OneyPlays Twitter Voice Clip

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On 19 June 2021, Chris posted an audio recording through Twitter's voice function. It is a recording of Chris reciting and laughing at a joke that was made in an OneyPlays video. Chris, for a change, took a joke at his expense in stride.

OneyPlays Twitter Voice Clip
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 19 June 2021
Subject Matter ComedyComedy Comedy
Other AudioAudio Audio
Cover song: “I’ll Be Your Mirror” by Velvet Underground
Birthday Greetings to Devin


Chris: Oh man, he made me laugh--they made me laugh. (chuckles) "Why would they call it pepper spray if it's not pepper, hmm?" (laughs) There you go, you got one outta me. (laughs again) I like that joke! "Why would they call it pepper spray if it's not pepper, hmm?" (Chris laughs)

External links

Cover song: “I’ll Be Your Mirror” by Velvet Underground Chris's videos Birthday Greetings to Devin