for Chris, was so bad he had to go onto Paxil.  And I know that, much like some of his homemade Pokemon cards, he can't sustain himself unless he has a ton of mental defenses.  Without Sonichu at this stage, and CWCville a mere idea, he may have gone out to play with Patti--something humans do.
(NOTE TO SELF: She might simultaneously want an ideal son and preschool Chris at the same time, think about that)
"I was shocked at first sight of it, but I calmed down after a while. It's the same, more or less, when I watch a horror movie and see those parts, but at least I have the knowledge that it's all Hollywood Magic."
What does he mean by this?  Does he mean that Asperchu just features his characters in a movie, or is he claiming that he's disturbed by the fact that half the Combo just got slaughtered by Metal Asperchu?
I think I've stumbled onto why Chris is able to watch Saw but can't play Brutal Legend without turning on the censor and disabling the blood.
I've heard of people who freaked out the first time they died in Sonic or Mario or whatever.  The reason?  They thought that they'd actually killed their character.  The Transformers movie, where Optimus died, came out when Chris was five.  This is the age we all run into this issue, and Chris was no different.  In his case, he screamed and locked himself in the closet because he thought Optimus was really dead forever and he'd never be on TV again.  Chris recovered because Optimus has died three more times since then, but not in the right way.
For us, we learned how to tell fiction from reality.  For Chris, he began to hope that the character could be brought back to life--by begging the creators of the series to let them "come back".
Now, when Chris writes Sonichu, he tries to remove everything he hates about normal fiction.  And since he thinks we all share the same opinion as he does, he doesn't do anything to change it.  He dumps spoilers left and right because he hates thinking that there is a possibility that the hero might actually go the way of Optimus.  He hates knowing that the heroes are mortal, because knowing that makes him worry.  And since Chris won't watch the news for the same reason, he's convinced that all heroes should be as boring and invincible as himsef.
He won't kill off Simonla because, well, aside from her being validation of Wild's heterosexuality, he thinks Wild is a real person.  This is why Asperchu hurts him--someone draws his characters doing something, and he thinks that they're actually being forced to do it.  It's Xent's Magi-chan fic, only Chris thinks the Narrative of others can afflict his town without access to the comic pages.  So someone ought to do a comic adaptation of the fic immediately.
Fuck yes I was almost right.
The Roger Rabbit stuff doesn't surprise me much, actually.  The first person I trolled was this insane girl who thought she'd figured out how to reach what she called the "Astral Plane", but it was basically what Chris refers to as "Toon World".  That is, every fictional character ever created was there.  Though, unlike Chris, she claimed that she'd actually gone there via meditation and married Sephiroth.  I'm of the impression that the same things happened in the Harry Potter fandom as well and I am almost certain that Twilight has this problem too--thought it's worse because Smyer is in on it as well.
It's a common trait among lulzcows--but with Chris, this means FUN FUN FUN.  All that porn we drew?  Sonichu was mind controlled into gay sex with Chris.  Crystal was forced to suck off the Jerkeif against her will, meaning we raped her.  Sonichu was forced to swear loyalty to Mary Lee Walsh.  Chris was put in diapers and then made to fuck his mom.  Rosechu suddenly grew a penis, which Sonichu was then forced to take up his ass.  And they struggled to resist as we made them rape their children.
Oh, and since they're all aspects of Chris to begin with, tormenting one will hurt Chris.  Chris is too easy to torment and he just made it easier.
Still, while we now know for sure that he thinks his fictional world is real, we've still got one important thing to figure out.
The distinction between Comic Chris and Real Chris.
I know Real Chris will refer to Comic Chris as "me", but remember his different definitions--he may just be unaware that he looks like he thinks he's his fictional counterpart.
I think the only solution is to draw Comic Chris changing the laws in CWCville.  We could probably get the drawfag who made the diaper picture to do it as well.  For added authenticity, of course.  Have him irrevocably state that he lost the election to Max Molvana(who is alive, I think Chris would panic if he realized he was back).
== Characters as Mary Sues ==
Sonichu isn't Chris's only Mary Sue.
Wild and Magi-chan fall into this category as well.
Sonichu, as we all know, is who Chris desires to be.  Rosechu is a lot of things, but it's easier to just say she's his ideal sweetheart(who is also his ideal daughter, sister, mother, and dog).  Ultra Sonichu is the projection of his God Complex while Lioness is the projection of his rage at not being able to live out said God complex--not that Ultra Sonichu and Hobo Chris don't seem to be that much stronger than each other.
To expand on this, I would not doubt that Chris wants to relive his childhood via the comic.  In that way, Sonichu is his ideal father and Rosechu his ideal mother(Freud says all men do this subconsciously I hear but I like to think it's worse with Chris).  I would also not doubt that one of the children is a sue for Chris as well--it would make sense.  But which one?  One of the girls is supposed to be Crystal, and Chris isn't adverse to wishing he was born a woman. 
It could be that the Crystal Sue is also the Chris Sue.
Though, I suspect Robbie Sonee to be Chris's sue.  He's had the most "screentime" out of any of the little bastards(I think, anyway).  His father loves and respects him because he exists--something Chris feels Bob doesn't do.  In fact, I think his Christmas wasn't going too well and he had to write the Christmas story as a coping mechanism--it stopped because Chris felt better.  More so, Chris secretly respects Bob but not in the way he claims--as noted in my explanation of Wild, Chris desires Bob's respect, which makes me think that Chris wishes he was Bob.  Robbie is named for Bob(I think he was designed during a sweetheart saga--Bob becomes Chris's favorite parent because Snorlax starts trying to save him from us).
Yeah.  Robbie is almost certainly Chris's sue.
Christine--Chris tried and failed to upload an image of her.  It was named "CrystalRosey.JPG".  He slipped up, she's the Crystal Sue.
Cerah is clearly supposed to be Chris's memories of young Sarah.
That he's put his childhood into the comic as well opens up new avenues for abusing him--he seems to comprehend this on a subconscious level.  He may think that they are real because he, who is real, has put a portion of himself into them.  They are real in the sense that they are a part of Chris's warped mind.
Wild represents Chris's desire to be appreciated by his parents.  Look at his backstory--he was raised by a female creature that weighs on average 220 pounds and a terrifying male bug monster with swords for arms.
His father is instantly disappointed when Wild is unable to perform attacks perfectly literally five seconds after he hatches.  Wild cries like a bitch and runs to his mother.  This tells me that Chris thinks Bob should expect less of him.
Eventually, ScytherBob is abducted, leaving Wild to be raised exclusively by Mama Venusaurlax.  This makes me suspect that Chris thinks his life would be better if Bob didn't give him all of da stress.
However, Wild does something Chris doesn't.  He's going to reconcile with his father, likely by performing the same attacks he was unable to perform properly at the start.  This makes me think that if he makes Sonichu successful, Bob will respect him.  Notice how, when Bob exerts authority in THAT IS MY HOUSE, he blurts out "EVERYONE, AT MY COMMAND" in an attempt to impress Bob and get him to respect him.  Bob also seems to think that we troll Chris because he has the copyright registration thing, someone convince him otherwise.
As for Magi-chan, Chris has always had a desire to have total control over everything.  He frequently exclaims that he is not a mind-reader, something many with autism spectrum disorders wish they had so they could know exactly what someone means by something.  He's lazy, and so he desires the ability to teleport.  And most of all, Magi-chan can see the future.  Chris hates suspense, as evidenced by his rampant carpet spoiler bombing.  He'd probably also desire knowledge of exactly when he'll find his sweetheart.
== Chris and sexuality ==
Something bothers me.  He seems to think homosexuality is something you can catch, and his opinion of asexuality is "I WOULD HATE NOT BEING ABLE TO FEEL ATTRACTION TO ANYTHING".  Dunno what this means.
== (Retarded) Ideas ==
Y'know, if Chris is redoing the trial scene, one of the Asperpals needs to get involved(I'd prefer Sean)--Chris saw the trial scene as the "payment" for the removal of Simonla and it's likely he'll take the "product" back.  Of course the involvement will only occur if Chris actually gets around to doing it.
How about we tell Chris that we'll make changes to the website if he does an insane video of our request?
He could:
*Make a video voicing his protests while naked and painted yellow.
*Make a video where he reenacts the face rape scene from Episode 17 (Naturally, he will be Rosechu and he will be naked).
It will then turn out that the "changes" we promised consisted of "make an article documenting that video he just made".  When he rages, we tell him that he got his wish and to accept it at face value.
So long as he's got the kilt...
I wonder if we can convince Chris to do a video where he's painted half his body blue or something while clad in the kilt?  Worst case scenario is that he'll paint himself white and red for the next tardrage video while beating up the camera and humming the theme from God of War--don't tell me that wouldn't be funny.
I want this to happen because it will be funny.
Patti Graverobbing and other IRL shenannigans
Yes, I know, it's oversuggested.  But in the event someone who doesn't care about whatever law you break by doing this, I think it could be done(Not that it should).
Logically, you'd do it at night.  Odds are that only Chris will be awake.  Of the three windows in his room, one is covered by the wall of originals and the other two point out the front of the house.  None give him a view of the backyard.  Also, from what I see of the backyard during the tour, her grave is fairly far away from the house and concealed by trees.  It's hard to spot in daylight and even harder at night.  Noise won't make it far enough for Chris to hear (who will either be asleep, playing PS3, or fapping to porn in the kitchen and thus kind of distracted).  In the event Bob dies, this becomes easier.
But there are better, funnier things we could do at their house.
* Snorlax does not know that we have pictures of her.  We know where and when she should be sleeping.
* We could easily tape the photo we have of her (or SnorlaxCameForCWC.jpg) and tape it to the window so the image faces inside.  It'll be the first thing she sees.
* We could put more signs on the lawn--the image of Chris in his mother's undies, a still from THAT IS MY HOUSE with Bob in full view, any of the nudes where we have Chris's face, ect.
* Perhaps a few of the more risque pages from Sonichu?
Tell Alec to make it cannon that Metal Asperchu successfully killed Chris and his Chaotic Clones, at which point he went on to level CWCville(on Bionic's orders, of course).  Oh dear, it looks like I'm getting my wish.
Declare that all further events in Sonichu are halucinations Chris trapped himself in with the last of his power.
Idea.  Liquid Alec.  Have a troll, like Liquid, pretend to be Alec.  Then have Alec deal with him in a public and civil manner.  Might be a nice slap in Chris's face.
Or we can just scrap the Liquid idea and just have Alec claim that he suffered like Chris did at the hands of Max once--well, sorta.  He picked X over Y and the conflict ended there.
Y'know, Chris seems to have a misunderstanding of negative prefixes.  When engaging Clyde and BILLY MAYS in the DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS chat, he claims that the ED page is "unwrongful".  When called out on making up the word, he corrects himself--to "diswrongful".  He seems to think that negative prefixes do not imply the negativity of the word they are attached to(unholy, unfunny, unlikeable) but rather emphasize how bad something is.  Considering that he Types Like This for Emphasis, I wouldn't be supprised.
I just had another one of these ideas.  As anyone who remembers the Alex Wuori raid(it spawned the Fox News report we all know and love), his dox were dropped(he tried to use Anon as his personal army) and his house flooded with pizza, boxes, and Qurans.  The usual stuff and we've already done this to Chris.
There was one thing a poster did that was funny to me at the time.  He hired a birthday clown and claimed that Alex was having his fifth birthday.  Alex wasn't happy about this.
Now to combine it with Chris.  Nothing made me happier than when I saw him raging on Christmas and New Years--days he ought to be happy ruined by having to feel rage.  To Chris, of course, the most important day is his birthday as he is the best thing ever.
