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Doxxing is the release of private or identifying information with malicious intent. While Chris does have malicious intent, he fails at the identifying part as most if not all of the information he gives out is false. Chris believes doxxing is a direct ticket to trolling and therefore (tries to) leak information on his enemies not realising that he is either being fed false information the entire time, or making gigantic leaps to conclusions along the way.

Chris's attempts at doxxing

Clyde Cash

Chris was told that a picture of Lee Hotti was Clyde's real face. Chris believed this and made an expose video on Clyde when he didn't give in to Chris's demands.

Alec Benson Leary

After ignoring Alec for over a year Chris's pent up tardrage turned into putting out a Doxx on Alec, he "revealed" his name was Christopher and he made constant donations to THe GAMe PLACe, He demanded Alec make an Apology video and leave the internet before 31 August 2011. But Chris decided to "Reveal" who Alec really was a day earlier on 30 August 2011, He claimed his real name was "Christopher Paul Whitney" from San Antonio Texas, Also known as the YouTuber "Fatman" but unluckily for our favorite Autistic hero the dox wasn't accurate. Not only does Fatman have a completely different voice from Alec, he would have no motivation to troll Chris, let alone create a comic about him. The information on Fatman wasn't even accurate – Fatman is from Rutland, Vermont (which he later pointed out), and since he was born in 1980, he would have been 30 or 31 when Chris made his video. But Chris being Chris, was naïve enough to believe they were the same person, especially since Fatman represented what Chris thought his tormentors were really like.

Fatman later made a video response, where he called Chris a "dumb ass" for thinking he was Alec.



Surfshack Tito

Surfshack Tito also incurred the wrath of Chris during the Calling out saga as he had stolen Chris's gal-pal(Read: Shown her how horrible Chris is) and hacked into his PSN. /*needs completion*\


Many who attempt to help, troll, support or befriend Chris gets their private information leaked online either by Chris himself or one of the many weens.
•LittleAmyChan of the CWCProtectsquad had her face revealed by Chris as he felt she looked like a man and was therefore a troll.
•Megan's address, phone number and photographs were put up on Chris's facebook when he suddenly felt Megan was to blame for all his trolling.
•Mr. Smith, an ebay buyer was also doxxed when he complained for not recieving his goods on time.

More to come

On Twitter Chris has said he will doxx 4 people who are as of yet unknown.