I'm selling my father's stamp collection; come on down and buy some of it

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Revision as of 12:08, 1 March 2017 by Galilean (talk | contribs)
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I'm selling my father's stamp collection; come on down and buy some of it, is a video Chris uploaded to YouTube on 1 March 2017. Unlike most of his videos from last year, Chris attempts to amend his monetary problems with a more sensible approach; selling junk around his house. At the same time, however, it's necessary to point out that Chris is to reluctant to sell anything from his pile of worthless junk.

In a rare instance of self-awareness, Chris advertises this stamp collection by underlining the fact that it belonged to Bob; perhaps hoping that this information would somehow increase the demand for this collection, especially in the trolling community.


I'm selling my father's stamp collection; come on down and buy some of it
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Stardate 1 March 2017
Subject Matter Cwcville ShoppingCwcville Shopping
Saga BusinessBusiness Business
Shirt The Happy HagThe Happy Hag The Happy Hag
A browsing around an ol' playground


More out of the collection is being added a bit at a time, so keep watch, and buy what you like for your stamp collection. ;)


A browsing around an ol' playground Chris's videos