Chris has demonstrated before that a single traumatic experience (kicked out of english) can ruin his birthday.  How bad would it be if a clown came up to celebrate little Christopher's fifth birthday?  After all, Chris is mentally five anyway.
It's retarded, I know, but we just have to ruin his birthday somehow.  He will rage.  We will wreck him turning 28.  I wish we could have destroyed CWCipedia then instead, but oh well. 
Mailbag ideas.
Send in a series of letters from:
* An angry group of soccer moms, led by the widow of Mike Jackson.
* People who think Chris is actually a sexually abused five year old.
* More people who were disgusted with his idiotic "neutral" replies.
* People pointing out the shitty lessons Chris is trying to teach.
* Call Chris a dictator.
* People who think he is mentally ill and believes his sex doll do be a girl who "breaks up" with him when it breaks.
* People who think he is Liquid(Old but still annoying to Chris).
* Someone who is angry at Chris because the horribly typoes in his writing and comic are causing their child to fail English.
* People who think Chris is an elaborate troll.
Also, we need a fancomic where Rosechu lives somewhere else.  With a new Ice-type boyfriend.  When Chris becomes enraged over the theft of Rosechu, we start claiming that she doesn't want to go back.  Then we claim that Chris tried to send someone like Wild to get her back, but he used Ice Punch and it was super effective.  Then we flood the mailbag with letters stating that Rosechu is happier in Anonville and wants to stay.  Probably won't do much, but it's fun to hit Chris with his own illogic.
==Aspects from /cwc/==
Wild is either what Chris thinks he could have been if Bob were removed from his life early on(Notice how Venusaur coddles him while Scyther is disappoint shortly before being abducted).
The Scyther is supposed to be Bob--his insane plotline involving Wild that rips off Star Wars(don't ask how evolving to Scizor factors in) only further suggests that he thinks he has an epic conflict with Bob.  Bonus points if Wild abandons Sandy to play out his revenge fantasy--hey, that wouldn't be a bad plot if ScizorBob called him out on that, too bad Chris can't write.
Magi-chan is the part of him that wants to know everything that's going on--Chris hates suspense and not knowing what others are thinking of him, and Magi-chan can both see the future and read minds.
Silvana also had a job. She was supposed to be an avatar of his loneliness, but we managed to corrupt her and now she's his perception of trolls.  Or, at least, she's how he WISHES trolls would be--note that Blake suffers no adverse effects from having sex with her and that Chris isn't even phased by her sub-EDF trolling attempt in Sonichu 10.  Chris didn't even find out that she was faking it, and she failed to steal a single thing from him--note, Chris prefers it when it doesn't turn out that some girl is a troll(excluding Kacey, who must remain pure).  I used to tell playground bullies what they could and couldn't call me--they'd call me the names I told them not to call me and then beat me up, much to my then-confusion.
Sonichu is who he wishes he could be and Rosechu is his ideal girlfriend.
Ultra Sonichu is the ultimate conclusion of Chris's desire for power--he probably admires God Himself and wants his powers as well.
Almighty Lioness Rosechu is either the ultimate end of his lust or something better, the part of him we unleash when trolling works.  What is she?  A naked, screaming, impotent idiot.  What happens when we troll Chris?  Nudity or screaming.  Lioness is actually Chris's reaction to trolling, her attacks are what Chris wishes he could do to people who troll him.
Of their kids, Cerah is Chris's memories of young Sarah and Christine is likely a sue for Crystal.  Robbie is a sue for Chris, who wants to redo his life with his ideal parents and two sisters around his age so he can play with them(Mainly Sarah).  He's named after Bob because I think Chris secretly admires him--of course, probably for his authority.
Punchy is his perception of asians.  Also, possibly his perception of physical strength.
Naitsirhc is supposed to be the kind of villain whose personality can be summed up as "The same as the hero, except he made bad choices". Notice how he fails to maintain his heterosexuality, insults Black Sonichu, and allegedly disrespects his father, Gio.
Of course, Chris fucks this all up, as Gio doesn't seem to give a shit and in fact seems to respect him enough to trust him as a puppet ruler of CWCville. By extension, his version of Gio is supposed to be an evil version of Bob.
Also, he pairs him off with Kel, who is obviously supposed to be Kellie Andes.
Angelica, I think, is part his perception of religious people and part Rocky--notice how she comes up to Reginald(Who is just a placeholder for Chris) and tries to white knight for him.
He claims that Bubbles has a "Stern, but caring" personality. I assume she's partially his perception of his mother. Evidence includes a page in Sub-episode two where he tries to draw Rosechu looking conflicted but instead gives her an expression that says "Goddamnit Chris I'm sick of this shit".
The entirety of the PVCC consists of people whose authority Chris failed to respect--note the trial scene in Sub-episode 8 is being led by Mary instead of a judge. Mary herself must have repeatedly pissed Chris off--why else would she be the main antagonist?
Jamsta is his perception of what "cool" people act like.
Zapina is just him being a pedophile.
Allison is...well, she's an aspect of his ideal sweetheart--sexy, famous, and willing to do all of Chris's work for him while he dicks around.
Megtune is what Chris thought Megan was at her core, while Megagi was her outward persona(IE, the one Chris interacted with). Megagi's "chickification" can be blamed on Chris's positive, invented memories of Megan overrunning the negative, real ones.
Darkbind is just a ripoff of Link. He's got no dimension whatsoever.
Bionic is something more. Notice the story of his origin in Episode 16--he accidentally hits Chris with the basketball that inspired his creation(don't ask how Chris is apparently able to alter reality inside the comics), and then begins acting like what Chris assumes to be a cool older brother. He's probably a part of Chris's desire for a male friend to defend him from the JERKS, like an older brother he never had. That he comes off as a homo is just Chris being unable to tell the differences between friendship and faggotry.
Black Sonichu was originally meant to be an avatar of Wes, but Chris forgot what to do with him after he actually put Wes into the comic, hence why his personality has decayed. He's also partially Chris's perception of Shadow, and I say partially because he removed the whole "I DON'T KNOW WHERE I CAME FROM I MUST FIND OUT" thing due to his hatred of suspense. Notice how Chris always puts Blake on the cover of everything, as if he's an important character(the same could be said of Sonichu but roll with me, Magi-chan actually does more than he does).
Wes-li and Sarah(the comic versions) are what Chris thinks/wishes Wes and Sarah thought of him--Chris obsessed over Wes and thought that the feelings were mutual.
I have no idea what he tried to turn Simonla into--he's trying to claim that she's a carpenter, so I guess that mirrors his "I COULD BE AN ARCHITECT WITH MY CADD DEGREE!" bullshit.
Jason is an interesting case--he's the closest thing Sonichu has to an intimidating villain.  Dark cloak, evil glare, nobody can do shit against him, nobody knows who he is.  Hell, he even survives Chris's terrorist attack while Clyde and Jack perish.  This is odd, as Jason hasn't even touched Chris for two years--he's something more than the standard "villain". 
Jason is us.
Chris doesn't know what we look like, hence the facelessness. 
Chris is able to comprehend that everything he tries against us fails(though he can't comprehend the exact reason and substitutes his own), so Jason can throw off attacks from an avatar of Chris's "reason"(Sonichu) and endure the wrath of his rage(Lioness).
==Classic Strips==
Some of these strips hold significance.
March 18th, which later got tacked onto Sub-Episode 3, was drawn sixteen days after Mary tried to "play SOCIAL DIRECTOR", attempted to "frame" Chris in an attempt to kick him out of the school for attempting the Love Quest.  Chris became convinced that he was at war with her.
Come to think of it, Chris has a tendency to decide that if he's at war with someone he hates, the feelings are mutual(though reversed).  He thinks the Jerkops are all out to get him because he hates them all, he thought Mary was out to get him for the same reasons, and he was convinced that Wes was obsessing over him.
Sub-episode 4 is dated July 20th, 2005, implying that Chris drew this immediately after he was removed from Wal-mart the first time.  He either fucked up the date or drew Sub-episode 5 later.
Sub-episode 7 was drawn July 23rd, 2005.  Three days after he was arrested at Target.  Six days later he was sent to a trial, which either inspired Sub-episode 8 or said trial was just his fears manifesting.  Here is when Snorlax made him quit the Sub-episodes.
==Lessons Chris missed==
I saw Cogsy's update on the Sonic Sez shit Chris missed out on.  I'll expand.
As Cogs mentioned, in one segment Sonic makes a robotic chicken compete with an eagle in order to determine who is the True and Honest eagle.  What Chris missed was that this was all a trick--the contest was just a distraction so Sonic could check to see if one of them did something the real eagle wouldn't do.  In this case, it was the goggles(which did something).
Now, Chris also liked to challenge Liquid to come to his house.  Why is he doing this?
Simple.  He's convinced Liquid is Shadow to his Sonic.  And Chris didn't like the idiot plot of Sonic Adventure 2.
For those who didn't play it, Shadow somehow gets confused for Sonic.  Literally everyone in the world, even Sonic's true and honest friends, is convinced that they are the same person when they are clearly not.
Tails and Amy are only convinced when they break Sonic out of prison--hence why Chris thought inviting Kacey to his house would work.  That Amy goes on to confuse Shadow for Sonic later on is confusing enough.
How does the world at large ultimately settle the same dispute?  They see Sonic and Shadow at the same time trying to stop Biolizard from performing a colony drop.  Now, in actuality, Shadow died in the process of returning the space station to orbit and the world saw them both save it, thus clearing Sonic's name, but to Chris, who takes everything at face value, simply thought being seen in the same place as the black impostor fixed Sonic's problem.
Chris also seems to take moral lessons from South Park.  The wrong ones, too.
During the call where Kacey "finds out" who he is, he claims that he was "wrong, for the right reasons".  This is, naturally, a phrase stolen from an episode of South Park parodying the Terri Schivo controversey.
The plot is like this--the PSP has just come out, and Kenny beat Cartman to the last one.  Kenny dies, but for a reason--Heaven needs his skills as a tactician in the game he kept playing to fend off an attack from Hell.
Meanwhile, back on earth, Cartman learns that Kenny willed his PSP to him(out of pity more than anything).  He is elated, until a doctor manages to revive Kenny after he was dead for 24 hours, leaving him a vegetable.  Since he is still alive, his will cannot be executed and thus Cartman has no PSP.
The rest of the episode is two angels desperately attempting to get people to disable Kenny's life support so he can die and lead their army to victory while Stan and Kyle try to stop Cartman from doing the same thing so he can inherit the PSP.
At the end of the episode, when they decide to let Kenny die (his will stated that if he was ever a vegetable, he didn't want anyone to make a fuss over it) and Stan and Kyle decided that Cartman was "right, but for the wrong reasons".
In short, it was "right" to let Kenny die, but "wrong" because Cartman only wanted him dead so he could have his PSP.  This is supposed to mirror the actuall Terri Schivo circus, where her husband constantly came off as an asshole in the press but on further review was inadvertently doing the right thing.  His reasoning was "wrong", but he was doing the "right" thing anyway.
Let's assume an evil leader and a good leader are meeting in public, and an assassin has a sniper rifle.  He plans to kill the good leader, but he misses and kills the evil one instead.  He did the right thing, but for the wrong reasons--he was trying to do something wrong and did something good by accident.
Chris, however, took this to mean "If I do something wrong, nobody will blame me because I did it for the right reasons".  With Chris, all reasons to do anything are right reasons (his thought processes is "If it feels good, it must be good, so why am I not doing it yet go go go"), so he saw this as an excuse to duck all blame if he was cornered.
==Biological Clock and other crap==
According to Chris's PSN blog, his sleeping pattern was royally fucked up around the 13th of May, 2009.  It should be noted that this was just two days before Ivy left him.  This means something.  Perhaps it means that Chris intended to act like he was changing himself just long enough to get Ivy's china.  Considering that he lied when Kacey tried to get him to change as well, this is probably the case.  I wish Ivy hadn't confiscated her recordings.
Game design.
Chris really has no idea of how game design would work in Pokemon.  So far, he's come up with bullshit involving Vamprosa and Rapechu.
