Talk:Cole Smithey

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To do

  • Emails between him and Chris
  • Photo
  • Link to his movie review website

retardaton must run in chris' maternal family

Cole gave the Cat in the Hat a good rating. --One With The Lulz 20:08, 5 July 2009 (CEST)

  • Here's a proper link to what you're talking about: Cole's review.

Find the only positive review here for Marmaduke. p.s. Bob rocks. --One With The Lulz 12:43, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

Legal Guardian?

i assume that he'll be watching chris after bob and barb die and the IRS takes the house, because Chris is too retarded/lazy to pay taxes---Dan Dash 03:00, 19 May 2010 (UTC)

nope when Bob and the snorlax dies he'll just live on the streets--HansAsperger. 14:36, 7 March 2011 (PST)userHansAsperer.04/52, 6 March 2011 (azt)

shared traits

I recall reading somewhere that Chris was going prematurely bald. Idk if this is a trol comment or what, but look at Cole on Chris's 18th birthday. He himself is going bald, and Chris is the same age as he was during Chris 's birthday. So...I guess they have a little in common.--Howsyourham 03:30, 31 July 2009 (CEST)

Cole was 37, not 27. get your facts straight. --Dan Dash 02:11, 9 March 2010 (UTC)


How do we know this is actually Cole? Chris is popular, as is Cole, anyone could be impersonating him, just as there are people who pretend to be Bob, Snorlax, Alec, Clyde, etc. --Champthom 22:13, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

  • Because people edit their own articles all the time. It's highly unlikely that an impersonator would be spamming links to Cole's reviews, and very likely that the genuine article is. Also, the article was edited by, an IP from Herndon, Virginia which also matches the User:Cole Smithey account. Apostrophe 01:13, 24 February 2010 (UTC)
    • Except, as pointed out in this article and on his personal website, Cole Smithey lives in Manhattan, not Herndon, Virginia. Yawning Squirtle 02:42, 24 February 2010 (UTC)
      • Ah, oops. Still, I think that edits like this seem a little too intentional to be a fake. Dude's clearly spamming his own works to boost his ego. Apostrophe 04:21, 24 February 2010 (UTC)


so i was looking up toy story criticism (i'm bored) and i found thissssss--- i came back here to check and the pics match up, lol. --masta beta alum 18:22, 27 June 2010 (UTC) edit--i'm retarded....but yeah

Whoever did it

Whoever came up with "successful escapees from the Casa De Chandler", I salute you.Theiselybros 07:21, 10 July 2011 (PDT)

  • Do we even know if he lived in that house though? It's very possible they lived in a different house, we really don't have any idea when Bob and Barb bought their house.--Champthom 05:43, 12 July 2011 (PDT)

Has Cole been contacted about Bob's death?

He did say "let me know when that fuck Bob drops", so... yeah. Dann Woolf 14:11, 10 September 2011 (PDT)

If Cole Smithey dares to desecrate Bob's memory, he will be almost as deserving of trolls as Chris. --DawnDusk 15:00, 10 September 2011 (PDT)
You guys sure are touchy about a dead racist, homophobic redneck. GUInterface 17:26, 24 September 2011 (PDT)

youtube site

Does anyone think this is his real YouTube account?

Unnecessary sections?

I'm not sure if we really need those section about Cole's previous acting gigs and the whole eBay shenanigan. It's doesn't seems to pertain to Chris in anyway other than that it pertains to his half brother. I would see the merit of such info in the article if Cole was as significant in Chris's life as Bob and Barb, but the way I see it Cole is a relatively minor figure in the tale of Chris-chan, even Megan is a more important character than him. I think those two sections should be removed from the article, though if anyone disagrees I'd like to read their opinions. - NegaCWC 11:40, 1 October 2011 (PDT)

Second time

This is the second time that we've deleted interesting, funny information about Cole because it has nothing to do with Chris. Are we really going to keep doing this? Are two tidbits of information going to destroy the CWCwiki? --DawnDusk 11:43, 1 October 2011 (PDT)

Yeah, you're right, it isn't totally relevant to Chris, but I just thought it would be interesting to have. I agree, it isn't terribly notable, Cole's eBay hijinks definitely don't deserve their own page, or a mentioning on the mentioning, but they fill in the void of info on Cole. Imo, it's no different from the irrelevant info on Chris's other families or his sweethearts' non-Chris-related "biographies." It's just a small section that gives a little info on Chris's half-brother, and I don't see how it will hurt the Wiki. Thanks. Barry 12:05, 1 October 2011 (PDT)