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Etsy Comments Review is a series of videos first posted to YouTube on 14 November 2023, in which Chris records himself reacting and responding to several of the positive comments left by customers on OfficialCWCmart.

First Video

Notably, not even 20 seconds into the video, Chris releases an incredibly loud burp, showing that even when he's making thousands of dollars from Etsy buyers and stream donators, he still can't be bothered to appear the slightest bit professional.

Etsy Comments Review
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Stardate 14 November 2023
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Shirt The Classic 2.0The Classic 2.0 The Classic 2.0
Simple Existential Q&A
First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream


Reading of comments from those who have purchased from the Etsy Store.

[Link to OfficialCWCmart]


Hey everybody this is Jesús Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime here, today we are gonna be looking on the old Etsy store here and gonna be looking through some reviews. Once again you can look at the Etsy store here [scrolls through Etsy page] and purchase medallions when they are in stock.

[Chris covers mouth to let out a god killing burp] oh pardon me hm

I gonna bu- anyway so we’re gonna look at some reviews and I might reply to some them so let’s have a look here. Sigh hmn.

[Referring to the comment “is anyone listing? Do you believe me? Is everybody happy now?”] Is anyone listing? [cough] Okayy I get it the Eon reference that I made a long time ago that’s actually funny that’s a fun story I’m glad somebody remember I’m I’m glad somebody remember.

[Referring to the comment “Kinda nice kinda cool kinda”] but yeah kinda nice kinda cool. I do appreciate that.

[Reading comment on Temple of Sonichu Sacred Rocks] "Words alone cannot begin to describe how elated I am to receive these blessed rocks. I can’t wait to use them for the merge. Arrived quickly and without any issues." Very nice yes huh [breathes deeply] definitely very nice uhh post uh public response [clicks the post public response button] I'm going to do that for this one yeahh yeh [video cuts then shows the response “I am very glad you have received them and are enjoying the energies from the old Sonichu Temple. Consider them well in grounding techniques and meditations.”] [Typing sounds ensue as comment is finished with “Thank you for your kindness and patronage”] Sigh mhum yay [post response] there you go.

Alright let’s see here [scrolls through more comments] huh Apple User very cool very nice. [reads comment “i now own a piece of history.”] Oh yes you do own a piece of history… one of the lovely pieces of history

Hu [referring to the comment “I am glad I received my rocks”] always good to receive rocks even Mod Pie approves hehe sigh… and crystals, crystals are really good…

Hum oo [reads comment] "I am truly blessed, Christine heard my plea and blessed me with signatures on our sonichu medallions, while not made by her hands the meaning runs deep" [stops reading the comment which concludes with “in my heart. Yes it is sticky, perfect addition to my protection.”] yes very much uhp hu very very much so…

oh [reads comment] "ZAPPIN UP TO THE EXTREMEEEE!!!" Hehe cool very nice

Oh [reads comment] "Shipped with care and delivered very fast. Highly recommend" [comment concludes with “purchasing from Christine!”] it…Thank you very much yes it is very good hum

[reads comment] "AMAZzING comes with its own frame, worth every penny." Yes it is isn’t it. Thank you…

ah... hu [reads comment] "AmAzInG I feel a less terols already" [comment actually reads "Amazing, I feel less trolls already"] [Chris cam zooms in] very nice yes get rid of the haters and fakers and toxicicky individuals and the darkest sinning ones as well. sigh Positive vibes. [Chris cam reduces back to corner of screen]

[continues scrolling] next page... oh okay [reads comment] "The night I bought this my husband and I had a huge fight, this item contains very potent"... [halts reading due to the comment continuing with "negative energy. please be sure to cleanse your home spiritually before and after bringing this medallion into your space. any dark intent WILL cling to this."] hum... yeah no there was no dark intention there, you're misinterpreting that. You're confusing what came from this as opposed to the fight you just had recently...

[cuts to next comment] Oh I see it's like a little manga series very nice [reads comment] "it was exactly as advertised, it radiates energy that engulfs your room." when many positive vibes are in your room... do enjoy very much...

