Barbara Chandler will be making out autographed photos and posters.

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Barbara Chandler will be making out autographed photos and posters. is a begging uploaded on 20 August 2018. In this video, Barb promotes the newest merchandise to come out of Chris's eBay, photos and posters of herself that are personally signed by her. The price: $29.99 for a blown-up shot of Barb, looking rather unfrazzled. In addition, Chris does seem to get annoyed due to his mother for not telling the viewer to buy their stuff.


Barbara Chandler will be making out autographed photos and posters.
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Stardate 20 August 2018
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy
Saga BusinessBusiness Business Financhu CrisisFinanchu Crisis Financhu Crisis
Ear Worm



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Chris: Go.
Barb: My name is Barbara Chandler. I am,, to be sold, on eBay. Thank you f-y-for buying. We appreciate it. Buh-bye.
Chris: Wait, wait, wait. [stress sigh] Wait. Tell them to buy the other well, aside from that.
Barb: It will help us to, uh, buy food for the rest of the month. [Chris sighs again] Thank you.
Chris: And buy everything else from Christine Chandler on eBay. Thank you. Definitely the high pi-high-picketed items as well. Geez. Oh well, you don't care.

Ear Worm Chris's videos