Lesbian Sex Audition

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CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

IMG 3207 is a Youtube Video Chris Uploaded on 30th of May 2016 in which he shows off his unappreciated acrobatic sexual prowess in hopes to impress a lesbian couple, Sam and Ellen, who hoped to raise a baby au naturel. Its contents (though mercifully, he is wearing a bra, pants and tights), are a much more SFW version of For Julies Eyes Only, which includes Chris explaining how he would please them in bed using a blow up doll, where he then over-explains many simple sexual activities while demonstrating them horribly, and lying about various things such as how what he just did was a "good workout" and that his duck is 7 inches long. To be noted, Chris still believes the vagina goes up the the belly button, as seen shortly into the video, where he licks the dolls stomach. The video was previously mentioned in CWC Responds to a bully named Johan, as Chris explained it was made to show Sam and Ellen how a natural birth was better and to compete with Johan who supposedly made his own video.


IMG 3207
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Stardate 31 May 2016
Subject Matter SexSex Sex
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt Bra and Tights
CWC Responds to a bully named Johan


Hello Sam and Ella! This is Christine Chandler coming to you live from.. the bedroom; which is separate from my work room.

Anyway, so, y'all wanna see a little.. play, huh?

Yeah, I'm not naked, totally, but, you get the point across.

[in higher pitch] Enough to get the point across. So.. a memory from whatcha said, rule number one, the foreplay!

[starts fondling the doll] hmm, make out.. mm,

[chewing on the dolls nipples] hmm, and

[it show?], the pussy!

I know where it is, the clitoris would be [inaudible] assuming, this would be the front, that would be the back, cuz that's how big the hole is here.

There's the clitoris.. and the vagina's down here somewhere, in the middle where we don't wanna hit the peehole, which is in between; I know about the labia..

[starts licking dolls vagina, then flips over onto backside] 

And uhh.. not comfortable with it yet, but I'll get around to it, uhh, I might definitely ask y'all to shower beforehand.. but, we could try anal.

[starts eating out dolls buttcrack] Yeah.. I'd definitely ask y'all to get that bleached. Anyways, aside from that, um, yeah [somewhere?] toys, um... [opens drawer to look for vibrator] [inaudible] vibrator.

Like we have [pulls out pink vibrator still in plastic wrapping] this one on hand. Uh, its still wrapped in plastic anyhow. So you know I know so you can tell I never used it.

[hesitantly pulls doll towards himself] alright, so we have so.. it's like... two things we can do here [grabs doll and sticks vibrator up its backside] you can put it up your, put it up your behind,

now, ya'll would be; your center of gravity would be a lot better than this ones ["takes vibrator out and places doll on its back, sticking vibrator into the frontside"]

and if you're doing this thing [begins making out with doll, barely pulling vibrator in and out] [inaudible~where?] [inaudible~you'll play some more?]

["takes vibrator out and looks at it before glancing up at camera"] and then of course I'll let the vibrator do it bzzzzzzz [continues to make buzzing sound and sticks vibrator back into dolls front side, making a shaking motion?]

I mean, it's pretty straight forward, so... [puts vibrator back into drawer] That's where I move on from that... part



  • The Chandler Family still have their Christmas trees up 5 months after it was socially acceptable to do so.
  • The Album behind Chris is A Bobbie Gentry single featuring Glenn Campbell.


See also