Revision as of 18:45, 28 February 2023 by NoMercyRussian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Just assume I'm bored at work every time you see an edit. {{Straight}} {{White}} {{JERK}} {{Hex-Box}} {{Americunt}}")
Just assume I'm bored at work every time you see an edit.
STRAIGHT This user is STRAIGHT. The men like dykes and china while the women like pickles & balls. Unlike Chris, they don't mind da homos. |
White This user is white and finds Chris's race relations embarrassing. |
JERK This user is a JERK and takes away all the girls. |
HEXBox This user is the proud owner of a HEXBox. Chris does not approve. |
Americunt: This user is an Americunt and refuses to use unnecessary vowels. Uncle Sam would be proud! |