SingStar Challenge

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

CWC Challenge is a video competition between Chris and CChanSonichuCWC to determine who is the real CWC.

Because Chris is too much of a pussy to challenge CChanSonichuCWC to a proper duel like a Southern gentleman, he has opted instead for a singing competition, like Southern homosexuals.

Happily, CWC couldn't have chosen a worse medium to duel through, as he is so tone deaf he doesn't even realize that he is tone deaf. Chris believes his singing voice has "a Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby flavor"[1], so he seems to believe that he's a shoe-in to win.

Da Rules

Because it's totally fair that Chris gets to set the rules to a competition he's competing in without even asking his opponent if the terms are acceptable, Chris laid out in great detail the rules of engagement:

Even to the slow in the minds it's clear that several rules contradict themselves immediately, such as not being allowed karaoke equipment but being allowed to play the song itself in the background. This still hasn't stopped Chris from stuffing up.



Hi, Christian, Mr. Brown-Striped Impostor, since you have been able to accept and complete my question challenges, it is time to issue a new challenge. I challenge you in a SingStar competition. The rules are simple. We are to each pick one song out of our libraries, our own playlists, and sing them verbatim with out any printed lyrics and with out any karaoke. 'Quipment.

(picks up camera)

And I will show you right now how fair I am. My room lay out.

(pans around his overstuffed with junk room)

No karaoke equipment what so ever.

(camera returns to Chris in frame)

[sigh] And if it-and also we must have the mp3s played behind us, so therefore no musical instruments its so-what so ever in any video. And... only... in song number five, no song before, we [sigh] will allow each other to pick one song and challenge the other with that song. And the deadline for each uh, up, each uploaded song is etsa-approximately 24 hours from the previous one. So your song number one will, the deadline for that will be 24 hours after I upload and p-start my first st-song. [sigh] So, with that we will soon be commencing with the first track, "Sonic Boom" [holds up "Sonic CD" cover]

(jump cut)

And with that I will be showing you my lil lay out

(camera once again turns to Chris's crap laden room)

my speakers over there,

(camera moves to show some Lego bricks)

my camera will sit here

(camera moves back to Chris)

the only thing that I ask anotherly, anotherly in this, no separate microphones but only the microphones on our webcamps. [holds up a mirror to reflect the camera]

(jump cut to Chris setting down the camera facing his bed and sits down into frame)

(jump cut to Chris once again holding the camera on himself making the last jump cut meaningless)

Oh, I forgot one thing, you may use your mp3 player of choice. My PSP is mine, attached to my speakers.

(Chris once again sets down the camera)

You may show me yours in your first video, Mr. Christian.

(jump cut)

Any mutiny against the rules I have set forth in this video will be [sigh] [dramatic glasses removal] not countable. And you will have to do it all over again.

(jump cut to Chris throwing his glasses)

And so with that

(jump cut to Chris removing his vest and throwing it behind him)

[starting to remove square medallion] Ow! [removes square medallion, holds it up to the camera to read: The Good Life) [starts to shave goatee dry] [after 11 seconds the head comes off the razor, Chris reattaches it and continues shaving then sets razor down]

(jump cut)

[one second into new scene razor head falls off again, Chris reattaches again and continues to shave until goatee is mostly gone]

(jump cut)

(jump cut)

-rst thing, no imported music. Which means no Japanese, no Spanish, no German, no odd country language. Only English. Shame, would loved to play "Sailor Star" or "Flame Sniper" [makes motion as if getting ready to fire an arrow from a bow]

(jump cut)

And also, once a song has been sung, of that specific title, from that specific band, it will not be reusable in a future song. Neither by you, neither by me. Abide by the rules.

(jump cut)

[Chris is once again holding the razor] Game on. Abrey la contesta!

Round 1

Main article: SingStar Challenge Round 1

The first round of the SingStar Challenge pitted IBAChandler's rendition of "Sonic Boom" from the Sonic the Hedgehog CD against CChanSonichuCWC's singing of "You're Pitiful" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Round 2

Main article: SingStar Challenge Round 2

The second round of the SingStar Challenge saw IBAChandler's version of "Don't Say You Love Me" by M2M go up against CChanSonichuCWC's cover of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" by Will Smith.

Round 3

Main article: SingStar Challenge Round 3

The third round of the SingStar Challenge had IBAChandler singing "Autumn Goodbye" by Britney Spears versus CChanSonichuCWC singing "Heaven" by Bryan Adams.

Round 4



Chris did a fourth video for the challenge, because he hasn't failed enough in the first three videos apparently. This song was "The Touch" by Stan Bush, from the Transformers: The Movie soundtrack. Only fitting, because Chris certainly does have the touch!


[Christian sings "Touch"] (editor's note: The Impostor makes no comments before or after the song, however, he occasionally closes his eyes, touches his heart, or raises his hand, for dramatic effect)


CChanSonichuCWC responds to the challenge and also gives Chris the song he should sing next, which is "Smell your Dick".



