Bob Call 6

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Bob Call 6 is a video uploading by ThePCAssassins on the 16th of May 2011. The video is just over 20 minutes long, cut-down from over an hour of audio recording. In the video a man discusses Chris' future with Bob. They discuss many topics, such as what will happen after Bob dies, Chris' autism and developmental delays, as well as Bob's hopes for Chris.

ThePCassassins - Bob Call 6 - What'll happen to Chris???????
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 16th of May 2011
Subject Matter OtherUnknownIcon.png Bob
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked


[The video starts with a long introduction by a narrator Rufus, who describes some of the contents of the video. Note that a one hour 45 minute version may exist somewhere]

Rufus: Hi everybody, this is Rufus from the PCAssassin, now this is Bob Call Number 6, originally an hour and 45 minutes but we had to cut back a lot of shit that Bob was talking about. Now Bob is talking about engineering and a whole bunch of other shit that we did not really care about. But, we did get 16 minutes in about what would happen to Chris after he died what'll- what about Megan and a whole lot of dumb bullshit about Chris and close captioning. Now the first five minutes about Chris and close captioning but we decided to keep that shit in as a reminder to you guys that... y'know that... if you have a retarded child and all make sure that you turn on the close captioning- I don't fucking know what that shit was all about but, that's alot of bullshit. But anyways we hope you enjoy the call, weeee.... hope you guys.. y'know give us more questions to ask Robert, but in the meantime we hope you enjoy Bob Call Number 6 - What'll Happen To Chris? Thank you.

[After a few seconds of dead air the recording begins]

Bob: Well he's the one that came up with the idea of turning on the close captioning, it wasn't me, it wasn't no psychiatrists. It wasn't no PhD bookworm. It was simply Christian. And he- he turned on the... the uh- uh- close captioning on his TV and he taught himself how to read.

Craig: Hmmm

Bob: That was his idea, that's the way he learned how to read.

Craig: See and that's why-

Bob: -and talk and communicate.

Craig: And that's the exact same way that I think Chris is a genius because, he taught himself that and, and that is so impressive, like, I- I- I'm actually really stunned by that actually when you were telling me about that earlier like that- that's amazing like, like his life goals must be like pretty impressive though too right? Like... pretty interesting?

Bob: Well he uh- he was- I had him on a Commodore 64, which is the first little simple 64 bit computer you know?

Craig: Yeah!

Bob: Way back when, I had him on a Commodore 64 and he was programming that. Uh- Before he could talk!

Craig: Oh nice.

Bob: Now he understood it better than I did I think, hahahah!

Craig: Hahaha!

Bob: Now he- He knows alot more now about the computers than I do. I'm at a loss, just let it go and I don't even play with it anymore. I'm not even online anymore.

Craig: Aw.. So- So- So what does he do online? Like on the computers and stuff like does he pro- does he make his own videogames, does he like write?

Bob: Ah well he's a genius on videogames.

Craig: Yeah?

Bob: Because he's got a better- He's got a photographic memory. Like for example there was one game called "Mario World"... where they had these uh- mini mini mini levels and uh- up at the top was "king koosha" or somebody that you had to defeat. And it was after you got up through about 600 steps of um mario's world games that you got to the sky and uh- defeated the king. King koopa or somebody.

Craig: Okay.

Bob: Well I uh- haha!

Craig: ha!

Bob: I never got past level 3. At the bottom of Yoshi's Island. That's the third level up now in the game, out of about a thousand levels or something. I never got past level 3.

Craig: Oh nice.

Bob: Christian, he could remember all those secrets, and he knew what was gonna happen in the games, before they- when they were about to happen he could beat 'em that way. Then he was up there and beat king- king koopa and uh- in about 3 days.

Craig: Hmmmmm I- is Chris like, is your son Chris is he a Sonic The Hedgehog fan?

Bob: Is he what?

Craig: A Sonic The Hedgehog fan. Cause you're telling me about a uh- Sonichu

Bob: Ah, yeah.

Craig: Okay.

Bob: Yeah Sonichu is a cross between Sonic and uh- Pikachu.

Craig: Okay.

