Template talk:DYK

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Revision as of 07:35, 27 August 2021 by Byzantine (talk | contribs) (→‎Formatting.)
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Wow, way to fail with the double negative on line 3. Bill Lumburg 19:55, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Wait what? --Anonymax 20:57, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Needs to be changed so it will give different results with each main page load / refresh

Right now it changes on the main page only when someone does something woith the template... I think. --Sonijew is back 04:24, 17 April 2010 (UTC)

Also change it to just one set of trivia showing up at a time (I have now 2 sets of 14 total). --Sonijew is back 04:40, 17 April 2010 (UTC)

Updated. Axe 02:22, 10 July 2012 (PDT)

Apple-Core bit

The website linking to the apple-core bit got 404'd. Should we replace it with another DYK or find another website with the info on that bit? -Larry the Larryhog (talk) 19:50, 12 July 2020 (UTC)

I vote replace. It's a small detail that doesn't seem to be mentioned elsewhere in the CWCki. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 19:56, 12 July 2020 (UTC)


I tried adjusting this template to make the entries longer, and I think that I may have broken it - it seems to be stuck on one entry, and it isn't cycling through the others. Can anyone with a better understanding of how this thing works help out here? KingClark (talk) 09:51, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

Oh, I was wondering why it was broken, can't we just revert it? It looks like its working now, maybe a problem with loading that happened a few times? Byzantine (talk) 12:03, 27 August 2021 (UTC)