If you didn't read the article, Chris's theory on how Vamprosa would work would be "You have to have her ding level 100 at maximum happiness between midnight and 12:05 AM" while Rapechu requires someone to go out of their way to give her minimum happiness when dinging 100.  What Pokemon needs to ding 100 to evolve, anyway?  I'd like to see Chris try to come up with a move set for his characters--also someone please tell him how to accent the e in Pokemon properly or not at all it pisses me off when he types it the way he does.  It's hold down alt and hit 0233 on the num pad--he's got to have one.
Also, why evolve a 'mon at 100?  The entire point of evolutoin is to modify rate at which the monster's stats grow when it levels up.  This would be usesless if one evolved at 100, the max level.  The differences would be purely cosmetic.  Same with Vamprosa.  Chris fails at super modes--Vamprosa's powers are "Everything she could normally do, but now she can fly".  Lioness is "Vamprosa, but replace flight with full frontal nudity".  Hobo Chris is "Everything Chris couldn't think of an excuse to use already".  Sexism ho!
I need to get Chris to estimate everyone's level.  If Rosechu is like, level fifty, I can assume she temporarily gains fifty levels and that would make some sense.  But I think into this too much.
==Chris and Authority==
I need to come up with a rant on this.
Chris also shows an inability to comprehend that actions have consequences.  He has so far blamed Sony for his inability to light his room properly during a video, blamed Sony for the damage he caused to his EyeToy, blamed at least two teachers for F's he got in their classes, blamed everyone in the comic for arresting/banning him, and expressed confusion when the CWCipedia account on DA was banned for the cameltoe/pantyshots.  Speaking of which, the way he said it makes it sound like he thought "Wait, what?  GOD, DA HAS SUCH CRAPPY SERVERS MY ACCOUNT JUST VANISHED!".
Authority is something that Chris both desires and despises.
To do list:
*List of authority figures that Chris has failed to respect
Roach: Chris failed to realize that interrupting people while they are on the phone is a bad idea, and claimed that she was "evil" for sending him to his room.
Bob Chandler: Chris has made reference to a desire to physically assault his father that is kept in check by some form of "respect" and complains about "arguments" that are in fact Bob asserting his authority as his father.
The staff at Nathaniel Greene Elementary: When Chris likely blew up in class and was pulled out, he likely tried to attack the staff members, then the principal.  This prompted them to hold him down and record his screams so they could have evidence when they took him to court.
Mary Lee Walsh: This needs no explanation.
An unknown security guard, possibly Jerkeif: Chris once yelled "NO!" at a security guard when he was asked to leave, and then later pissed off the IRL Jerkeif a few days later, leading to his arrest.
*Explain possible origins
The origins of Chris's obsession with authority likely emerged when he was young.  Like any of us, his initial reaction to losing a fight was thinking "How can I get that power for myself?", and so he fell in love with the concept of being able to punish whoever he wanted for doing anything that bothered him. 
His hatred, on the other hand, emerged at the same time, as authority figures would always punish him for acting out of line.  The one authority figure in his life that he truly respects, Snorlax, likes to let him do whatever he wants to do and listens to him when he
*Explain confusion between respect and authority
Chris cannot comprehend the difference between respect and authority, and seems to think that the two are interchangeable. 
*Explain authority and power
Still, there's something odd.
Snorlax:  He likes her, because she lets him get away with everything.
Every authority figure outside of his house: He hates them because they don't tolerate his bullshit.
Bob: Unknown.  For some reason he shows him the respect he failed to show law enforcement and school officials as well as the same hatred.
Fear and Respect are sister emotions.  However, respect is harder to maintain and the two have similar results.  Nobody can be truly said to both fear and respect someone.  It's one or the other.
Let's take two examples.
You are living in a country under the control of an insane tyrant.  You don't like him at all, but you know that if you don't claim to respect him, you'll get killed.  You don't truly respect him, you're just afraid of him.
Now, if you live under the control of a benevolent ruler, you are happy that he does good things for you, and you respect him because of it.
Chris's relationship with Bob is likely the tyrant example--Chris doesn't respect him at all, in fact, he hates him, but he claims that he respects him because he's afraid of what will happen when he acts out of line.
Even stranger is the three years Chris spent living alone with Bob--we know so little of what happened to him during his middle school years because nothing happened.  Nothing happened because Bob was constantly calling him out on his bullshit.  His fashion sense was almost normal.  Just look at the photos--sure, he has issues with acne, but we all did at that age.  He looks like a normal kid.
What caused that decay?  Look at the pogs of Chris from age 14 to 18--he gradually slips into his supernerd look.  I'm going to assume it was Snorlax returning to live with him full time.  Something about her presence canceled out Bob's semi-positive influence.  Something about that undid everything Bob tried.
What is it?  An escape route.  Snorlax brought Patti with her, who I already think was the only being Chris ever truly cared about.  Instead of having to face the consequences of his actions, he could rant to his dog or mother about it without fear of being called out on his bullshit.
Authority figures
One should note that of all the authority figures in Chris's life can be sorted into two categories--Snorlax and everyone else.
Snorlax lets him run about like an idiot and tolerates a large portion of his crap.
Everyone else tells him to shut the goddamn hell up and behave.
Chris respects Snorlax, but only because she lets him do what he wants.  She didn't mind the sign(it took her a year or so to tell him it made him look retarded), she doesn't mind letting him cuddle with her, and she doesn't mind the fact that he's screaming at the internet half the time.
Origin of desire
It's not surprising that Chris, after all of that, desired to obtain a position of authority.  The moment someone loses to something, their first thought will usually be a variant on "How do I get to be that strong?".  When you're beaten up by bullies, you wish you were stronger so you could defeat them.  When a particular Gym Leader roflstomped you in Pokemon, you probably ran straight for a guide to find out how to get their team for yourself/defeat them.
Chris is unable to comprehend that power and responsibility have a direct relationship.  As usual, he wants to have his cake and eat it too.  Naturally, within the comic, he has made it so--he's the mayor for life and his personal army of literal shock troops will silence the opposition.  He's not truly respected at all--people just say that because they fear him.
For some reason, Chris also equates fame with power.  He was convinced that Wikipedia would fold under him once he mentioned Vanessa Hudgens.
September 11 - Chris reports in his diary that he was arrested for trying to "sell himself like a new car" at the mall. He does not have to go to jail, but he is forbidden to return to Fashion Square Mall without one of his parents.
If I'm not mistaken, this is the real-life version of Sub-episode 1.  It's one year and seven months-ish after his 21st birthday(2/24/03-9/11/04).  I'm going to call everything until the fight scene "What Chris thought was happening".  It explains why Jerkeif comes out of nowhere and calls him a solicitor--he was carrying a sign that probably said something like "I WILL PAY A WOMAN TO BE MY SWEETHEART".  To Chris, he wasn't soliciting--he was "selling himself like a new car".
We all know how this began.  According to Clyde, a troll (Probably Bryan Bash) called Bob and midway though the discussion Bob went "Wait how did you get this num-CHRRRIIIISSS!" and hung up.
What happened between here and GET EVERYTHING OFF THE INTERNET?
I'll assume a few things.
Bob confronts Chris immediately, and demands to know how we know where they live.  Chris then rattles off a list of times he's dox dropped the house.  He could have avoided the video at this point by not mentioning the house videos, but he did and that set Bob off.  Bob played the Pokeflute and Snorlax also began yelling at Chris.  They both then demanded that Chris get everything off the internet.  Midway through the fight, Chris runs away to make the video.  I assume Bob and Snorlax fought for a minute until Bob went to see if Chris was working on it--which led to the video.  I assume Chris got the archive video removed and began the process of downvoting every video he could find that featured the tour video so Bob would be satisfied, then lied the next morning when Bob asked him if he took care of it.
Church ban.
If Rosechu's reaction to the ED page is supposed to mirror Chris and his own attempts to alter it, one has to remember what her reaction to seeing the page flooded with more dickgirl porn after her attempt to vandalize it fails--"I SHOULD GET MY FRIENDS TO WHORE THEMSELVES ON THE INTERNET TOO!"
On March 16th, Chris tried to declare war on ED.  On March 17th, he was banned from his church because his pastor saw his ED page.  I wouldn't be surprised if he fired off emails to everyone he knew in the hope that they'd help him kill the ED page.  After all, he's recently begun trying to use his congregation as a personal army(he seems to think that if his pastor is pissed off, she'll sic the church on us).  Chris never changes, so one can assume he tried it on ED and got banned.
==Attempts to Counter-Troll==
Chris has no concept of how the internet works, and as such he isn't very good at fighting off a trolling attempt.  I've seen a lot of idiotic attempts in the past--Blazesonic threatened to do a comic with Anonymous as the villains and SpleenFat made Anti-ED--but Chris takes the cake.
First, there's his attempts to edit the ED article.  He seems to be under the impression that ED restored itself from backups every time his edits got reverted--hence why Sonichu 10 claims that ED lost all of it's backups. 
He doesn't know about the edit history page, and seems to think that in order to check for vandalism, an EDiot has to scan the entire page.  This is the only reason he could have thought that making minor edits in various portions would mask his actual objectives--eliminate SheCameForCWC.jpg, remove references to homosexuality, ect.
He then revealed to us that he had a fake medal, and stupidly sent both the real one and the fake one to Blanca.  Every time I see the fake medal, I imagine that Chris saw a group of stereotypical slow-in-the-mind thugs from a kid's movie looking at the two medals and going "OH MY GOD WHICH ONE IS REAL I CAN'T TELL ARRRRRRGHH".  Except the fake medal had an angry face, when the logical thing to do would have been making a minor edit to the back of the medal.
Heck, when he tried to imitate a troll he tried to sound as thuggish as possible.  Hell, this is just normal lulzcow behavior.
He also thought that we'd leave him alone for a weekend if he claimed that he'd be in Redmond.  And he thought that Christopher Smeagol would "derail" us somehow.
His definition of "trolling" seems to be "pretend to be someone you're not".  Silvana seems content to simply turn into Meg, kiss Chris, and then transform once he's out of sight, even though any of us would have turned into a guy Chris hated the moment he closed his eyes.  Either that or she's even less creative than EDF.
When he did RnT, he tried to act like he was successful and normal, things he is not.  He somehow thought that by doing so and then revealing that he was still an utter failure, we'd feel the same pain we inflicted on him, which of course failed. 
This is completely in line with other lulzcows--SpleenFat created Anti-ED because he assumed that his trolls would stop once he gave them a taste of their own medicine and it failed when he made an article on MysteryBot that consisted of a few paragraphs saying "THIS GUY HAS NO LIFE LOLOLOLOL HE SPENDS ALL HIS TIME CHECKING ED ARTICLES FOR EDITS LOLOL WHAT A FAG MIRITE?".  Granted, that was his perception of ED, a bunch of immature idiots who toss insults left and right and don't offer any proof to back up their claims.  He had two out of three, but the last third laughed at him even harder.  Come to think of it, Chris seemed to think MysteryBot was a user as well, considering that he tried to ban it from his article.
What can we learn from this?  The nudes didn't hurt him, but the revelation that his sweetheart was fake did.
I'm going to see if I can discern any patterns in the "strategies" Chris employs in battle.  A few will be omitted when it's obvious that he just stole the whole fight from somewhere else (Sonichu and Mary in Episode 20 was stolen from Banjo-Kazooie and Chris versus Gayer Chris was traced from Sonic vs Knuckles).