Bob: That's his own creation of the character.

Craig: Does he have a copyright?

Bob: Inaudible

Bob: He has a what?

Craig: Does he have a copyright on it?

Bob: He does. Matter of fact.

Craig: Hmmmm.

Bob: It's been upheld in the courts in England even.

Craig: Oh no I- That's pretty cool that's pretty cool actually... Ohhh okay.

Bob: Yeah he's a neat guy.

Craig: Yeah, yeah he sounds like a really neat guy, uh- Bob and I would actually really like to talk to him someday but, eugh...

Bob: It- it's too bad that the world is so afraid of autistic children.

Craig: Yeah it is! It is. Uh- yeah it is because I- I was uh- I was uh- uhhhhh- So sorry I'm actually kinda stumbling over my words. Like cause like, he had his own website right I believe, your son? And he, he had like.

Bob: He's had several of them he's had them for years

Craig: Yeah

Bob: And he's far beyond me on the computer and that.

Craig: Oh yeah.

Bob: hahahaha!

Craig: hahaha!

Bob: In fact- in fact he's giving up on the computer he's backed off of it most of the time.

Craig: Oh that's terrible. Does he-

Bob: Because it's giving him such a hard time.

Craig: Oh yeah, that's, it- it's pretty bad you know.

Bob: I think so hahaha!

Craig: hahaha!

Bob: I think they oughta just leave him alone.

Craig: I agree with you Bob! I agree with you like, you know if I was in the Ruckersville area than I'd totally be Chris' friend...

Bob: Yeah he's a- he's a nice guy but no- nobody likes nice guys.

Craig: Yeah, it's-

Bob: You gotta be a bastard for somebody to like you I think.

Craig: Yeah, I agree.

Bob: That's too bad but that's just the way the world is.

Craig: Yeah it is, it is

Bob: Yep.

Craig: I was uh- I was reading some of your son's comic books actually and, uh- like some of the Sonichu issues. And it talked- and it talked about his like- like a sweetheart named Megan like uh- I dunno if that's like a current girlfriend he has or not.

Bob: Yeahhh that was back in the year 19- or the year 2000.

Craig: Ohhh-

Bob: She was just a little, little uh- what I would call a little low life in the gutter bitch.

Craig: Really?

Bob: Ha! Yeah... but Christian didn't see her that way. But that's basically about what she was.

Craig: What happened?

Bob: There's really a person named Megan.

Craig: Oh is there? Okay.

Bob: And uh- but uh- she... they like to... he- he was uh- they had a- a Pokemon group. You know Pokemon?

Craig: Yes I do.

Bob: You- You've heard of Pokemon?

Craig: Yes I have!

Bob: Well they had a Pokemon group at the uh- the local uh- toy store downtown

Craig: Okay.

Bob: And- and Christian was one of the leaders in a Pokemon group. Christian knew Pokemon in and out and was one of their leaders. And he was so good at it and everything that then people started hating you because you're good at it, right?

Craig: Right.

Bob: And they don't like it when you're selling things. And that was one of- one of the problems that turned [inaudible] that's how it all got started, them giving him a hard time down there because he was so successful at Pokemon. And he liked Megan and nothing could ever be said wrong about Megan. I knew what Megan was. But he didn't know what Megan was- you can never tell a guy when, love is blind..

Craig: Mm-hmmm.

Bob: That's a- old saying that you can- I can guarantee you is true. Love is blind.

Craig: Yes.

Bob: And he was in love with Megan and nothing Megan could do with being wrong, right? Even if she had taken a gun and pointed it to his head and shot him it still wouldn't have been wrong.

Craig: Ha! Oh man...

Bob: It's just unfortunate that it works that way.

Craig: So-

Bob: But I guess he.. carries a sort of- or carries the torch for her. In a way I get this little Rosechu character that he's got is uh- is the essence of uh- Charlie Brown's little red-headed girl.

Craig: Yeah, hahaha!

Bob: hahaha!

Craig: S- so like- like how did it end?

Bob: They're still downtown but Christian got thrown out of the place

Craig: Oh really?

Bob: Because he was just, they- they cause- because he was handicapped becau