Talk:EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW
I am transcribing this BITCH. --Ronichu 01:14, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- Fucking done. --Ronichu 02:21, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
Ahahahaha, Chris is going to organize the high school reunion by himself. This is awesome as it is, but we can't let this opportunity to troll him go by. EtonpilfAnetah 01:18, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
How do we know that a reunion has already been organised, and that Chris was not invited? Sorrid Snake 01:29, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
oh, i did some digging around. i don't have it on me, but i'm 95% sure there was one planned. Clydec 01:30, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
I think the single funniest thing in this video is that Chris implies he thinks the reason he cant break into the video game industry is because of trolls working for Nintendo. Also, i'm pretty sure he wants a reunion so he can hook up, I'd imagine the last women willing to associated with him were in highschool. Also, I dunno what to do with this, do whatever if you want, just doodling.
Pinefresh 02:40, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
Need any on scene reporters for this shit. I don't live that far away from Manchester High.ShinGokuIAM 05:23, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- Sure. I'd post it here, but you Google it yourself....(chris if you're reading this you're a lazy shit). If the date is november then you got it. Clydec 07:01, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
I checked it out a couple months ago, and I didn't see anything that would indicate that they had planned a reunion. Besides, if I remember correctly, Chris was on one of the mailing lists to be informed if something did happen. Given that few, if any, of his former classmates are aware of his internet notoriety, I doubt that he would've been left out of the loop.--Racer X 06:56, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- Well, I have an address and date and time and everything. I'm sure that was probably a fake Chris... Clydec 07:01, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- Oh, I see. You were posting your answer as I was posting my hypothesis. Leave it to the great Clyde Cash to be one step ahead of Inspector Detector and I. --Racer X 07:05, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
Side note.
One interesting thing I noticed while transcribing this BITCH. Chris repeats his number for emphasis- does he think YouTube is live? Like live TV? He seems to do almost all of his videos 'on the first take', mistakes included, so this would seem plausible. --Ronichu 02:20, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- It's because doing multiple takes and editing is SO HARD and WAY TOO MUCH WORK. Also one take is much more TRUE and HONEST. Someone gets into it somewhere on the CWCki, but I forget where.--RTBHBX 06:01, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
Transcribing his shit english?
We all know Chris can't present himself verbally, but it's getting to the point where it can be difficult to follow the transcription for his videos since they seem to be written out fairly close to verbatim to his actual speech. Since the transcribing seems to be done by a small group of people (thanks for that, by the way) it's fairly consistent, but even so, should there be some kind of guideline written up for it? Such as what mispronounciations should be included, what stuttering to include, that sort of thing?
- First of all, sign your posts (it's just --~~~~ at the end of your post). Secondly, some videos are transcribed like that- I transcribed part of Mumble 6 that way, mainly because it was Chris and Julie cybering and I really didn't need to go over and over that just to make sure I got every bit of his spastic stuttering correct. Speaking personally, I prefer to make the transcription as faithful as possible- including stuttering and mistakes. I believe that's the most 'faithful' way to render articles where Chris speaks, including this one. That's one of the perks about being a transcriber- you get to pick your style. If the inclusion of the stuttering (etc) really annoys you, the only thing I can suggest is to take a stab at the vast library of untranscribed audio we have available and transcribe it to your liking. --Ronichu 02:24, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
So far, I've only looked at the thumb but from the image it really seems like his MPB is proceeding just as planned. EDIT: Looked at the first few seconds. It's clear as day now. Chris is going bald really quickly. Anyone care to estimate how long he's got/ I would, but I don't know how to. Freecell 08:04, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- Think that as his MPB progresses we can chronicle his receding hairline? I'd be interested to see how quickly it is falling out now compared to the last few years. --Caboose -1 10:18, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- I don't know how long he has but it really doesn't look healthy. It looks greasy and stringy and I honestly wonder how long it's been since he's bathed or washed his hair.
Either way, I'd say that he'll be completely bald by November. Just looking at it now compared to pictures from FAF, there's a very noticeable difference. - Captainhowdy 10:24, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
Hmm, I wonder where Chris is getting his Trollbuster idea from? I've poked Google and beyond a website that shuts down patents, most of the Trollbuster gatherings were failures. Which isn't totally surprising considering who we're dealing with here, but still. My guess, though, is that he's probably either a) met a group on PSN or b) decided to come up with it himself.--Blazer 08:36, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- The answer is B.--MoarLurk 08:41, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- Ironically enough, the real troll busters are a group of lawyers that specialize in patent law: "Troll-Busters" --SargentPickles 09:52, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- That website is as terrible as their services invaluable. ... Anyhow: given there's a Trollbusters truck with a no-trolls logo, we can assume he's riffing on the more-popular Ghostbusters for once. You'd think he'd put the no-troll logo on the t-shirt instead of a block of text, but then Chris is a lazy idiot, so! EnsignDisposable 10:00, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- Ironically enough, the real troll busters are a group of lawyers that specialize in patent law: "Troll-Busters" --SargentPickles 09:52, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
Next thing you know he's going to be talking about the cyberpolice and how consequences will never be the same...--Caboose -1 10:20, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
Alumni Class
So I checked online and found that Chris actually has 8 accounts with the website. While you don't HAVE to pay for membership ($20) they give you a limited profile where you can't really do anything if you don't pay. Chris may have paid for a number of the memberships. This is really sad for Chris because, using a limited profile, I was able to find the reunion date and place in a few seconds. --Caboose -1 10:27, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- So, was Chris deliberately not invited to the reunion, or is it just that he hasn't found out about the reunion because he's a retard? EtonpilfAnetah 10:40, 27 August 2010 (PDT)
- 99% chance that those accounts are trolls. Learn to spot 'em... Besides, despite just about everyone saying they know the date/location, NO ONE has offered those bits of info. Instead of so self-assuredly saying that Chris missed out and was uninvited, why don't we offer proof of this claim? --SeventhBase 11:00, 27 August 2010 (PDT)