Beavis and Butt-head
Beavis and Butt-head is a classic animated series created by Mike Judge for MTV that aired from 1993-97, right in the middle of Chris's childhood (the series would later on be renewed on 2011). Chris seems to have been a fan of the show, having plagiarized parodied a scene from the show in Sonichu #7.
The show revolved around the pathetic lives of its unfortunately-named titular characters, a pair of fifteen-year-old lazy idiots. When the boys aren't slacking off and watching TV, they often wander around their small hometown, concocting ridiculous get-rich-quick schemes or trying to lose their virginity. In other words, they would remind one of Chris, only younger and employed.
Chris and the show
Around the show's first run, Chris was 11-15 years old, so it is very possible that Chris was a fan of the show at the time.
Perhaps Chris was able to identify with two socially backwards, idiotic slobs who enjoyed sitting on their couch, watching TV. With his simplistic mind, perhaps he found enjoyment in watching these two simple characters being lazy and doing idiotic things. Then again, maybe he just had too much money to spend, heard that the show was funny as shit, bought some DVDs and thought the show was funny, by taking the simplest jokes at face value.
In the comics
Whatever Chris's reasons for having seen the show were, apparently he thought that a scene from the episode "Substitute"[1] which shows Beavis and Butt-head fucking around with a locker was so funny that he decided to steal parody it in Sonichu #7. Chris recalls Bionic emerging from a locker in his imagination, so this leads him to the "hilarious" idea of having Beavis and Butt-head slam the empty locker shut, just like in their own show.