CLog 10042017 - Q&A 1

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CLog 10042017 - Q&A 1 is a video Chris uploaded to YouTube on 4 October, 2017. It is a 50 minute long Q&A he live streamed after he made an account on Kiwi Farms and posted there, asking for questions to answer. He answers most of the questions posted, except for any having to do with Jessica.


Creating CLog 10042017 - Q&A 1
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Stardate 4 October 2017
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Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt Love is Love
Reaction to Quinn threatening a break-up


This is the Official YouTube channel of the one and only creator and author of the Sonichu and Rosechu series, Christine Weston Chandler (AKA Christian, Christopher, Chris Chan, Ricardo); me. Links to my personal Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as my stores of Sonichu and Rosechu, and self, merchandise are available for purchase. Among which, more items are to come in the future, so stay tuned for the updates when I make them personally.


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welcome to another C log video start eight one zero zero four two zero one seven this is Christine Chandler coming to you live from home once again and before I begin was obviously something had y'all been looking forward to since I end up making this thread full announcement first off yes that was me on the after mentioned Kiwi farms I made the one post I shall never make another post again on their web forum but I felt need to establish that I am to face the trolls good and bad because we're all still individual people and very importantly I do this because this is like eventually happening but waiting to happen I face my demons of the past I've been lingering on to me for so many years I have not been able to since I was naive either and regular for even it's regular or superpowers I have to it I still need to address these concerns individually be it they question I need to answer so we could get their knowledge a fermented ly answered and then we can move forward and thus allowing me to ultimately find true peace of mind and solace between me and my sweetheart and of which she has definitely voiced concerns against me doing this but this is something that just was going to eventually be done anyway so tell you my sweetie I'm yeah while your comments between our back and forth earlier today they did sting me quite a bit but I do this for us my love believe you me my heart my soul is in the right place I will not reveal a specific details or personal information as I answer the following questions had no names other people will be mentioned and if there's a need that are mentioned in the questions and I will be answering then those questions shall be overlooked and I might be I might overstepped my boundaries by saying I will probably do a Q&A video every week but if I am unable to I will at my own pace whenever I can answer a right answer a question on a Facebook post which a link to that will be on my Twitter following so that question will be answered there now there is a question that has been asked before this time that has been answered and it is repeated in this one thread then you better quote me on answering that question also to mention this is definitely a long time coming for me because I ended up being so deep into this mess of trolls and cyber bullies I broke the number one rule dye should've learned when all this mess started in late 2007 ignore the trolls they ignore them but at that time I just could not and I end up being blackmailed being deceived so much content miss content leaked from me I look face to face in each and every one of those times and moments I do regret the majority of them but they have happened they are in the past they shouldn't mean they should never be brought up again especially in harassing me or harassing other people at my expense because I am so much better than that and I made that perfectly clear into one thread post that I've made earlier today okay so without further ado we'll answer some questions but firstly two questions that were proposed to me off of Twitter one of which if there was anything you could change in your future message that you had made on your 25th birthday what would it be well what would they be I might have to rewatch it and give more details into that but initially I would definitely remove the stay straight and swap that with find yourself for who you are rather you be straight gay lesbian bisexual trans whatever you are you you are individual you should love accept appreciate yourself as I have found is it myself and I learned to love and accept myself and it has been so much better for me ever since I came out in June or July of 2014 as a lesbian trans woman and the other question if there was anything that was there anything you wish you could said to your father mr. Robert Franklin Chandler jr. before he passed on I gave that some thought I have a valid response because this actually happened to me long before he passed on a few years before well sir I predicted you wouldn't I passed on until middle of 2015 so don't tell us on yet soldier don't bail out on us yet there's one thing I wish I could have said to my father as I had left him that fateful afternoon at the Martha Jefferson hospital soon every day all right moving on we all answered the first question I'm not refreshing on the on the I am on the very last page of this thread on that forum right now so I'm gonna start with the last question of which I was uncomfortable answering but I feel like I have a good idea a better answer to that question so all right so you seem interested in making science you to a commercial work making it that way requires a lot effort speaking with lawyers her to rewrite some sections is that worth