Challenge for Clyde

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Revision as of 14:15, 12 October 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs) (He first showed off his fighting skills in that audition video. Even still...)
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10112009 is a video in which Chris calls out Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash. He makes mention of friends several times in this video, odd because Chris has none. We also see more of Chris's fumbling attempts at martial arts, first seen in ACWCAudition. Throughout, he sounds oddly like Frankenstein's Monster (or at least, more so than usual). He also regularly stares off-screen, almost as though he's reading something.



Greeegg.. Greg Mays. Clyde Cash. Whatever the Hell your real name is.

You need to stop. Torturing. MY FRIENDS! Over the internet. And everywhere. I am your target. YOU want to face ME. I-I know, you do. You come to me. I will fight you! I will, will CRUSH YOU! Y-you son of a bitch. I will beat you up mercilessly. What you have done to me and my friends. Every last one of them! Rrrruggh. I am strongman. You do not want to mess with me. But you SHOULD come out and face me, instead of hiding behind your Goddamn mother's skirt. You are jest a coward, jest like every last damn stupid troll on the internet. AH'M CALLING YOU OUT, GREGG MAYS, CLYDE CASH! AH'M CALLIN YOU OUT! You know where I live! You come right on over, and we can settle this man to man. RARH! You wanna see how hard I'll punch ya? [picks up book] This is a good heavy book! [throws book] I will punch you so hard [bends over, picks up book again] And I will even let you give me a few punches! [punches self stupidly] That one's on the house, [punches self again] [punches self in stomach] You wanna - come on? You wanna face me? Come on! Face me man! You face me! You face me right now, you son of a bitch, you face me! [does some poorly executed "fighting moves" and roars] Come on, you son of a bitch, ah'm challenging you, come face me right now! Come face me, you son of a bitch! [holds index finger up to camera, calms down] [quietly] Come, face me. I'll be waiting. [gives the finger]