CWCki:Community Portal

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The Community Portal is designed to be a public forum to discuss CWCki related affairs for site wide concerns, policy, that sort of thing.

Please consult the archives to make sure your concern hasn't already been posted before:

CWCki:Community Portal/Archive 1
CWCki:Community Portal/Archive 2
CWCki:Community Portal/Archive 3
CWCki:Community Portal/Archive 4
CWCki:Community Portal/Archive 5
CWCki:Community Portal/Archive 6
CWCki:Community Portal/Archive 7

Wiki editing guide request

Could someone work on a guide to explain the basics of wiki editing? Lots of people think they need to know a lot about Chris to edit the CWCki when really basic wiki editing is probably more important. Nothing fancy - mostly how to add images, how to link, that sort of thing. Hell, you could probably rip off Wikipedia's guide but rework it, maybe make it a bit Chris related. First person to do so will get an award for their userpage of sort. --Champthom 04:21, 29 May 2010 (UTC)

where do i drop it off? i'm going to work on it tomorrow morning.J0haely 05:43, 29 May 2010 (UTC)

New userbox template

Medal of Merit Medal of Merit: This user has done tremendous service to CWCki and deserves recognition as such.
Jerkop CWCki Jerkop: This user is a Jerkop on CWCki who bans vandals from this region.
The Gold Star Bounty The Gold Star Bounty: This user is a Gold Star Bounty Hunter who has rightfully claimed the Gold Star as a bounty for completing a special CWCki assignment.
Eurofag Eurofag: This user is a Eurofag and insists on using unnecessary vowels.

A random, hopefully useful byproduct of me getting rid of my alleged egofaggotry... The award templates in CWCki are, in my opinion, a bit huge and ugly, and I've long wondered why we don't have actual good userbox templates. You know, small and modest ones. =) So, here is one now: {{Userbox}}.

The colors can be customised pretty easily. To the left you can see what kind of results you can get with this template; edit this section to see source code.

Note that I've not replaced any of the existing award/userbox templates yet; I think creating alternative versions of the current boxes might be a viable strategy instead. So, any opinions, people? --wwwwolf (wake me when you need me) 14:21, 29 May 2010 (UTC)

YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes. I think we should make new versions of existing templates and standardise the names. --Anonymax 14:23, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
I made some test examples. I personally think the nationality ones look better with just a single background colour. --Anonymax 23:44, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
  • So pretty, I like it :3.--Champthom 23:46, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
  • These new templates are awesome and great and wonderful. We should start using them immediately.--Beat 20:56, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
  • Why don't we? --Champthom 05:42, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
Well I spent several days converting all our existing userbox templates to this new template style, so we technically are using them. --Anonymax 09:20, 5 June 2010 (UTC)

Doctors in Autism Papers

When reading the 2004 psychological report their were 2 doctors who analized him Zachariah C. Dameron, III M.D and Jeff Raynor M.D. After looking them up I found that the first doctor still works at UVA and her contact information is present. would this information be of any use for us? BigDipper 18:44 May 29 2010 (UTC)

  • Doubtful, considering confidentiality. Still, one could ask them general question about autism that would pertain to Chris. Like maybe if Narcissism and ego somehow play a part. Bill Lumburg 02:34, 30 May 2010 (UTC)

Right they can't release information without his concent. However technically wouldent they have to do something if he is making death threats and his behavior has become disturbing. I mean we all know Chris can't do shit and won't do shit. But technically the doctors would have to do something because he "he could harm him self or others" I mean with all the evidence we have against him pointing to his disturbing behavior. Could he be evaluated or put into a ward. BigDipper 21:00, 29 May 2010 (UTC)

  • We could possibly get him evaluated, but Chris probably isn't careless enough to say anything that will get him institutionalized. (And even if he went on a Youtube quality rant, they would probably be able to tell that he doesn't actually have the capacity to harm any of the people he's angry at.) Besides, do you really want him locked up, where none of us can laugh at him?--Star Platinum 06:52, 3 June 2010 (UTC)

CWCpedia links

I've been deleting some links to the cwcpedia but have stumbled into two problems: one they are way to many and two some have relevant info for the articles. should i continue or revert the changes?J0haely 19:56, 30 May 2010 (UTC)

