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(No offense but this explaination sucks balls. You can pretty much say in one sentence is that Chris looks for cause and effect and this is one case.)
(Srsly, we'll probably never find out the truth, unless...)
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The great irony is that he now locks ''himself'' in a [[Chris's room|room]].
The great irony is that he now locks ''himself'' in a [[Chris's room|room]].

==What may have happened==
Chris could possibly have been given an excuse by his mother for his muteness--it's almost certain he does not remember being 1 1/2 years old. Barbara could have simply been at a loss as to why her son was not speaking, and explained it away when he came of age to go to school as being the fault of their babysitter. Perhaps she just wanted something to blame other than his autism or wanted to gain sympathy about it from his teachers.


Revision as of 19:30, 28 November 2009

A re-enactment of what happened to Chris and his duck.

The abusive babysitter was a babysitter in Chris's neighborhood by the last name of Roach who watched Chris when he was 1.5 years old.[1] According to Cole, Roach was "unfit" as a babysitter and Barbara and Bob left Chris alone with her every day for years.[2] She allegedly locked him in a room while she babysat him. Chris was so traumatized that he didn't talk for a few years.[1] He blames this event for his autism (though generally speaking, symptoms for autism begin to show around age 1.5 years anyway[3]).

The great irony is that he now locks himself in a room.
