“ | You best appreciate me harder, niggers! HARDER! | ” |
Blunderscore, to his audience of millions |
Basic Information
17 years old, Britfag, musician as a hobby, and coincidentally a real high-functioning autistic. Self-esteem soared after viewing every single video Chris had uploaded. A short while later, my interweb stumblings led me to here and /cwc/, at which point I thought "I must join this project". See? I do this because I care!
Mission List
Finished projects
Unfinished projects
• Transcribe Mumble 7
• Cleanup Mumble conversations
• It'll be confirmed this year that Internet lumberjack Bob Chandler has passed away. Chris will mention his death at some point, before announcing a new Sonichu comic.
• Cwcville will expand to the size of New York, with multiple districts and mini-districts. Chris will go into massive detail over these districts.
• Chris will announce that he's leaving the Internet. 5 more times.