Ruckersville, VA

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Aerial shot of the redneck shithole that is Ruckersville.

Chris' home is highlighted with the red mark.

Ruckersville, VA is a rural area outlying Charlottesville, VA and the main stomping grounds of the creature known as Christian Weston Chandler - ground zero, if you will. Chris and his family moved from Ruckersville to the Richmond suburbs after their dispute with the faculty of Nathanael Greene Elementary School, only to return several years later.

The geography of Ruckersville is rather plain, punctuated with flat fields surrounding the small housing developments that link up with the larger town of Charlottesville. Crime statistics in Ruckersville are low, with no murders and only two rapes in recorded history, which is surprising when you consider that the only thing to do in Ruckersville - according to this website - is bird watching.

It's interesting to note that a Google Street View of the housing development that contains Chris's home is unavailable. Some theories exist to explain this, the leading being that the bizarre cocktail of smells produced by bathing in axe body spray and intense body odor may have simply driven the google camera car away from that street after the drivers deemed it "too risky." An alternative theory is that the road is so poorly marked and difficult to access, that nobody gave a fuck about driving down it.

See also

External links