it for you how far would you be willing to go to publish science you professionally and if I was willing to go that far how would the San Chicano speedlight did they have any ideas for Lego to publish well I tell you this despite efforts I think that that would be minimal because I had not received complaints from neither Nintendo or Sega original first publication on the Internet in 2004 obviously more than 13 years have passed since then so it is a [Music] so I feel like it is good equal game especially since my characters are more accepted around the world and everywhere and we are still consuming on in that nothing will be passed edit and if we ever should need a sonic character in the future it will not be directly the characters themselves but somebody else from within my series who could portray said characters in the book that's definitely one way to keep it safe so like in that one flashback with hey check it out somebody left a locker room today we have to you know pretended to be babysat bed BAM okay moving on from this question let's see here yes well how answer this one it's just it's over my head over my knowledge but have you ever thought about applying for such an 8 housing as far as I concern I'll take that under consideration but at the moment at this present time I am NOT looking to move out just yet eventually I may but that is still years later I can't say for certain right now all right moving on let's see okay would you ever like to visit the UK and Isis a question from a British lady person I would say yes I would very much like to visit jolly old England London see the big bin and all the fancy sights like number one number 17 Cherry Tree Lane are no the banks and knife opens that was a fun funny way I so many positive things from the UK Britain God that would definitely be a good place I'd like to visit I'm moving on hmm that's a woman via my strength the lips should be physically strong the women you know what yes ladies do as you feel if you want to be strong then go for it you are rocking and you are supported let's see hmm okay but uh this is okay all right interested in the SNES classic or the NES classic a bit but I think I'd rather go for a wreck on console and get the individual Kart reduced so that I'm not limited why why if I ever do I might get the SNES classes where starfox do way unless they put it on the Virtual Console thought about making medallions again that isn't the process as we as me and my associates where it's we're working on it spending our businesses the business and one night we just opened the round bubble red bubble store just yesterday we'll eventually find somebody who can make them a die-ins and on my behalf and those will be well to go and then let's see enjoy the song series as a whole part TV cartoon like SatAM or otherwise yes set am site there jog now that was the best one sauna gets Japanese without the dubbing that's very good too so if I'd say pick one over the odds so it's a classic SatAM I wish they made that season 3 well I'd love to see if that was the Echidna hiding in the shadows or metal sonic or when we ever really know the answer that somebody's got to pick up that project now let's see that's not good question painting a tree that's painting a tree on Twitter I only had the three accounts CWC sonichu night star two eight nine one with a capital and and the capital S and more recently that I have cut the ties of Kurt Fortson you know where that name came from it's bad for the Seinfeld series but they're brown for down so any other accounts that y'all may be suspecting obvious sounding similar to my typing pattern nope That's not me that is not me that is a genuine different person let's see yeah and I'm just gonna put this one as a neutral question anything having to do with my after my mother passes away still in the works planning it out but meanwhile it's a blank slate and hopefully all my sweetie will be able to make that bake plan something for the better and of course also talking with my mother and discussing all that but she just turned seventy six years old last Sunday so just any red void any reference to whatever happens mother passes away my answer is pretty much every remaining it still to be determined I don't know let's see oh okay here's a good one on the recent rosey weight gain hmm yes that was inspired by a certain someone who is a spiring fan of breakfast with sister which might away really good series the artist should continue on joint pages for that but she did make an update note about that and both my sweetie and I we respect her for that mmm and let's see fellow question have you taken to consideration the struggles of real world women who deal with sudden unwanted weight gain as you like this plot okay well I am very much aware of all types of people briar to be very slender very slim and having trouble maintain net or just being as being really big and having to maintain and cope with that so between everything I've seen television in the movies real life in person other forms of media I just take it it to between common sense and my empathy towards how it goes out in the final run but really my psychic connection with my electric headshot Pokemon family in the city a quick Ville as I right now they stream the memories into my head it actually happened on those dates in that dimension and they just tell me has it happened and let's see what else we got here [Music] I probably answer this question with a whole one or so lengthy Facebook posts any high school memories years or before and maybe a few unheard details of my 18th 18th birthday play the basketball team management and gal pals talk about whatever I want we'll just say that's a question I'll put off to a Facebook post let's see what over got here oh this reminds me so this reminds me about I should definitely make this a point because I made