A temporary solution might be to edit the template to include a note on how there used to be CWCipedia articles about that topic before the great takeover of May 2010. --Anonymax 20:02, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
  • Actually, there's a mirror set up somewhere (need to ask Clyde where) to CWCipedia pre-vandalism. Perhaps we should modify the CWCipedia link template to go to the mirror. --Champthom 20:03, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
Think you might be looking for dis --Anonymax 20:06, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
I made changes to the CWCipedia link template - it's possible there are numerous articles that don't exist in the archive. Hopefully the majority of them will. --Anonymax 20:40, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
this means i must go back and revert the changes i made.J0haely 21:09, 30 May 2010 (UTC)

Uncompressed Audio

Any particular reason for using uncompressed audio in these articles (Emily date) since the source is rubbish im sure you could reduce the file size enough to host them on your server using current gen AAC compression (id recommend the Coding Tech AAC +2 Encoder --Nujyhi 22:33, 30 May 2010 (UTC)

You mean the files would be hosted in the wiki? Would be a good idea, but even with compression the files would still be huge, and Cogs would probably need to pass a verdict before we'll see awesome media streaming happening - there's a reason uploads are limited to 7 MB. Also, MediaWiki only supports Theora/Vorbis out of the box. We have YouTube embedding support, though, and many audio bits are available through YT. --wwwwolf (wake me when you need me) 09:20, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

He's Back

Well, its official: he's retaken control of the cwcipedia and is deleting all the hard work that Alex put into the page. He's also left an angry, bitter little captain's log complaining about his fans again... Damn, why couldn't we have dragged out the copyright issue until he tard-raged? I seriously hope he didn't get a Dsi like his page say's, it'll only make him even lazier than he already is --SargentPickles 00:19, 5 June 2010 (EST)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Well should i save Vivian's version of sonichu and upload it to the fan page?J0haely 04:30, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
Yes. Pfargtl9000 Spam and Eggs 05:04, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
All up. though i should also edit the article, but i'm tired. i'll do it tomorrow.J0haely 05:45, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
  • Why do you assume it's Chris? Spoiler: it's not. --Champthom 06:29, 5 June 2010 (UTC)

Everybody together now:

Leaving the internet, my ass. J0haely 03:48, 7 June 2010 (UTC)

I wonder if Rocky knows about this. Anyways, it seems to me that we could lure Chris back on the web by slandering and Misusing and DIRTYING his Good Name.-Hiiro 04:24, 7 June 2010 (UTC)

When Chris goes off the internet he does incredibly stupid and scary shit. He comes back to us when we catch wind of the latest stupid scary shit to try and explain how it's really not that stupid and scary. That seems to be the current cycle anyways. Honestly, I liked it better when he wasn't distancing himself. The stuff he's doing is lulzy, sure, but stalking Michale Snyder with a camera has an element of horror and reality that I'm not used to seeing in our clown.--Beat 04:39, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
I just hav ethe feeling that one of these days he would get either his ass shot or arrested.J0haely 04:46, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
This is what I am expecting for the last few years. Now that Chris discovered the siren call of the Budweiser, we can safely expect this to repeat itself sooner than later. Griffintown 13:36, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
Doubt it. He and his parents(especially Snorlax, who's afraid of having her dear manchild son arrested) will play the autism card and bitch about he's not accountable for his action and shit.-Hiiro 04:56, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
  • One of these days Chris is going to get arrested, and the autism card with fail him. There's only so many times one can pull this sort of shit and get away with it like that. He's clearly not worth sympathy anymore, if ever he was. Autism does not excuse being a horrible person. --Edward 13:18, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
  • Here's my question: what's it going to take for Chris to get arrested, if stalking, near-vehicular manslaughter and running from the police isn't enough? Does Chris have to actually chain Michael up in the basement and skin him to make a Snyder-suit? Jesus, Virginia cops are waaaay more lenient than the ones here. --Killjoy 03:11, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
  • It could also be that they know what Chris is capable of, which isn't much, so they just ignore him and focus on the more important things.J0haely 03:16, 8 June 2010 (UTC)