[reads comment] "I've literally never been so excited to receive a package"... thank you...

[reads comment] "I finally feel protected from the forces of ill will, thanks to Christine. Although I wish it came with a certificate of authenticity, I believe just one long look, and anyone would be able to tell that this is authentic." especially by the signature the signature that's porsonal mah mah mah... but yes, thank you very much...

[referring to the comment “Thank you Christine this is fire.”] hu you're very welcome... there's a FAHH no Holy Fire Blue Flames good stuff positivity.

[reads comment] "Owning such a fantastic piece of history is incredible! I can't wait to wear it everywhere everyday." ah yes... and uh depending on the necklace where you use the particular included necklace... or not or just another one that's like you know [gestures to chain] made out of metal longer lasting the medallion itself is quite water resistant so you can wear it in the shower. but yeah definitely recommend like a metal necklace if you're going to do that. Something long lasting in that or like you know obviously like I had the bead necklace with a nice necklace... necklace wire. Obviously we want one that won't rust or fall apart so easily like the experiences I had when the beads came apart sometimes and that broke I had to replace the ch- er string on that. anyway.

[somewhat reads comment, clearly uncomfortable as it says "The token that this came with didn't have jagged edges like in the picture, instead, it was just sort of hexagonal shaped. Also, this is supposed to be a spiritual artifact, but lacks proper linework.] The token that ca- th-uh hmm that this came with did not have jagged edges like in the picture instead just sorta hexagonal... sigh it was hand- they were both hand drawn so forget proper line work as they- they were spiritually infused and the intentions were there. So yeah, possibly not the best one...

[Video zooms into comment "I do a lot of running, and my medallion snapped off pretty quickly while I was running with it on. Not only that, but it failed to give me a sonichu form, which was a little disappointing."] Sigh... [cuts back to previous view] Don't expect everything like you know its not exactly going to give you a sonichu form every time. It varies from individual to individual and plus you gotta feel the energies within you on that... So do not be disappointed but yeah i definitely will recommend it a metal chain if you're going to go running with it...

[sings?] aAaaaA [referring to the comment “Exactly what I expected I feel the energy of Jesus Christ sonichu prime”] it exactly what you expected. yes... very nice thank you very much thank you.

[reads comment] "Shipped fast and excellent quality." very nice.

[reads comment] "one star two star three star four star five star"... hu yes. One fish two fish red fish blue fish when you wish on the stars. Yes! Very very nice. Thank you.

[reads comment] "Fantastic quality it's exactly as exactly... as expected... of our Lord and Savior" yes thank you very much.

uh [reads comment] "Product looks just like the picture. I did leave a note though when" [trails off, the rest of the comment says "ordering it, and I did not receive a response :(. Little sad about that, but it's alright"] did not re-... oh well I'm sorry we missed a note but we're glad we're able to get you the product safe and sound... thank you.

[referring to the comment “My handmade medallion arrived quickly and in good shape, glad to add this CPU Goddess artifact to my collection! A+”] Very nice thank you very much. A PLUSES all around. [continues scrolling] I like receiving the good grades.

[partially sings the comment "I feel the power of sonichu"]"I can feel the power"... huh...

[reads comment] "Got a few eyelashes if anyone has a hair and wants to trade" [ponders the acronym "hmu"] huh... where di-... I hope those were your eyelashes... sigh

[zooms in on comment "Item saved me from armed robbery. No Cap."] well I'm glad it saved you from- I'm glad it inspired you not to be in armed robbery or protected you from that.

[cuts to comment "This item literally saved my life. The tokens were already framed in a cute 4x4 black frame. The soda label I purchased was not. However, when putting the items for safe keeping, as I intend to frame the label, I bent over and injured my back so badly I had to call in to work. The evening, the building next to my work was held at gun point. Thanks Chris! My back may be on fie but atleast I didn't get shot."] when putting them in for safekeeping frame the label... injury oh my gosh. had to call into work. next my work.. uh sigh... yeah okay well yes there you go you have been blessed. That was like hey you got out of that worster situation. I'm sorry you had to got- I'm sorry you got shot though. I pray- I pray for your safe recovery. You shall recover safe and well...