the one post on McKinney farms that make this the biggest threat I'm answering these questions from known of you none of you are control in control of me I am in control of me nobody else and I do this answer these questions this video stream under my own accord to face my past and my demons hmm okay yeah this is a valid question though believe Detroit do I believe the trolls are one single unified in control group I cannot say for certain but and I am NOT taking sides I am NOT on the side of kiwi farms I am knocked on the side a fortunate an ominous or anybody or any page website of that sort I am not on any of those sides I'm on the side of those that love and care about very much even my heart my sweet heart evermore my sweet heart single unified possibly but I do I am aware of the multiple sources and that they form on and outsource to let's just say possible but I'm gonna guess more like multiple but in it but the grander scheme of things y'all are still not y'all still like me you know I'm still talking about me despite of foul language and mockery that is said y'all laugh at what's actually funny that I do hey this is fine ready up on me little pony I'm not Father's we're working progress tell me what bars you got to cuz I still like what's brought about to Peter leader leader leader levy Stepan no and this is a good follow up to that - I prefer MLP oversight actually I do not prefer one over the other I like them both equally although I am enjoying the MLP series a bit more because there's quite a few there's quite a number of friendship not lessons and values in that show and it's more current somebody pick up the Saturday yam sonic again let's see hmm any thing I like about Darnell mr. Trump well I'll tell you what all questions about our failing number 45 President of the United States let's just leave that as a neutral I definitely don't like him and I definitely don't like all the things he's passed and whatnot the only redeeming quality is that is anything the one thing that actually inspired my light not to marry him in the first place the one heartfelt thing but even that is fleeting because he's a malignant narcissist I saw that coming in those presidential debates that came out before the election voting date you may quote me on that I saw coming and then the psychologist confirmed it and then he confirmed himself throughout his miss actions so any questions about Trump that's it all right next page page 2 it's flowing down to the bottom I'm deaf I find any repeat questions I'll definitely skip over those let's see jeez that's ok that was funny hmm ok yes is this a very bad question do I believe that quick fail equestrian other such places it's this intimate different dimensions yes I believe very much in the different dimensions and I have access if I access to some to all those dimensions I can fuse it into them just like my OC night star can see to our dimension our reality watching our YouTube videos and visiting us this thing our dimensions doctor who does it all the time too here's the doctor who's the doctor yes he's the doctor doc dude yes he's the doctor oh look who's the dog yes he's the doctor joke brain gigawatts I am not discussing anything about my date with my sweetheart so skipping this question definitely keeping her details and her name despite of everybody who is aware of what her name is I'm not bringing it up again right now so I care about her too much all my heart and salt and being I love you sweetie yes I do how much kisses in this heart yes now let's move on up and sing [Music] okay here's uh okay following the first paragraph this question comes out okay what do i what do you have to say to someone who has given you so much negative attention while he himself lives in worse condition lives in live where he's made Jeff is our associate would hate being a general annoyance and who has gone to great lengths to say harsh things to you personally rather than sit by and comment on your unique life well to that person in such conditions or even better I'd their side their believe them because they feel like they are unable to communicate positively and I'm not going to put them down I just perceive what they say in the more better mayor because that person I feel sorry for them in such pitiful conditions and whatnot I do I can feel for them I can empathize not my fault not their fault that they can't say I love you instead of I hate you it's a bizarro universe will be bizarro me hate you me you make you I love you bizarro love you just perception anyway empathize and all that and I would forgive each and every single person who has taught less mocked or spoken to me in that sense negatively and I was a second part a question Oh anyone first on to say personally I have never met anyone who actually said that said anything bad to me face-to-face or in person I'm serious upon recollection I had so much fear of paranoia and this is aside from the one or two cranking encounters including a certain green suited individual anyway I was forgiven I was forgiven that's in the past moving on and I just appreciate all the sincere kindness that have received at BroNYCon I was just really awesome and I like seeing kindness I promote that very much I have no idea what Catalonia is it sounds like a place I would have to look that up skipping that question because that's no one I'm not I'm not allowed to go into ok why do I hold the pencil so messed up where's my pen I hold my weight I got this right it's just the way I hold it ok among which I have learned how to properly hold a pen or a pencil and I think ever think of my drawing would proof that posted differently if I have my pen or pencil any differently from why I am I doubt it would improve or make a difference it would be more difficult to me to switch from the natural holding to a forced new position what's the lever so