[Inhales] Hello Ian, this one's for you. [CChanSonichuCWC sings Think Twice by Eve 6] You better watch your back.

[Video jumps]

And the final song to you to sing will be entitled "Smell your Dick", by huh, by Riskay. And you-and you have to sing the whole thing. You have-you can't change 'cause that's cheating and that's adlibbing, you have to sing the real thing. Mmm, yeah sing it like a man if you-if you want to win the competition. Peace. [akes with his righ hand the peace sign].

Round 5


Chris sings the final song, requested by CChanSonichuCWC, "Can I Smell Your Dick?", but changes the word dick to duck in each instance; therefore disqualifying him. However, in the information section of the video, Chris claims to be sorry for all that he has done to REAL Chris and Kacey, and says that they are both his close friends. This is classic Chris, kissing ass in hopes that he isn't disqualified for cheating, while at the same time threatening CChanSonichuCWC with arrest from Chris's personal detective if he doesn't renounce his CWC-dom. In both of the Smell yo Dick videos, Chris manages to pronounce roughly 10% of the lyrics, with the other 90% being incoherent babbling, implying that Chris made virtually no effort to learn the song before singing it.


Can I smell yo duck?


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Hello Chris. Well, I have been uh, mistaken, I have been in error, and I humbly apologize from the bottom of my heart. I did you wrong, I did Kacey wrong. But still, she had to know. That why I communicated in the first place. But she still cares about you, man. At least 'n that's you, you real lucky guy to er, get that. Even after lying to her like that for all of the time. But still, dude. My humblest apologies. Let's just hope we can put this behind us and please dude, please. Stop pretending to be me. It ain't worth it! It's not fun! You're gonna get yourself in jail, man! Identity theft is a serious crime! 'Specially after what you, the hefty bill you put up. Counterfeited my driver's license, with your picture on it. Counterfeited my high school diploma. Counterfeited my Piedmont degree. You've really got yourself up a big bill man. I hate to see uhh-d, I um, I mean, I will personally seen it, but I was talkin' to Kacey, she cares about you very much man. I just hate to break up the relationship between you and her. Especially one so HONEST, so TRUE. She loves you, man. I wuhh... things to make me feel bad. If you have to, if you end up going to jail after all this. So please dude, come clean. Yes, your name is Chris Chandler. That's it. No Chan, No Christopher, No Ricardo. No Weston. That's you man. So please man. Take off that paper medallion. Stop sellin' the fake merchandise, come clean, please. Come clean and I'll be right. Between you, between me, between Kacey. The whole world. Anyway I'll leave that up to you, as you sing "Lift Up Your Eyes" as I sing this track. Alright.

[Chris dons a brown longsleeve shirt, and his orange Parappa the Rappa beanie. He wears a pair of sunglasses directly above his regular glasses.]

Alright. Let's do this thing. Smell yo duck. From Riskay.

[Smell Yo Dick from Riskay begins playing. Chris remains silent during the into, then sings along, badly. He replaces the word "dick" with "duck", violating the rules he thought up for his own contest.]

[Chris takes off his prescription glasses, and the eyeglasses fall in front of his eyes. He pushes them back up, and again they fall down. He repeats the process two other times before they stay.]

The cards are on the table. You hold your hand. It's your move. Whatcha gonna do? Stop the charade, live freely, happily, or continue on and might end up in jail. Whatever you do, think about it while you sing "Lift Up Your Eyes" man. *SIGH*. Chris, you ok. You got your guitar playin'. You got more languages than I took. But still man, you need to quit pretendin'. With somebody you're not. [sings, awkwardly] God loves you by, your own name. Don't go makin' it look like someone else's. Especially with ID. Fake duhplomer and all that. Whatchyou gonna do, she gonna smell yo DUCK. Go ahead. Sing.

Take 2?!

After being caught by the real Chris replacing every instance of the word "dick" with "duck", he gives Chris four hours to sing the song TRUTHfully or face disqualification. Chris obliges, takes down the original and replaces it with a new version, then uploads the original just so the other can see his original message



Alright, Chris, we'll do this another time. But remember the nice words that I had said to you earlier, and I meant it from my heart. Remember...those words...I said to you. Can't say I didn't warn ya, Can't say I wasn't nice. But, I'm warnin' ya, dude, be goo- try- do the right thing. Okay, DJ Quest, do it!

[holds the phone to his hear in silence through the intro]

[sings "Can I Smell Your Dick" (very badly)]

[throughout the song, Impostor gets more and more uncomfortable each time he has to say "dick"]

[at 3:32 he seems to gag or lose his breath]

[at 3:47 he makes another gagging noise]

That's what you GET! I did the word. I SAID the word. Now lay off! Remember my words, I'll re-upload that video, so you can hear those words again, and again, and again...aside from the song. Fort-unfortun-at-el-y it's from my "EyeCreate" program, so I can't edit it. Now sing "Eye- now sing "Lift Up Your Eyes", and THINK about it. Go ahead, Chris.
