Live Game Stream - Uncharted

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Live Game Stream - Uncharted is a video Chris uploaded on 23 May 2016. Chris plays through a game of Uncharted with his waifu.


Live Game Stream - Uncharted
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Stardate 23 May 2016
Subject Matter Video gamesVideo games Video games
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Shirt Blue and white striped dress
Donations, Please, plus Live Game Stream tonight.


Watch me play some Uncharted with Naru for a while, as I make a few random commentaries as I play. **Donations are NOW being accepted through my channel here. Click the "SUPPORT" Button to offer a direct donation today. Thank You. :)


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--Miss Naru. Bring along your, uh, snuggle-buddy, yurse--your waifu, bodypillow, whatchacallit. And enjoy along as we play for... a while, continuing on from where I left off near the fortress. [hugs Naru] Mmm. She's irresistible.

So yeah, we're essentially at the point where I've already...opened all of the uh, trekked across all of the walls there, I... got the micro-gun. I know there's enemies on the other end of that--other side of that door. Low on ammo, I figured maybe they'd come to me. And I'd beat the hell out of them. I got healed. Somebody else is shooting. Alright, where are you? Oh... you're up there somewhere. [sigh] Hurry up and heal so I can go shoot that guy. Now I gotcha. Oh boy. This is gonna be a...yep, there's the noise. Wait for 'im. 189 headshots. [sigh] Uh...let's just say when they hear the gunshots, they don't know where it's coming from. Yeah. Oh, shoot. It's alright. Ah, fortunate that we have a unlimited life policy in these modern games. Bang. I wish the games had the motion control, it typically allows for more accurate aiming. I mean, DualShock 3, anyone, with the motion control? Great to heal... Alright. Definitely another time to wait. Restock. [Now here I see that?] ugly. Gotcha. [sigh] And the ammo.