Not sure why there isn't a DayOut 4-7. Also the my face is not fucking orange or whatever is the last part to this series. weird title but whatever. -- Clyde 15:11, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- I think 4-7 may still be processing on Youtube. Either that or uploading so many videos at once has screwed up a few uploads. --Clydewarren 15:18, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- If someone who has the power to can merge all the other DayOut pages with this one, that'd be awesome. ~~This post brought to you by ShotgunJones 15:40, 25 October 2010 (PDT). Thanks for reading!
- I'm more curious about what that horrible rattling in the last video is whenever he comes to a stop. Anyone here particularly knowledgeable about cars? --Caboose -1 16:29, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- Didn't he say something to the effect of his muffler being fucked? The sound is that of a bum muffler. --Schuzrum Dias 16:39, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- If his car is standard it could be him not clutching correctly..gear grinder. It could be a number of things really though, loose muffler, bad's very noticeable when he he speeds up from first gear or goes into it gearing regardless of auto/stan transmission my bet is that his first gear sucks ass, it's not a bum muffler though, it would be a lot louder while he was driving if it was.
--Lylelash 16:42, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
Quick question, is anyone transcribing the last one? --Caboose -1 16:45, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- I found a frame of video that captured the sticker on his windshield that tells him when he is supposed to have his oil changed. It says "4-5-09". --Uhh… this is Riley Martin. O-Qua Tangin Wann
- I would, but got midterm tomorrow, so only taking a break from studying. Whoever does, do have some notes for you to make in the italics: chris impatience with the red lights, and his 'casting' to have it change at his whim, the hospital mention could note how Chris may be a terminal resident in the near future, try to see if you can decipher the number on the below-mentioned handicap sticker.--Xavier orona 18:37, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- I think it's 1545074. --TubularMonkey 21:58, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
Is there anywhere here that explains why they would have a handicap parking sign? --Xanabit 16:52, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- Virgin-yahh's one of the few states where being "high-fucntionign autistic" counts the same as having a missing limb, or cancer, so Chris gets special parking.--Xavier orona 18:12, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
Just put up a rough transcription to the remaining DayOut videos. It may not be 100% accurate though, I struggled to understand Chris on some occasions. --Clydewarren 06:30, 26 October 2010 (PDT)
"At least my face..."
Possible Clyde Cash reference? What could possibly cause that title to be given to the last video? --SeventhBase 21:30, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- Pointless, ineffective insult or reference to his awful cosplay, perhaps? --The Big Lenigski 21:35, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
His breaks make a concerning tapping noise when he makes a full stop, particularly in "At Least My Face Is Not F3c7ing Orange". Either the pads have a glaze from the cold and him making unusually soft stops, or it's something completely different because I don't know shit about cars... If the former, than it's not a big deal... --Robotnik 22:16, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
- That wasn't his "brakes" it was his muffler, along with not taking care of his car like I should do as well. He needs a tune-up because my car shakes & hesitates when I stop or idle. ShinGokuIAM 04:01, 26 October 2010 (PDT)