Beavis and Butt-head
Beavis and Butt-head was a classic animated series created by Mike Judge for MTV that aired from March 8, 1993, to November 28, 1997, right in the middle of Chris's childhood.
The show revolved around the pathetic lives of its unfortunately named titular characters, a pair of fifteen-year-old idiots. When the boys aren't slacking off and watching TV, they often wander around their small hometown, concocting ridiculous get-rich-quick schemes, or to lose their virginity. In other words, they're like Chris, only younger, employed and without the video game obsession. Also, at least Beavis and Butt-head have each other.
Chris appears to be a fan of the show (being a show from the 90s), as he blatantly copied an entire scene from one episode for Sonichu 7. The point of the cameo was to mock Chris's memories of creating Bionic the Hedgehog in 1996. Chris recalls Bionic emerging from a locker in his imagination, so this leads him to the "hilarious" idea of having Beavis and Butt-head slam the empty locker shut, like they did in that one episode.