[cut to Chris posting a response on previous comment] I am very glad you were... saved from the fire but I am sorry to hear that you got shot... The blessing is that you survived and you get to... contin- continue on doing what... the Light Power and Divine Guidance informs you to do... [obscenely long pause] I'll just say about that, that's okay. But hey, thank you, man, [raises hand] thank you.

[reads comment] "Most perfect medallion! After wearing it around my neck 24/7 in public, the quality of my life has improved over 247%. hehe. My stats have improved by over 20%. People are definitely starting to notice me more. the stares I get on the street, no doubt envious of my jewelry. I can feel the auraaaaaas of positivity glowing from this sacred artifact. I would definitely recommend this to any Sonichu fan." I do appreciate the comment very much. That is very nice although just [zooms in on Sonichu Medallion image] it would be nice [scrolls up to AI-generated image used in the comment] if you know you didn't have to show your face. It's like you know you could just uh photographed on your chest but that's a whole different thing this is alright, it's acceptable. I am grateful for your kind words, thank you very much.

[sings comment] "I can feel the power. The surge of electricity! I can finally ZAP TO THE EXTREEEEEEEEEME!" Very nice sigh very nice sigh.

hmm [reads comment] "I can feel the power radiating from it. I feel stronger allre. The dimension merge is upon us." yes it is. "the quality is as well as it can be for a handmade item." [stops reading as comment says "It came a bit sticky as the paint wasn't dried completely!"] Okay, I'll give you okay maybe not necessarily the paint but maybe the sealant, but anyway it's all cool. [continues reading] "But they both came safely. The shipping was incredibly quick as well. Even came with its own pers-" [stops reading abruptly. comment concludes with "own personal hair LOL i am so ecstatic to be apart of christory!!"] sigh... person- okay maybe you got a piece of hair from me [flips hair] okay I'll give you that. That's an occasional... thing. I put it together myse- put oh it gets put together put together a piece of hair [flips hair] will get in there but that's alright. I'm glad you got it. I'm glad its safe. I'm glad you are feeling very good.

[reads comment] "It's wonderful. you feel powerful wearing it." very good.

[looks at comment "it's sticky and smells funny"] [deep breath in] naa

[scrolls down to image of broken medallion with the comment "item is poorly packaged and arrived broken"] well likely we will replace that one or otherwise you could always get a bit of crazy glue and reattach that ear... you should be alright.

[reads comment] "came in perfect shape. Very well made. You can really feel the aura of [whispers] cpu goddess." [stops reading, rest of comment says "emanating from it. Sure to keep those consarned trolls away."] sigh yes uh... yes. thank you very much for this kind word. Yeah, keep the haters and fakers away.

[reading comment "Excellent quality. Thanks Jesus CWC Sonichu Prime!"] "Excellent quality"... you are welcome.

[reads comment] "Shipped promptly and honestly, exactly what I expected." yep.

[reads comment] "HOLY MOLY I'm Blown Away. Thank you Christine.[corrected the comment using "Chris"] Truly and experience owning a signed medallion." You are quite welcome.

[reads comment] "Just as I expected, just wish it came with a ticket of authenticity and it be signed on the back but other than that it's great and watches me"[stops reading, comment concludes with "sleep at night like a dream catcher"]... oh. You know what that's actually, that's one thought I never had, using it as a dream catcher. That's an idea. Maybe you could like uh maybe it's like uh you could uh fix it into an actual dream catcher that was like [shrug] made from the uh dream catcher kit or like you know the uh [makes circle and gestures with hands] round things and the yarn and the feathers. That's a good idea. That's not a bad little centerpiece.

[referring to the comment “Can't believe I'm the owner of a Sonichu Medallion”] Can't believe it but you are! [sings] you areeee.

