GameSpot Assault

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The GameStop Assault video is a short clip captured by a Tumblr user in which Chris, sporting full Tomgirl regalia, throws away any pity points he may have earned among by breaking three separate laws in one visit to his local GameStop. Captured on 27 December 2014, the video[1] shows Chris loudly requesting that the store's employees not bother with calling anyone, presumably to have him forcefully ejected from the premises. Strutting confidently out of the store, Chris pepper-sprays an innocent employee, who understandably reacts with an expression of both horror and confusion. Chris supposedly intended to deface a Sonic Boom display at the store; it is not clear whether or not he succeeded, or if the employees at the store recognized him as the Chris-chan they know and previously refused to tolerate.

Demonstrating his calm and collected demeanor in the face of adversity, Chris blows a raspberry at the camera.

True to form, Chris is dressed like a rainbow of fail - his outfit consists of novelty purple My Little Pony toy glasses, Manchester High hoodie, blue denim shorts, purple leggings, a hairband and what appear to be light-brown Ugg boots. Note that the ill-fitting Manchester High hoodie seems to be a firm favorite in Chris's tomgirl wardrobe, as it is also seen in the I Love You, Catherine video.

Spray and Aftermath

According to a troll[2], the substance sprayed on the hapless employee was indeed mace, or a derivative thereof. A followup call from a 4chan troll[2] revealed that the employee will be pressing charges, in a development remarkably similar to the events of 28 October 2011. If the claims by the troll are indeed true, it is likely that Chris will be facing potentially a financially destabilizing year in 2015.


GameSpot Assault
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Stardate 27 December 2014
Performance Style RageRage Rage
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt Manchester Hoodie


Chris: Don't call anybody!

[Chris struts confidently out of the store. Unintelligible background noise from other customers can be heard, and a niggo family at the counter can be seen in shock at the horror they've just witnessed.]

[Chris sprays a yellow-shirted employee with mace, who recoils in self-defense.]

Employee: Whoa! Hey! [mouths "what the fuck"]
