Cwcville Shopping is on Vacation

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Revision as of 13:17, 12 June 2016 by Researcher (talk | contribs)
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CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Cwcville Shopping is on Vacation is a video Chris made on the 11th of June, 2016. The video is of Chris, announcing to the viewers that his Etsy is being backed up in orders, and that a Zazzle is opening soon. Through most of the video, Chris is staring right at the camera, reflecting older styles of video. Chris, about one third into the video, tries to pity the viewer into donating by saying that there are "troubles here at home", and that they need cash, even though Chris gets a tugboat, meaning Chris spent all of his money on useless shit already, and he needs more. Ironically, Chris is sitting right in front of all of his toys, and even his new body pillow.


Cwcville Shopping is on Vacation
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Stardate 11 June 2016
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Happy Birthday, Jonathan


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Hello everybody, this is Christine Chandler coming to you live once again from home; there's actual, actually a couple of updates, uhh, in reference to the shop. Uhh, yes, the shop is consid.. the Cwcville shopping Esty store is currently on vacation until i catch up with my orders. So, again that's on vacation , and hopefully I will have all non-book orders by the end of this month, [Had to cut off here, going insane]