We all know that Chris has, on his own, only beaten two or three of the villains on his own (while not a hobo or using Sonichu as a proxy sue).  Every other time, he's owned and needs to be saved.  I blame Sailor Moon for letting him think a hero that constantly needs to invoke Deus Ex Machina to survive a Monster of the Week encounter would be acceptable(only seen the abridged series but I still saw shit Chris copied/assimilated).
Wait a minute, Sonichu NEVER needs to be saved.  That one time with Jason doesn't count, as Jason had no interest in killing him.  So overall, Sonichu has never needed to be saved from a life threatening situation.
Getting owned by Wes?  Sarah intervenes.
Getting owned by Mary?  Sonichu intervenes.
Getting owned by two Manajerks?  Darkbind intervenes.
Getting owned by a giant Manajerk?  Deus ex machina your female self into the world and have her intervene.
Bagget, as noted, won because Crystal was suddenly useless.  That didn't stop Chris from using her to break his fall.
Owned by his gayer twin?  Bionic intervenes.
We all know that Chris wants the mall (and possibly city) to be built IRL.  Why?  I don't think that he thinks it is real, but I know he doesn't want to accept it as fictional(as he crossed that out in the ED text). When asked about this, Chris responded with "I wish it were (real)".
He doesn't think it is real, but he wants it to be real.  Why?  Part of it is his egotism--he thinks his fairly bland life is difficult and terrible and thinks that he should have a monument dedicated to his struggles.  We can ignore that part, but I think there's something else we're missing.
If genetic engineering was advanced enough, you'd bet that he'd try to physically create Sonichu and his other abominations.  He wants a part of his fantasy world to come to the real world, as he's tired of having his godlike powers restricted to that realm.
Something bothers me--Chris chose to rip off Sailor Moon for his transformation call.  He's seen Power Rangers and likely still does--by all logic he could have ripped off any call from that show.  Come to think of it, "Time to Zap" may have been stolen from "It's Morphin' Time".  Chris's logic was probably "There are female power rangers, therefore there is nothing gay about stealing from a magical girl series instead of stealing from Power Rangers".
To be honest, we all probably saw that show when we were seven--but we're guys, we were there for the boobies and what else were we going to do while we waited for DBZ to come on?  But when we were seven, recall that Chris was SIXTEEN and had no sexual libido.  Come to think of it...this would explain a lot.  He's got the poster to remind him of his straightness because it was the first thing that he felt a sexual attraction to.  The show was on when he was sixteen.  He figured out sex when he was sixteen by cracking the code on HBO.  What motivated him?  Something awoke his libido.  The poster is significant to him for that reason.
Destroy the poster, and we destroy the memory of his first boner.  Destroy that, and we insult his alleged heterosexuality.
Chris seems to make a Twitter blog when the CWCipedia is full of dicks.
When trolling Chris, the most blunt option seems to be the best--his mind can't comprehend complicated things.
As for building up his ego, I'm still not sure if it works--if he's left alone for a while, his ego will regenerate perfectly fine.  Heck, that might be why we get dry spells, Chris has to go regain his confidence.
Also, dear PVCC: Why have we not learned anything from the guy who went into Chris's house?  Is Chris being paranoid as usual?
I was just reading the Simonchu sub-episode and noticed something about Chris's HELP HATI image.
Pay close attention to Magi-chan--there are exactly two boxes of food.  There are also two boxes of something called "RX", which I can only assume is either a toy(Or I may just be thinking of RXC) or the anti-gay shit.  There are also two boxes of toys and a box of books(Which I am certain are in English and thus worthless).
Now, any person, when faced with a disaster that destroys most of their possessions, will try to get back on their feet starting with the bare essentials.  This is the standard approach to disaster relief--first, stop as many people from dying as possible and then worry about restoring the standard of living.
Chris's approach to this is skewed as hell.  His approach is to do both of these things at the same time--he can't perceive a process as a step-by-step process unless it is presented to him as such.  Instead of having his left hand free to help the right hand save lives, the left hand is playing with children.
If his house burned down and through some fluke Chris and his parents lived(Just had an image of Bob in a forklift crashing through the front window to extract the Snorlax while Chris yells at the fire for trolling him someone draw this plz), you can bet his first reaction would be "REBUILD TOY COLLECTION FIRST, GET FOOD LATER".
Notices Liquichu's design?  I don't QUITE get why he's a Rock-type(Because Ground types are the opposites of Electrics?), but look at his tail--he's a Zigzagoon, AKA the Rattata/Sentret/Bidoof of Gen III.  Hell, look at one, they match his shirt perfectly.
What I find funny is that he's based off a raccoon, obviously because they are known to steal things.  What makes this hilarious is that raccoons steal garbage.  And to quote Chris, "HE'S STEALING ME!".
I rest my case.
Also, Chris seems to think Asperchu is gay because he cannot get his Sweetest Dix.  I wish I could point out that this means Chris is gay because he can't pick up chicks.
Also, Cartoon World?  I've seen this trope before(don't know the name), but it basically means "Everything someone imagines goes here", which explains why Pallet Town is suddenly in Virginia(Station Square, I'll excuse because of Sonic cannon).
I see only one logical solution--draw the most terrifying creations of imagination destroying CWCville in our own comics.  As many as possible.  Simonchu and Asperchu would be a good start, but what happens when we send the worst creations of mankind into CWCville in order to destroy it?  Of course, we have to show Chris killing a ''few'', but then we show all of his characters dying painfully.  Perhaps showing an army of Magikarp killing everyone, and when Hobo Chris shows up, they all evolve and oneshot him.
Speaking of which, dear God the Sonee porn bombing must have fucked him up.  It must have meant that he thought there was a real Sonichu and Rosechu that were being forced to rape their kids.  Wait.  WHY ARE WE NOT ACCUSING THEM OF RAPING THEIR CHILDREN IN THE MAILB-oh right it's gone I miss it already.
I need to go over the church audio.  I've read the tail end and noticed something--Bob mentions that Chris constantly tried to get to Bowser(who he calls Koopa for some reason--odd that he'd use the Japanese term correct me if I'm wrong).  Chris kept trying.  There was some sort of grim determination to get the china in him at that point.  Since he's mentally still at that age, I'd try to assume he sees his Love Quest in the same way.
Also, Emily was the one who put the ED sign on his lawn.
I've also officially given up on any hope that sense can be beaten into Chris.  Let's just make every troll after Alec a smug asshole.
Ok, now onto Chris's favoriting habits.
After his account was hacked and all his videos replaced with "It's Okay To Be Gay" and his coming out of the closet video, the first thing he did was favorite two videos, both of which were homophobic--in the nature of their title only.  The only one I remember is "Wow I shot a homo", and it's obvious that Chris never watched the video because it's a mild joke about how, due to differences in slang, the British phrase for "smoke a cigarette" can mean "shoot a homosexual" in America.  He either searched "shoot homo" or "shoot the homo", because it's the first result.  This was to show that he disapproved of homosexuals--his five year old mind can't tell how much is too much.
After another incident that cast his sexuality into question, he favorited a series of Sonic X AMVs that were apparently themed around the SonAmy paring.  Again, this was to prove that he was in favor of heterosexual relationships.
Then, once more, he favorited the Meg video to indicate that he wanted to cum on her sweet pussy and breasts because he is not gay.  He's just featured it again, which means he feels that his sexuality is being questioned.  Why?
Simple.  Y'know that girl he talked about?  He's been rejected in a way Kacey and Megan didn't.  And from the Asperchu calls, we learned that Chris thinks Dixie dumping Asperchu is proof of Asperchu's alleged homosexuality.  He must think that he's been dumped and thus his sexuality has been cast into question.
Snorlax and Sweethearts
Ok, this just bothers me.  Snorlax is more apathetic than I thought.  However, there's only a few sagas--Julie, Emily, and a bit of Kacey--that we know exactly what Bob and Snorlax are doing.
Bob: After Chris was hurt by Blanca, he tries to personally make sure his idiot son isn't hurt again--this is kind of admirable actually.  He questions Julie on her cover story, but due to some amazing feat Julie convinces him that Molvania is real.  This is actually a good idea--if Max had slipped up, the entire saga would have fallen apart once Bob blew his cover story out of the water.  Max was just a good liar and Bob is a bit naive.  Currently knows that Julie was lying, does not know about Chris shoving the medal up his ass.
Snorlax: Like Bob, she suspects a troll.  Unlike Bob, she does nothing until Julie is "abducted" and Chris tries to go to Ohio.  For some reason, she thinks that we're with NBC and trying to expose Chris as a pedo--by the way I wonder why she thought that?
Bob: Bob goes on the date with her, and argues in favor of going on the date.  This is likely due to his own confidence that forum trolls won't try to touch Chris IRL--he's old, we can forgive him for that oversight.
Snorlax: Suspects a troll based on no logic or knowledge of the internet whatsoever beyond basic pattern recognition.  Tries to stop Chris from going to the mall.  His parents fight over him and Chris crashes into slumber.  I suspect that she suspects another sting operation--why, I don't know.
Bob: At this point, he doesn't give a shit(background of Liquid vs IBA phone call) and in fact pretends to not hear Kacey(end of Kacey and Liquid call).
Snorlax: Calls Kacey a bitch and claims that she "might be lying to him".  Chris ignores her. 
He also implies that Bob became the "nicer parent" during both Kacey sagas--Snorlax wants her baby all to herself and Chris wants his sweetheart.  Both of those desires come into conflict.  Come to think of it, what if Snorlax always tries to sabotage Chris's relationships?  What if she deliberately fucked Chris up so she could keep him at home and mentally five years old forever?  And what if she's just using her knowledge of us as her latest excuse to keep Chris in the house?
The more I think about this, the more I think we should find ways to troll her as well.  Not troll Chris, her.  Trolling her will set Chris off, of course, but she needs to endure some rage as well.  I'm amazed that his mother is fat, a redneck, and and utter slut and yet we don't mock him (and her) for that beyond referring to her as a Snorlax.  Plus we don't know what happened to her eyebrows.
Y'know, what do you think will happen if we make an ED page dedicated to Snorlax(advertise the link in big red letters at the top of Chris's page so he'll see it because I don't think he knows about the subpages)?  I know they've already copied some of our data into Chris-chan/People, and we don't know much about her, but we learned from the revised ED page Chris made that filling the page with speculation will cause Chris to correct it(he saw that ED thought he was kicked out of two places and changed it to four, among others).  We could make up a bullshit explanation for why she's in the rut she's in, why her eyebrows don't exist, and why Chris is a fuckup because of her.  Giving her her own ED page would be a nice try, anyway.
Why the Snorlax ED page will help:
Chris ''hates'' it when people get misconceptions and will correct them without thinking about the consequences.  Drawing of me fingerbanging a girl on ED?  PROOF OF MY STRAIGHTNE-wait, THEY THINK IT'S CRYSTAL THEY'RE WRONG IT'S MEGAN I HAVE TO CORRECT THEM!".
I blame Pokemon for this.  Almost every episode would involve Team Rocket wearing some kind of half-assed disguise that somehow fooled Ash every damn episode.  Any person who watched the show for an extended period of time found this aspect aggravating.
This is probably why Liquid set him off so much--Liquid half-assed a Chris disguise and Chris saw everyone falling for it.  Just like on TV.  Chris must think he's the brightest bulb in the world because he's not an utter moron like everyone in Pokemon/Sonic, because he thinks he's the only one who thought "Wait..OAK DOESN'T HAVE PURPLE HAIR" or "SONIC ISN'T BLACK!" or "THAT IMPOSTOR IS WEARING BROWN AND YELLOW WHEN THE TRUE COLORS ARE RED AND BLUE!".
So if we make a page on Snorlax that's carefully designed to elicit this response from Chris, then use the Mailbag(if it ever comes back) to notify him about it, he might do another revising fit and reveal information about his mother.
For example, we can state that Snorlax has jumped around seven husbands thoughout her life, or claim that Chris sleeps in his usual attire(nothing) when he falls asleep with Snorlax.  We have to make them close to actual facts, but false/offensive enough that Chris will try to correct them.
For example:
