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[Chris returns to posing and grunting until the video concludes.]
[Chris returns to posing and grunting until the video concludes.]
[[Category: Videos Christian uploaded to YouTube]]

Revision as of 01:23, 2 November 2009

11012009 I AM STRONG is a video Chris uploaded on 01 November 2009 in which he acts like he got muscles. (Spoiler; He fails again) He also got a haircut. Good thing too, because it was starting to look like a fucking corpse!



[Chris reaches away from the camera, as "Eye of the Tiger" begins to play.]

[For several seconds, Chris flexes his pencil-thin arms, grunting enthusiastically. He coughs briefly from the effort before launching into his rant.]

You tikes are so tough...you think you're so tough, no you are not! You are weak!

[Chris points at the camera mockingly, in the fashion of Hulk Hogan, a gesture he repeats throughout the video.]

Dis battle is fer...this war is far from beyond over Mister Clyyyyyde! You got nothin'!

[Chris holds out his fist, with the Amnyfest Ring, in a menacing gesture.]

YOU GOT NOTHIN'! You are weak and very powerless! I am the strong one! I AM STRONNNG! You back down! You...are a weakling! I AM THE STRONG BUFF ONE! GRRRRR! ARRRRRRR!

[Chris returns to posing and grunting until the video concludes.]