this is my way of writing and drawing get to the point and deal with it now let's see all the possibility of children after my full transformation into being a full woman I have heard it's successful I can eventually bear my own child but obviously dead up to future events when that can actually happen it's about this moment that's still debatable and I'm not gonna fret too much over that right now now let's see [Music] how the March the special ed bus when I was 15 that well I can summarize that incident in short there was this kid and the seat opposite from me wanted to be the first off the bus and I was like alright well I'm gonna be first off the bus too so it's like we've out food outs and just one time he actually literally pushed hit me and not my glasses on my face and I was really upset that day and my father had to talk with the principal and whatnot and that's how I ended up getting demoted from regular bus to handicapped bus yeah did not like that quite much I'm not gonna go into further detail about that and this that's all and Kathleen the original version of sod she's 13 or at least post that was going to be about yeah book 13 well 12-9 because I don't like using the number 13 it's an unlucky number but 12-9 it is science-u special introducing life and stories of miss night star between Ponyville and Equestria Canterlot high that neck of the woods she's got she gets around she even goes to quick bail at one point but that's to be drawn in the next book after I finished with number 12 here the original though if there were to be a book 13 I would possibly draw alongside that one or maybe add a layered day to put back that scheme but book 13 would definitely be the crossover between sanchu and let it dole in because eventually my god I get a tour plant Dolan and the character aspects there and why not and that's aside from oh what's in the studio what's here what's there and there's a good bout between Blake and hell-bent and the mental bouts comparisons discussions between magic and and knits iam some good smart intelligent yeah but that was a I can't my mouth off in my hand because I'm thinking about answering the questions but anyway that point is made was the Christian the Hedgehog Boys album favorite to record not particularly especially the first track because boy it was I first was I frustrated virgin that's all I will say about that and I'm not a virgin anymore let's just leave it at that but anyway just hearing my voice singing all that at this time it's cringe-worthy anyway moving on it's see mmm binaural beats questions all I can say everything about my narrow beats I am taking in it's working very well there'll be no further questions everything out a question similar I'm still listening to them they're working for me moving on almost done with side to 12:00 almost done like ten or so pages the quote-unquote lesbian sleepover party yeah that never happened just let's just say that somebody else whose name will not be mentioned propose the idea and it just never really formed plus there was that imposter over in Seattle I think it was yes yeah no because that's Frazier's hometown well the town he lives in and the showed up finish watch the entire series more than twice I still feel smarter every time I watch that show in the episode the regardless sorbet is very healthy and very well okay his is what his ulcer and his right eye has healed up but it's gonna be still a permanent consequence just blurred vision of that I pretty much and the nasal damage that's permanent the vet cannot is unable to repair that he did the best he could and but he was able to clear out that ulcer so sorbet is still healthy alive and well he's very active I have no idea what this question is about let's see there were musicals Mary Poppins yes I do like she I did like Gigi I like I'm singing in the rain just singing in the rain and yeah my favorite balls my favorite musical all-time would have to me meet me in st. Louie Louie made me the fare don't tell me the lights are shining anyplace but there we will dance through Kikuchi I will be here to see what see if you will meet me yes thank you Miss Judy Garland well that's question answered this question already next one probably and now just hand out candy this year staying at home unless I actually get an invite to a Halloween party or find a place to go to it's still yet to be determined not saying because I'm not going to make up any new posts aside from the one I made it could be bear the capture it could be better I say dis just this is basically what I'm doing is answering the neutral okay question and skipping over ones that are repeating or too revealing and I could put off some more later okay okay that's cool I mean I'm strong I'm on the first page I'm starting from the top so you know what I'm talking about mhm on the farms you can look it up for yourself I boats are actually members there let's just leave it that okay come here in the first place it's pretty much I wanted to actually see from your perspective on the earlier posts that y'all did and actually see if you were actually talking smack about me or responses to other things that every sometime that's pretty much it that's why I'm patrolling visually just reading some skimming certain top certain posts whatnot on there let's see what this site too much too much this is a too much question too much I'll too much too personal I am although I will only say that I have nothing against my fellow trans women and trans males just and I have given that thoughtful consideration but still that's always saying I respect them they're good people they're okay I would not natural I am more neutral towards them and I actually have a few trans women friends in my in real life ok let's just leave it at that too much that was a too much question dinner switch I might get one I might get one that's all