ED Page: It's obvious that Snorlax doesn't care about her son.  She didn't even do anything beyond offed halfhearted moral support (which we all know is worthless) when Chris was nearly put in an institution when he was nine, preferring to let his far more competent and likable father do the work.
Chris's correction: THAT IS A LIE SHE DID *insert thing here* DURING THE COURT WARS AND ALSO*detail we didn't know about the Court Wars that has nothing to do with her* SO THERE!
ED Page:Institution, you ask?  Yeah.  She's such a horrible mother that her son saw nothing wrong with physically assaulting his teacher because he got an F.  Then he attacked the principal and got expelled for it like a retard.  Parenting in action, amirite?
Pokemon rules.
The Pokemon anime doesn't exactly follow logic--sometimes Pokemon are smaller than the games say they are, sometimes characters are able to carry around monsters that weigh 100-220 pounds like they're nothing.  There are at least a few websites that point out every time the show missed a detail from the game--AIM FOR THE HORN was only the beginning.
Sonichu seems to use a different variant--the characters only obey the rules when it's useful for Chris.
Take the Nidoking--Sonichu practically one-shots it with Mud-Slap, a pitifully weak Ground attack.  It's base power is 20, but since Nidoking is Poison/Ground, he takes double damage.  40 somehow nearly kills it.
But earlier, Magi-chan, a Psychic type, was hit by Ghost-type Shadow Ball.  He barely reacts to it despite Psychic-types being glass cannons who take double damage from Ghost-type attacks--his dual type wouldn't save him.  And since it has a base power of 80, he would have taken around 160 damage.  He somehow took heavy damage and barely reacted to it--even if he's level 100 and has around 300 HP, he still would have lost around half his life bar.  And if you're beaten halfway to death, you won't just get up and textwall with your assailant.
Bubbles needs to find out which Black Sonichu is the real one?  By all logic, Silvana wouldn't have had a problem--Transform grants the Pokemon using it the abilities of the target as well, so she could do the same thing.  Suddenly this rule stops working for her.
Ten worst things, according to Chris.
1.  Being pestered by EDF.
2.  Bluespike.(revive him)
3.  Hacking his shit.
4.  Clyde.
5.  Game Place ban.
6  ED page.
7.  Panda/Sarah.
8.  Mary.
9.  Graduation.
10. 4th grade incident.
11. Autism.
We've surpassed Mary and Graduon.  Also, go EDF, go out and pester to the extreme.
I think the article on her has the right idea--Chris is obsessed with her.
Now, this isn't so bad--she's an incredibly sympathetic character among all of the few remaining fans of Family Guy because the writers can't figure out what to do with her.  Requests that the writers quit picking on her aren't uncommon and it's a sign of how far the show has fallen when the best episode consisted of Meg beating up everyone--it wasn't even funny at all, people just figured that she deserved revenge.
Problem is, Chris may not know this--he rarely participates in fan communities.  And the Toon World thing is there as well.  She exists, and when the writers take control of her they do so only to torment her further.  This is why Chris put her in Sonichu--he thinks that she'd prefer to be written by someone who didn't hate her.  Which is true, but he also expects her to bone him.
There's another layer to this, though.  Look at Chris's life in the past few years--nothing ever happened unless we did something to cause it.  Sonichu 10 would not exist if we hadn't provoked Chris into writing it.  We're essentially HIS writers, and from his perspective we're abusing him in the same way Family Guy's writers abuse Meg.
Truth is, he envies her.  Thought that possible?  Simple.  Meg's writers may hate her, but they sometimes give her a chance to get revenge on the world that exists to hurt her.  Chris never gets any of this, and this makes him furious.  When's his revenge episode coming, huh?  When can he find out where we live and kill us all?  When can we intimidate him?
Forget that the world exists to hurt her, forget that people inexplicably believe her to be ugly, forget the constant abuse--Chris's life is just as bad.
Same with Carrie.
Chris believes that his life is worse than anyone elses.  Why?  He lost a few contests.  He was trolled on the internet.  Some girl he knew "died".  People picked on him in school.  He hasn't had sex.  He's autistic.
==Expanding on Snorlax and Chris's school life==
Elementary School Incident:
We all know what happened, and I won't waste time speculating on the event itself.  What caused it?
Now, Chris was nine and we can always count on him to be developmentally stunted--he's somewhere between three and seven mentally and it's an uneven distribution.  And having autism can make you blow up over strange things.  When I was seven, I blew up at the bully because he spelled "next" as "nex" in "better luck next time" on a spelling test I failed.  For some reason he didn't kick my ass that day in particular.  But I digress.
I'm still searching for the cause of the event, and I think I found it--Chris mentions, shortly after he tardrages in Song of Christian, that he may have gotten an F in 4th grade(he was only at that school for a year and was homeschooled for fifth grade).  Did I mention elementary school students are more prone to solving their minor problems via force than the average adult?
What if Chris had gotten a test back?  What if there was a big ugly F staring at him?  What if he, as he did when he was 16, took it as a personal insult?  What if he, due to his inability to tell the difference between things like equals and superiors, ''tried to attack the teacher''?  That would have almost certainly gotten him sent to the principal's office.  In the quote box atop the page for Bruce Johnson, he implies that he was only sent once("when I was sent to his office").
"he picked me up, set me on his lap, then I would always get off his lap"
This makes me think that Bruce tried to get him to sit on his lap repeatedly in an attempt to get him to calm down and Chris protested.  The "bad vibes" Chris goes on to mention are likely, as the article speculates, Bob and his coping mechanisms warping the memory into something where Chris isn't totally guilty of his actions.  The "offensive things" Chris mentions in the eighth Alec call could easily have been mentions of the institution, or him attempting to be stern, or something completely innocent that Chris took the wrong way.
Anyway, he probably tried to attack the principal(According to the FAs, he saw nothing wrong with calling Mary a cunt or performing the Curse-ye-ha-me-ha in her office), causing him to call for backup.
Since Chris was acting INCREDIBLY out of line, they expelled him for his misbehavior.  However, they wanted to get him help, so they restrained him until Bob could pick him up and recorded his screams so they could bypass the parental consent laws and blow any bullshit Boblax tried to spout at the judge out of the water.  Or they could have anticipated Bob denying Chris was in the wrong.
Remember one thing--Chris cannot innovate.  He can only copy what he sees.  If he's doing something, it's because he saw someone else do it.  So why did he run away from Jack and Alec during their calls?  SOMEONE taught him to do that.
And didn't Boblax run screaming to Richmond, Chris in tow, at the first chance they got once all of their arguments were utterly destroyed and the world refused to put up with their bullshit?
Middle School:
Something I noticed--Chris became somewhat normal during his middle school years.  He was bullied a lot, but that's common for people with HFA--we have a hard time learning the difference between playful teasing and insults (we either take a teasing statement the wrong way or go overboard with our own).  Plus, it's really hard for us to harden ourselves against verbal abuse, especially in middle school, where you have to deal with those smug twelve year old assholes with their shit-eating grins and the counselors are still dense("They mock your hobbies because they want to be your friend" my ass).  For lack of a better term, HFA makes us trollbait and the people who are supposed to help are usually convinced that all the crap they see in their instructional videos works.
Bob was a single parent during those years and Snorlax only came on weekends.  Did she do something to stop Bob from fixing Chris?  I know that she and Bob haven't fucked for nearly two decades.  And I know that she's a slut.  Anyone think that during the three years she wasn't near Chris most of the week, she was committing adultery?  That ought to be a good thing to put on her ED page if it ever comes up.  But other than the tote bag of fail, Chris looked normal and could have just been that quirky guy with no friends.
I assume the teasing got worse in high school.
Now, Snorlax.  Is she deliberately fucking Chris up for her own ends?  She isn't responsible for the tugboat--that may just be Bob thinking "Well, Chris will never be able to hold down a job, so really, what else is there?".  People often assume that because they live in the South(Virginia is a very Northern part of the South), they're funidie welfare leeches. 
I don't think so--Bob and Snorlax both live on their pensions and for all we know the tugboat money that Chris pays them goes into a fund that will augment the tugboat once they both die--he's dead set on keeping Chris out of an institution, going so far as to name Chris the rightful heir to the house.  Not because he's convinced Chris is fine--because he may not know that mental hospitals aren't the godforsaken hellholes they were in his day.  Everything he did that fucked Chris up can be pinned on a misguided sense of responsibility.  He also seems to think that he understands autism more than anyone else, so he blames every failing Chris had on people not understanding Chris(Cub scouts, Elementary school, ect).  This might be the origin of Chris's "MEET ME IN PERSON I SWEAR I'M NOT A HOMOPHOBIC SEXIST HYPOCRITE IN PERSON I SWEAR!" excuse--though Anna's edit to the ED page might have helped spurn this along.
Snorlax, however.  At one point during the sweetheart search, she promised to help Chris learn how to pick up chicks.  Nothing ever came of this beyond the one time Chris mentioned this.
During the sign saga, it took her one whole year to tell Chris that the sign made him look like a retard.  Know why?  During that year, ''Chris got arrested''.  Twice.  What if she ''knew'' the sign would only serve as a pussy deflector?  What if she was content to let Chris try to attract women at the mall/target/wal-mart?  Hell, she might have been happy to hear of his bans--he'd run crying into her flabby arms and never leave the alone house again.  What happened? 
"I was even taken to court after the Target incident, but because of my volunteer work with the Pokemon Trading Card Game League at the Game & Hobby Place, I was put under watch for 3 months, then found Innocent and cleared of all charges.
During all this, I learned from my mother that the sign made me look retarded, and eventually, I did away with the sign. "
She realized that what she thought a harmless activity could in fact hurt Chris.  He'd just narrowly escaped a solicitation charge and she didn't want him to be a repeat offender(which is harder to defend).  She became paranoid.  ''She may think that the next time Chris is in court, he'll go to prison.''
To counter this, she made him stop using the sign.  When she found out that he had drawn a comic--Sub-episodes 7 and 8--slandering the decorated officer who had arrested him, she made him stop the Sub-episodes out of fear that someone might sue him for harassment.  With Julie, she tried to stop us from luring him to Ohio.  With Emily, she tried to stop us from luring him to the fucking mall fifteen minutes away.  I bet she hates the FAs too, considering that Chris hides his drinking habits from her.
One question:  Why was she worried about it being a ''To Catch a Predator''-esqe sting operation?  Does she think Chris has it in him to be a pedophile(again, ED page material)?  What has he showed her that indicates such?  ''Has she seen his porn stash''(ED page material)?
Bagget jarred her view of the world and how safe it was for Chris to be out there.  Now she doesn't want him anywhere that isn't their house.  All that paranoia we don't see in Chris?  Snorlax might feel it for him.  Come to think of it, trolling Chris trolls her and trolling her would troll Chris.  Two lulzcows for the price of one!
Now, what kind of a person was she before this?  We really can't tell--there's no mention of her involvement in anything significant to Chris between his birth and his senior prom.  Let's go by the two things we know about her from nearly ten years ago.
* She saw nothing wrong with letting Chris take her to the prom.
* Her reaction to Chris's display of incredibly poor sportsmanship was to comfort him.
I think her basic instinct is "Do the thing that will make Chris happy".  However, as with Bob, she's misguided and this logic prevents her from criticizing Chris--because that would make him unhappy.  She can only override this logic when her paranoia peaks.
Remember, Chris is the one who said she was jealous of him loving other women--and Chris isn't very good at judging the motivations of others.  It may be that Chris has her paranoia confused with jealousy.
"Barb thinks Chris dedicates too much time to his internet friends and not enough to her."

