Here is the place where I shall write my stunning article ideas until I have enough stuff to write them... Here goes:
Chris and his diet
We all know Chris' diet is shit, and the he eats far too much crap, but what actually is his diet? The only times I can remember specific foodstuffs being mentioned are:
Spaghetti; on the Emily date, which he actually shared with Bob (something he says he always does there). Chicken and Salad; during the Jackie Emails MacDonalds; during various occasions (but then I used to eat a fair bit of it myself). Various restaurant chains, but who knows what he actually orders. Not everything there is deep-fried fat.
With the exception of Macdonalds, there's nothing hideously unhealthy going on there. His exceptionally sedentary lifestyle/low metabolism could account for the bulk of the weight gain- the more fat you have, the more fat you put on, and he's not burning it off ever, so it does play a part in all this.
Dunno, need to track down all mentions of Chris and food first.