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Typical /cwc/ user.

/cwc/ is a Chris-related image board that served as a notable hangout for PVCC rejects, newfags, and people who believe ANONYMOUS IS LEGION, etc. Despite the concentrated amounts of faggotry, Krapplefags were notable in being above ED and 4chan in the troll hierarchy.

The late Clyde Cash used to frequent the board to provide the lowly serfs with da update. However, some users have reported seeing posts made by Clyde's ghost.

While despised by many PVCC and #sonichu regulars, /cwc/ was notable in that it provided a place to discuss Chris-chan when 110mb went down, which caused both PVCC and CWCki to go offline.

Ivy has alleged that Chris had discovered the site, based on a tip off from a successful white knight, yet his response was that the colors bothered him and that there were "too many words."

On 1 November 2009, /cwc/, as well as the entire krapple board, was permanently deleted for reasons yet unknown (cancer).

It was brought back soon after on a spin-off chan.

Notable goings-on

White knight leaks

Ivy Appears


Closed due to spam

Then August 2nd, a counter-troll named Geneva, under the guise of Kimmo Alm, owner of Anontalk.com (a pedophile forum that frequently spams imageboards) suddenly decided to attack the innocent site and flood it with CP. So the KKK set up an anti-Kimmo board about fighting back against him. Geneva however continued to CP flood it, forcing the site admin to take the board offline. However /cwc/ returned 9 days later.

Closed due to counter-trolls

On August 23, 2009, Geneva once again tried to take /cwc/ offline by blackmailing CEO, the admin of KKK. Geneva's bluff was successful as the board was once again indefinitely taken offline.

On August 27, 2009, /cwc/ reopened for business.

Deleted forever?

On November 1, 2009, the /cwc/ page was missing and on the main webpage was a small README, saying:

everything on krapple has been deleted irreversably haev a nice day folks, thanks for the laughz

It remains to be seen as to the future of this image board. It has since been reincarnated by Legi0n. See the links. Deleted again

Typical discussions on /cwc/


/cwc/ has an irc channel located on Helldive, a network operated by insurgent and former ED sysop januszeal. Although not responsible for any sagas, it does serve as a hangout for various Krapplefags as well as some #sonichu members and trolls from various other communities.

External links