What does this mean, then?
I'm going to keep track of the times Chris logs in to Youtube.  All times are EST, the timezone Chris resides in.

==Logic and Security Blankies==
11:00 PM, Friday June 4.

Herein I will deduce Chris's rage logic.
Roughly 9:38 PM, Saturday June 5.

Roughly 4:38 AM, Sunday June 6.
Do I feel like drawing a comic?(Y/N)  If yes, then use the comic to cope with it.  

Do I feel like making a video?  If no,
10:38 PM, Sunday June 6.

Do I feel like updating the Captain's Blog?  If the site is covered in dicks, then
3:00 AM, Monday June 7.(Biological clock lolol)

CCSonichu Says: I hate da trowls, YOU ARE ALL SUCH..
6:21 PM, Monday June 7.

Roughly 8:33 PM, Monday June 7.  

CCSonichu Says: SUCH!
Roughly 1:00 AM, Tuesday June 8.

I feel that denying him his attempts to use the comic to cope with rage will make him explode on Youtube--"If I hadn't drawn that, I might have become an abusive maniac". Also, I get the feeling that a few weeks ago, Rocky told him that we only wanted a reaction out of him and actually got him to suppress his rage for a bit--then, in typical Chris fashion, he decided he was sick of just taking the insults and reverted to "RAGE TO TERRIFY THEIR WEAK LITTLE MINDS and STOP!".  It also explains why so much of his Asperage was vented via the comic--he was using an alternative source and I suspect that Rocky could have had a hand in it(though it fits with his normal patterns).
Around 7:00 AM, Wednesday June 9.(He may or may not have been up all night here)

Also, I find that when Chris is faced with a simple problem, he'll try a complicated solution.
Around 7:00 PM, Wednesday June 9.

Chris also seems to have a pattern he follows when he's backed into corners.
10:47 PM, Thursday June 10.