I say I have no other responses to it [Music] yes I still want to get back of my brothers and sisters and my extended family that's but don't want y'all to worry about that you let me worry about that but that's all I will say about that and mmm okay yes based on my experiences what is the best way to tell if someone wanting to date me on the Internet is serious or not oh yeah separate the real ones in the bed well for one thing common sense you can check the profiles they are best their messaging you from like on Facebook see if their photos don't result in and the other well see their Facebook folks don't get repeated in the search results that's one thing and if their Facebook profiles are fresh it Korea created like they have less and that's number of posts on there they have little information there then I would be like pass there's other people and web pages that can advise you for the better but neutrally I would say keep an open heart and open mind figure it you can figure it out for yourselves which ones are sincere which ones are sarcastic and just you don't jump in a relationship immediately just make friends until and especially in person just make friends and and then why then that's been actually that you've known for a while and that they've known you for a while you come out to them word they come out order here she comes out to you good I'd say go for it Duffey like if at least a few months to at least a year there you go yeah now let's see what else we got okay yes patched up love life we're good I am not at liberty to talk about what happened especially on recorded forms like the record videos like this one and we already answered that question and that's not a question ya know what going to Frank mmm okay I do not have anything against people with other forms of disabilities just they just pretty much initially they would kind of creeped me out especially if barely understand them but if I had an extended amount of time and I find that I can get used to this person and like them then that's good otherwise I'll just remain positively civil and neutral another tip today that biscuit but it's not question I'm going to say yes to that question ported facebooking me now what's the fun of that and I like to do oh yeah adopt the hey if there was a video game of my adult life to be made it would have to be something like a choice making game like either life is strange or gone home I liked both of those both of us really good and the time with the well the mudding murder for Pollock political dissent the one time I did draw that and I did edit that out I swapped it out so now those got some of those get some of that guilty party you're definitely trying to get a word there there not and I want to say pill I feel like I want to say pilgrim but I wrote you know I mean they're definitely totally cut off from the internet and modern technology maybe that's the and I'm still getting used to so I can watch so I would eventually watch more of the past creations inspired by science you or myself I just went I skipped over them so many years ago when they originally came out because I was still paranoid that they were there be more of them mockery innocence but I did I am finding that there are actually majority of actually not so bad so adjusting and then used to it baby steps and so yeah now I haven't watched these love quest videos too and you have a good day too and that's all the questions three pages that's all the questions anyway I will get back to the high school memories on that on a layered point but I think we covered a lot today I feel better that I've addressed if you address some of the trolls and any more questions I'll check this thread like once a week I might just put the questions and answers on a Facebook post and answer them there or if I feel like it I'll record another Q&A video it just depends on my mood so now with this fate with this task I have taken a first step towards facing my demons in my past and I feel I feel fair for it and once again I empathize I want to reiterate do not contact any of my friends and my family or any of my associates and including and especially my sweetheart then I would not answer any more questions so no contact with them no harassment you wanted to hug that tight you want to know more ask me directly through this thread only if you're already on there otherwise anybody else who is not on there you can talk to me on Twitter or in the facebook comments leave it at that I definitely would discourage going I still would discourage until such a time when the website and the web forums are more let's say polite and politically correct shall we say stents mmm yeah stay away from them and I definitely emphasize that if there's any harassment going on towards you from any really about any bad internet trolls and cyber boys just block them block them on your Facebook on your Twitter wherever block them just and they're pinning the blame on a one individual that they picked on before just it's an example I'm an example with that do not block that person you block the actual person who's making those derogatory comments and I of course I am aware of those who are who have been trolled in the past might not been able to ignore them and fell into depression I just want to say they offer some heartfelt support to each of you individually I have spoken to a few of you and our problem and I will end up lending my kindness and support tomorrow offering in the future y'all know who you are don't don't that I'm better but I'm better than them tell me anything else in my mind let me think a moment okay well aside from that think I'm good for this time so until that's video record or that's question I answer everybody y'all have a great safe day thank you for your kindness and your respect and listening you

Reaction to Quinn threatening a break-up Chris's videos