[reads comment] "Shipped and arrived super fast and the package... didn't smell at all." [comment concludes with "Absolutely beautiful, I am honored"] huh you are welcome. I'm glad you feel honored.

[referring to the comment “I am now blessed by Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime”] You are now blessed [sings] yessss

ooh [reads comment] "finally became one with the true and honest chr- Christopher Christian Christine Riiiiicardo Jesus Christ Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime CPU Blueheart"... [ stops reading as comment says "also known as IAN. BRADON. ANDERSON."] [zoom in on Chris cam] There's no Ian Brandon Anderson here. We've already been to that already.[Chris Cam goes back to the corner] [continues reading comment] "I truly feel like I can survive dimensional merge now 10/10." Thank you.

[reading the comment "Can confirm as sticky as others have claimed. Came with a little necklace cord so I could immediately wear it upon opening. There are so many hairs stuck to the paint or baked into the medallion I'm pretty sure we could clone CWC if needed. Overall I think it gives it some charm so I'm not really complaining. There was nothing wrong with the packaging as it was well padded with bubble wrap but was kind of scared opening it as it came in a pouch instead of a box."] hum okay I might- that's obviously because the sealant. It's why it became sticky. Came with a little necklace or cord so you could immediately wear it. Yes that's the idea. Feel free to use a better necklace. uhh sooo many... hairs stuck to the paint er painted to the medallion puh huh yeah but then what are you going to do with the yellow paint that got on the hair it's like Cherry Cola on Sonichu Prime's DNA huh got Blake. [zooms in on comment] There you go you appreciate that gives it some good charm and personality. Hey... it's all good.

[Reading comment] "Cool job and epic style. YEAHHH." Thank you.

[Reading comment] "Wonderfull seller, item came exactly as describeeeed and shipped EXtremely fast. Highly recommended."

[Singing] "Proud ownerrrr" [comment says "proud owner of a sonichu medallion"]

[reading comment "I love this thing so much. I will wear it in my sleep. It was a little sticky but it wasn’t anything too bad. I love the little string it came with to make it a true medallion."] Love this thing so much you will wear it in your sleep... sigh... love the little string. Yep if you're gonna wear it to sleep I definitely recommend a better chain but... You're welcome.

[referring to the comment "Omg. I’m so excited. I can actually say I have a handful of Jesus Christ’s drive way gravel. The certificate was a little smaller then expected."] [singing] Oh my god I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. [decides to stop singing] a handful of... driveway gravel from my- from my old place.

[Reading the comment "Incredible quality and craftsmanship can't believe I actually own one"] Incredible quality and craftsmanship now you own one. You're welcome. hum. [moves pointer to snoopy profile picture] Spark him all the way from Netos California to be on this avatar. huh.

[Reads comment] "Thank you hun I love the quartz." [zoom in on Chris cam] oh very nice. Yeah I love I like I really like quartzes too [plays with necklace] rose quartz are fun also...

Let's see [reads comment] "medallion arrived on time and in good shape. Now I can ZAP IT UP TO THE EXTREME!" yayy

[Scrolls to comment "Please don't force me to"] Yay.

[Reads comment] "Quality is top notch, the paint job is excellent. Overall very good pr- product. Would recommend." Thank you, thank you very much.

[Reads comment] "I feel the energy of sonichu coursing through my veins." Very nice. Very good.

[Reads comment] "psyched to own a piece of christory 10/10!" you are welcome.

Alright, that's it for now. [Chris cam zoom] I pray you all[clasp hands in prayer] a lovely safe and blessed day. [separates hands and sings] aaaaaaaaaaaaaa [raises hands in circle] yay [breathes out and ends video]

Second Video

Chris misspelled the name of Etsy in the video title as "Esty".

Esty Comment Review 2
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 24 January 2024
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations, PraetorPraetor Praetor
Sightings (2024)#Target
Past Ideas Reemerging - Part 3


Reading of comments from those who have purchased from the Etsy Store.

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