With Matt, it was "I AM DOING WHATEVER YOU SAID I SHOULD BE DOING!".  He couldn't run because doing so would almost certainly fuck up his "chance" with Kacey.
Week One Complete:

When Liquid called that time, he tried to run to Boblax once Liquid and Kacey cornered him--he was breaking down at that point, he'd lost the China, the Bad Guy was winning, and even the way he said "I am true and honest" sounded like he was on the verge of a breakthroughHe immediately woke his parents up in the hope that they'd scare off LiquidInstead they got pissed at him.
It looks like I'm right so far--if Chris meets Rocky every Thursday and only goes to church when he feels like it, this makes sense.  He likely meets her around noonish--explaining his login time--and the reason he hasn't been on since Thursday is likely because Rocky was really pissed at him for making a video on Sunday or trying to run down Michael Snyder last FridayI think we'll be seeing Chris in another week or two, after the heat dies down (providing he doesn't do something stupid again)Don't panic.

10:37 PM, Monday June 14.(It's starting to look like Chris makes his e-sweeps in the evenings, after whatever it is he does during the day.  Would explain why he always complained of how tired he was when he was stressed.)

Around 7:30 PM, Tuesday June 15.

Around 2:30 PM, Wednesday June 16.

I'm pretty sure that was Chris attempting to convince Alec that they were being disconnected. They start a few seconds after Alec mentions the house video and stop once Alec calls Chris out on it.  Why?
Around 9:30 PM, Thursday June 17.

I think he's under orders to follow the standard Chandler approach to legal issues--ignore them and hope they go away, if I don't hear it, it doesn't count, LALALALALALALA.  Seriously, we need to find a way to tell Bob that the videos are still on the internet--if we can do this by the 24th we can ruin his birthday.
Around 7:36 AM, Saturday June 19.

Also, I need a list of his security blankets, both mental and physical.
Week Two Complete:

*The Medal
He was inactive for most of the week.  Also, ever since he started going to FAF he hasn't logged in on a Friday.  Come to think of it, I belive he's trying to be sneaky with the flipnotes--Rocky may be watching his YT for any uploads, but she doesn't know about Flipnote and so he can post to his clogged heart's content.  He's openly defying Rocky.
*The Ring
*Megan Shrine
*Various delusions*I'll expand on this later*

== What If ==
Around 3:00 AM, Monday June 21.

Chris burned his house down as a result of Julie?
Around 10:20 PM, Wednesday June 24.

Well, way I see it, a bigger shitstorm than what happened in OTL(Our Time Line) would happen.  It's likely that at least one of his parents would have died.  After all, I'm under the impression that it was late at night and his parents were asleep in piles of flammable material.  Chris may have died too--he'd have lacked the common sense to go outside and set the fire there and may have trapped himself doing something stupid.  Assuming he even managed to start a fire.
12:20 AM, Friday June 26.

If he failed to start a fire, Blue may have just had him put the medal in his ass anyway.
7:00 AM, Friday June 26.

But let's assume all those butterflies turned out in the best case scenario for Chris--he set the fire, but Bob and Snorlax got out in time.  What happens then?  Naturally, Chris is in deep shit for burning the house down.  But what happens next?  They'll probably try to sue ED, a media circus occurs, and then the whole thing fades from the public eye after it's revealed that Chris was stupid enough to burn his house down.  Oh, and Bluespike is sent to juvie(JUVAY).
9:00 AM, Saturday June 27.

Clefairy, not Pikachu, became the mascot of Pokemon?
Week Three complete:

This is something I wish had happened, as the show would have been better and Chris funnier.  
I got the dates mixed up there.

For the show, Clefairy would have been better story wise--it evolves via a stone, and it's signature move Metronome enables it to randomly use any move in the game(the perfect Deus Ex Machina).  And as a Normal type, it could be taught a whole lot of moves.  Unfortunately, it's also pink, so having it as a mascot would have looked too feminine and alienated the male fans.
11:00 AM, Monday June 28.

Now think about what this does to Chris--he's still obsessed with Pokemon even with Clefairy as it's mascot.  He won't create Sonichu because Pikachu are now Pokemon of the Week while Clefairy is in every episode.  He will, however, create Sonairy and Clefamy.  Chris-chan Sonairy is still a broken Mary Sue, but he's a bit more logical--his ability to do anything is explained as being able to control what Metronome does instead of "I can do everything they can do because I created them damnit".
Week Four complete:

Plus, this would make them all Fairy Hedgehog Pokemon.  Fairies.
Chris was fairly silent, likely due to his Flipnote activity.

If Pokemon didn't exist?
3:23 AM, Saturday July 3.

The comic would draw more heavily from the thing Chris enjoys third most.  Odds are it'll be Sailor Moon with Power Rangers tossed in.
Week Five complete, Chris was not active:

All Sonichus and Rosechus are actually humans--that transform into elemental hedgehogs via magic.  If Sonic doesn't exist but Pokemon does, then replace hedgehogs with Pokemon.
3:30 PM, Wednesday July 14.

Bob dies.
6:36 PM, Wednesday July 14.

We're going to have to deal with this eventually, so we might as well look at the logical side instead of the emotional side.
6:00 PM, Thursday July 15.

From what I hear, Bob seems to be the guy who convinces Chris of everything.  Chris didn't go to Redmond because of him.  Note that he ignored Snorlax when it came to Julie and everyone else--this is her fault, she let Chris get away with too much shit and now he doesn't take her seriously.
Week Six Complete

And as I've said before, Bob is the parent that actively tried to stop us while Snorlax just sat on her ass and said "DON'T GO IT'S A TRAP".  Without him, Chris is a lot more vulnerable.
10:13 AM, Friday July 16.

But if Chris does show some despair where we can see it, we really ought to send him some condolences.  Something about that feels right.  Of course if Chris is his usual emotionless self we can mock the crap out of him for this and hail Bob as a god.
6:00 PM, Saturday July 17.

== Origin of the Medal ==
12:12 PM, Sunday July 18.

Somehow, I don't think Chris is being honest about when he made the first medal.  One anon managed to get into Wes Iseli's circle of friends and managed to glean a bit of information from him about Chris at PVCC.
10:00 PM, Sunday July 18.

It wasn't much, but we learned that:
10:23 AM, Tuesday July 20.
*Chris's horribly hygene habits had already begun.
*Wes can't remember his name.
*Wes thought he had Downs.
*Chris shot death glares at him.
*They never really spoke.
*Chris couldn't find his way around the school and had to use a hand drawn map(complete with Sonichu and Rosechu).

Notice something missing?  Wes does not mention the medal.  I think the first thing that would stick out about Chris is the medal(it is, after all, his nametag).  He made it for sure during his time at PVCC, that we know.
1:42 PM, Wednesday July 21.

I guess we have to figure out which came first--Chris-chan Sonichu or the Medalion of Fail?
12:50 PM, Thursday July 22.

His first appearance was in Sonichu(18 March 2004), which was shortly after his one sided feud with Mary Lee Walsh began.
Week Seven complete

However, he'd clearly thought up the Chaotic Combo by then--they're on the Mark Zero's necklace.
8:08 PM, Saturday July 24.

== Character Derailment ==
5:33 PM, Monday July 26.
Come to think of it, that may explain why he exploded in the polldaddy comments over Alec killing them--they aren't as important to him as Sonichu(a direct Sue), but they're indirect aspects of himself so he's still insulted.  When Alec killed them off, in order, he insulted his perception of religion(Angelica), his desire to impress Bob(Wild), his perception of his own strength(Punchy, note how his huge textwall in Sonichu 10 bitches about how he could have beaten Metal Asperchu), his perception of his mother (Bubbles), and finally his desire to be all-powerful(Magi-chan).

This may also explain the character derailment Blake and Megagi suffer--they're supposed to be Chris's perception of Wes Iseli and Megan's outward persona respectively.
11:48 PM, Thursday July 29.

When Chris actually put Wes in the comic, Blake lost his purpose and what little character he had. 
Week Eight complete

When Megan demanded that Chris remove Sailor Megtune(what he thought Megan was at her core), Megagi suffered in turn because Chris couldn't bear to live with just Megan's "let's just be friends, OKAY?" personality.  Note how he paired her off with Bionic as a form of twisted wish fufillment.
6:18 AM, Saturday July 31.

When Chris is forced to put two characters that represent the same thing into the comic, the original suffers derailment.  When Chris is forced to remove a character, he takes the essence and overrides another nearby character that embodied something negative.
11:18 PM, Saturday July 31.

Wait a minute, THAT'S what Simonla is supposed to be!  What is her purpose?  To validate Wild's heterosexuality.  What is Wild?  Chris's desire to impress Bob.  Chris is worried that his desire to impress another man may be gay.  Killing Simonla means accusing Chris of being gay for Bob.  Sandy was the result of one such transfer--the delay was likely Chris convincing himself that having a daughter was as good as a wife when it comes to validating Wild's heterosexuality.
9:02 AM, Sunday August 1.

We need to send a letter in to the mailbag accusing Chris of this.  Or Rule 34 it.
6:25 AM, Monday August 2.

Oh, and if Bob dies before Wild ever gets around to saving his father, expect him to be too late.
12:45 AM, Tuesday August 3.

This happened before, too.  Silvana may have been the first case of it.  Chris thought her up during his stay at PVCC--she was supposed to embody his lonliness.  She probably didn't have the power to change her form and may have been more of a Sailor Moon ripoff than anything--he was probably going through an obsession with the show at the time and her design does seem to be stolen from the show.
2:31 PM, Tuesday August 3.

However, before he could think of a way to put her in the comic, we came.  Thus, he was forced to corrupt her.  She gained her shapeshifting powers because we would disguise ourselves as people we weren't to harm Chris.  Chris hates her the most because we forced him to corrupt her, to create a Rosechu with a dick.
12:42 PM, Thursday August 5.

This, however, is all his fault.  He could have simply made another Rosechu, perhaps a sister of Silvana, to embody us while still keeping her as he originally wanted her to be.  Instead, his tremendous laze made him slap a dick on a Rosechu because it was faster.  Naturally, this is all our fault in his eyes.
Week Nine complete.

Someone call him out on that.
1:30 PM, Monday August 9.

==Fringe Horror and Evolution==
7:00 PM, Monday August 9.

