Talk:Alex's Lemonade Stand

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  • Are we jumping to conclusions about Chris's motives here? I mean, it sounds like it was heart failure that finished Bob off, but he did say (at least twice IIRC) in the crank calls that he had been diagnosed with and treated for cancer. I could perhaps have bought that Bob was lying to trolls in an attempt to get them to back off out of sympathy, but I can't see him lying to Chris about it also. --HarryHowler 10:25, 19 February 2012 (PST)
It was a combination of several factors, and cancer (when it finally kills) can do so by causing heart failure (also by organ failure, blood poisoning, etc.). Eamoo 12:26, 19 February 2012 (PST)
Bob had heart trouble for a while, and heart failure was the eventual cause of death. We're not really jumping to conclusions as much as pointing out that Chris is wrong, again. He's trying to relate to the cause of ALSF through his father's death, and it may be that Chris really believes his father's death was primarily caused by cancer. In addition, ALS is about helping raise money for childhood cancer. --Anonymax 12:33, 19 February 2012 (PST)
I looked through all of the IRCs and couldn't find a single one that mentions Bob having cancer or being treated for cancer. There was one prank call I could remember (the one where it's a guy trying to be all nice to Bob and saying he's going to write a paper on him) where BARB is the one to say that Bob is in the hospital for treatment (when asked "treatment for what? cancer?" she doesn't respond and just says he's not there). Other than that: Panda does mention HER father has cancer in the IRC of 02 Jan 2009 and Chris mentions that his father has had 3 or 4 heart attacks and 3 triple bypasses in his life time during IRC of 03 Jan 2009. If anyone can find the IRCs where Chris has stated his father has cancer/had cancer please link. Other than that, I really think the whole "in honor of my father dying of cancer" bit is most likely Chris trying to get attention or he simply doesn't understand why his father died and just said it was cancer. Which, all in all, still doesn't mean anything because, as Anonymax stated, Alex's Lemonade Stand is to raise money for childhood cancer support/research/etc. NONE of that money goes to adults with cancer. --4Macie 14:50, 19 February 2012 (PST)
This is the prank call you mentioned, though it's now set to private. [here.] According to this, Bob said he had cancer. Whether or not it was true is up for debate, but I don't think there's any good reason to doubt him. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Freecell (talkcontribs) 16:41, 19 February 2012 (PST)

How do we know Chris actually made this?

Just wondering, because I really haven't seen any evidence that would lead me to believe Chris actually made it. (I'm not doubting it though.)

  • It's linked through his confirmed facebook page--4Macie 19:40, 23 February 2012 (PST)

Another thing, does anyone have screencaps? Because some of the comments are being removed. —Preceding unsigned comment added by KamenRider (talkcontribs)

Sure they're not just falling off the page but are still visible here? --Anonymax 10:55, 24 February 2012 (PST)