A thing I noticed and pointed out on /cwc/.
Week Ten Complete

Let's point out how the mechanics of evolution work in the CWCverse.  In the Father Call, Chris claimed that he had 27 years of experience--implying that he thinks you gain experience simply by sucking up food and breathing instead of having actual experiences.  This runs against how Pokemon gain experience--by going out and fighting things.  Chris doesn't fight things, he runs from every battle he encounters, and anyone who's done this in an RPG eventually runs into a boss, a monster they can't run from or fight because they didn't kill the monsters they ran from.
1:00 PM, Sunday August 15.

So this means that under Chris's definition of "experience", all Sonichu and Rosechu will steadily gain experience points by existing(though fighting would logically help).  This would mean that the Sonee and Rosey just need to sit on their asses and be content, and one day they'll mature if they're feeling content.
11:48 PM, Tuesday August 17.

However, CWCverse evolution will also follow the Anime rules--Pokemon can evolve via extreme desire. Charizard evolved from Charmeleon because it ''really'' wanted to be able to fight an Aerodactyl that kept flying away, for example.  This rule boils down to "If a Pokemon REALLY wants to be able to do something it can't, but it's evolved form can, it will trigger it's own evolution". 
7:13 PM, Wednesday August 18.

This rule applies to the CWCverse, as demonstrated by Punchy and Bubbles.  However, there's another thing--characters also seem to spontaneously evolve simply by existing.  Magi-chan and Wild, I'll excuse--the former was apparently training when he evolved and thus gaining experience in a loose sense of the word, and Wild was never shown evolving.  Angelica, however, just evolves in her sleep for no fucking reason.  Being raised by nuns, and being unaware of other Pokemon herself, she wouldn't have known that she would have an evolution triggered by happiness and thus wouldn't know how to resist it. 
Week Eleven Complete

Since we're obeying a combination of tard logic, anime logic, and game logic, Pokemon in the CWCverse can negate their own evolutions if they don't want to evolve just yet.
6:22 PM, Thursday August 19.

I've established elsewhere on this page that Chris uses Robbie as a sue, but look at it this way.  In order to leave his childhood and achieve sexual maturity, Robbie has to willingly consent to his evolution.  He won't evolve until he wants to, no matter how happy he is.  He can stay in his childhood for as long as he wants.
10:06 PM, Thursday August 19.

Doesn't this fit Chris so very well?  Chris hates that he's a human.  Chris hates that humans grow up and hates the fact that his body is constantly outgrowing his mind.  He hates that he can't control his aging or physical maturity.  Chris wants to be a fucking Pokemon.
9:48 AM, Friday August 20.

Now let's add another layer to the horror.
9:00 PM, Friday August 20.

Sandy, as we all know, is the result of Rosey+Soft Sand.  As Wild demonstrates, simply touching it is enough to trigger an evolution(Chris expects the games to follow different rules).
9:17 AM, Saturday August 21.

Evolution forces sexual maturity in Sonichu and Rosechu. 
4:20 PM, Saturday August 21.
Sandy was only a few weeks old.
Wild was without a woman to fuck.
Sand is part of the ground.
Simonla was a ground type.
Wild was the one who handed her the Soft Sand on the pretext that it was a toy and not a way of forcing sexual maturity onto her against her will.
Sandy looks just like her mother.

Wild forced her to evolve either to A) Fuck her or B)Get out of taking care of a goddamn Rosey or C)Both.
9:37 PM, Sunday August 22.

He's using her as a Replacement Goldfish(look up the trope) or a very lazy parent.  Either way, he's an evil fucker.
4:10 PM, Sunday August 22. (Jesus Christ he's on a roll here)

'''Explaining the trial'''
6:05 PM, Sunday August 22.

Something else I noticed--Chris doesn't know what Sean and Mao look or act like.  This makes me assume that the Azn and stoner at the trial were just random people Chris abducted and killed.  Sean was clearly abducted shortly before the trial--he's still fucking high when they drag him in.  Evan, of course, was himself, and Alec may have been himself as well(It would explain where Asperchu's father want--<s>Alzhei</s>Bobchu is simply keeping the truth from him).
12:25 AM, Monday August 23.

Why was Evan breaking into the building?  Simple.  Simonchu, noble soul that he is, found out about a plot on Simonla's life and the two went to save her--she's Evan's creation and Simonchu's relative.  Evan came along because he wanted to make sure Chris didn't steal Simonchu.  Simonchu tried to breach the security to get to the bathroom, but Magi-chan noticed them and assumed, since he's a dick like Chris, that they were doing something evil.  Because he was too busy looking at them, an unidentified man snuck in, planted Toilet Exploding Voltorb, and escaped before Magi-chan could spot him.  Security didn't spot him leaving because they were too busy chasing Evan and Simonchu on Magi-chan's orders.
2:22 PM, Monday August 23.

Chris assumed that since they were trying to break in, they had something to do with the crime(he's an idiot like that).  He also decided that it was obviously a plot by the Asperpedia and tried to use it as an excuse to kill them.  Alec was abducted from his house in Minnesota as he went to get something at the store(this is how Asperchu's "father" vanished).  It took so long to set up the show trial because Chris was trying to find an Asian and a stoner to be Mao and Sean--he didn't know where they lived or what they looked like.  Simonchu dug to safety, of course.
6:14 PM, Monday August 23.

It's all really fucked up.
6:22 PM, Tuesday August 24.

Latest revision as of 09:12, 5 August 2020

Mary Lee Walsh Former Jerkop
Like Mary Lee Walsh, this CWCki Jerkop is now retired and deserving of our gratitude. Please contact an active moderator instead.
Mumble Service Medal March Mumble Madness
This user nearly went mad in March 2010 to provide CWCki with accurate and complete transcriptions of the Mumble chats.
American Flag Americunt: This user is an Americunt and refuses to use unnecessary vowels. Uncle Sam would be proud!
mIRC #sonichu Reg
This user is a regular on #sonichu
Mail Operation Mailbag
This user contributed to the Mailbag and had their e-mail answered by Chris.

I'm the guy whose letter caused Chris to describe the mildest nightmare ever.

I mean, seriously, how can Chris consider a nightmare where OTHER PEOPLE are suffering to be terrible?

I had a dream about Chris once.

He stuck his hand (the one with the High School Ring on it) in front of the camera, and then dumped a bunch of pills into it.

Then the hand moved out of the scene and came back empty. I assume he was trying to kill himself on the internet.

That was odd.

I wonder if Chris really roars on the rare occasion he actually uses the goddamn toilet?

YT Login

I'm going to keep track of the times Chris logs in to Youtube. All times are EST, the timezone Chris resides in.

11:00 PM, Friday June 4.

Roughly 9:38 PM, Saturday June 5.

Roughly 4:38 AM, Sunday June 6.

10:38 PM, Sunday June 6.

3:00 AM, Monday June 7.(Biological clock lolol)

6:21 PM, Monday June 7.

Roughly 8:33 PM, Monday June 7.

Roughly 1:00 AM, Tuesday June 8.

Around 7:00 AM, Wednesday June 9.(He may or may not have been up all night here)

Around 7:00 PM, Wednesday June 9.

10:47 PM, Thursday June 10.

Week One Complete:

It looks like I'm right so far--if Chris meets Rocky every Thursday and only goes to church when he feels like it, this makes sense. He likely meets her around noonish--explaining his login time--and the reason he hasn't been on since Thursday is likely because Rocky was really pissed at him for making a video on Sunday or trying to run down Michael Snyder last Friday. I think we'll be seeing Chris in another week or two, after the heat dies down (providing he doesn't do something stupid again). Don't panic.

10:37 PM, Monday June 14.(It's starting to look like Chris makes his e-sweeps in the evenings, after whatever it is he does during the day. Would explain why he always complained of how tired he was when he was stressed.)

Around 7:30 PM, Tuesday June 15.

Around 2:30 PM, Wednesday June 16.

Around 9:30 PM, Thursday June 17.

Around 7:36 AM, Saturday June 19.

Week Two Complete:

He was inactive for most of the week. Also, ever since he started going to FAF he hasn't logged in on a Friday. Come to think of it, I belive he's trying to be sneaky with the flipnotes--Rocky may be watching his YT for any uploads, but she doesn't know about Flipnote and so he can post to his clogged heart's content. He's openly defying Rocky.

Around 3:00 AM, Monday June 21.

Around 10:20 PM, Wednesday June 24.

12:20 AM, Friday June 26.

7:00 AM, Friday June 26.

9:00 AM, Saturday June 27.

Week Three complete:

I got the dates mixed up there.

11:00 AM, Monday June 28.

Week Four complete:

Chris was fairly silent, likely due to his Flipnote activity.

3:23 AM, Saturday July 3.

Week Five complete, Chris was not active:

3:30 PM, Wednesday July 14.

6:36 PM, Wednesday July 14.

6:00 PM, Thursday July 15.

Week Six Complete

10:13 AM, Friday July 16.

6:00 PM, Saturday July 17.

12:12 PM, Sunday July 18.

10:00 PM, Sunday July 18.

10:23 AM, Tuesday July 20.

1:42 PM, Wednesday July 21.

12:50 PM, Thursday July 22.

Week Seven complete

8:08 PM, Saturday July 24.

5:33 PM, Monday July 26.

11:48 PM, Thursday July 29.

Week Eight complete

6:18 AM, Saturday July 31.

11:18 PM, Saturday July 31.

9:02 AM, Sunday August 1.

6:25 AM, Monday August 2.

12:45 AM, Tuesday August 3.

2:31 PM, Tuesday August 3.

12:42 PM, Thursday August 5.

Week Nine complete.

1:30 PM, Monday August 9.

7:00 PM, Monday August 9.

Week Ten Complete

1:00 PM, Sunday August 15.

11:48 PM, Tuesday August 17.

7:13 PM, Wednesday August 18.

Week Eleven Complete

6:22 PM, Thursday August 19.

10:06 PM, Thursday August 19.

9:48 AM, Friday August 20.

9:00 PM, Friday August 20.

9:17 AM, Saturday August 21.

4:20 PM, Saturday August 21.

9:37 PM, Sunday August 22.

4:10 PM, Sunday August 22. (Jesus Christ he's on a roll here)

6:05 PM, Sunday August 22.

12:25 AM, Monday August 23.

2:22 PM, Monday August 23.

6:14 PM, Monday August 23.

6:22 PM, Tuesday August 24.