Victory Rockout

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Revision as of 06:08, 28 August 2011 by Wwwwolf (talk | contribs) (i suck)
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This article relates to a recent Chris-related event. As a result, there may be many CWCki users trying to contribute and the content of the article may change rapidly.

Victory Rockout (Originally Skyrim Victory.mp4) is a video uploaded early in the morning of 28 August 2011 by the YouTube user "CWCvilleProductions". In the video, Chris flails around a Guitar Hero controller while dancing to a metal remix of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim theme. Chris completely disregards both the rhythm and structure of the original song, and just screams whatever pops in his mind in a vaguely musical manner. It appears to be created in response to Thorg's retirement from Trolling, referencing Thorg's love for the Elder Scrolls.

Chris once again complains about CWCki. He's likely taking an issue with the PS3 Tracker on the front page, which said (as of 28 August 2011) "Chris was last spotted playing Fallout: New Vegas. Chris has spent over $3,678.10 of YOUR money!" and is trying to hint that he's not spending that much money on video games. (It is worth noting that CWCki's numbers are on the conservative side.)

Victory Rockout
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Stardate 28 August 2011
Subject Matter TrollsTrolls Trolls
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy, SmugSmug Smug
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl
Gratitude for a good person in N.C.


-eah we got victory! I won, it's victory! Victory for all fans, everybodys! [Clipped] is gonna get their kickin', BAM BAM BAM! Bam! I kicked your head in, you damn (something) bullies! Whee!

You bullies are really, really stupid, and trolls are really, really stupid. Hey you bullies are really, really stupid, Team Rocket's stupid, you're stupid, you're stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID!

Hello Ian! Why is your last name Brandon Anderson? JUUUUUULAAAYYYYYY! *CWC screeches something*

Victory over the trolls! I'm also the creator of the electric hedgehog Pokemon! Yeah!

So you can kiss it! It! Kiss it! Kiss it!

And I paid ten dollars for this guitar and game combo, at a garage sale a couple weeks ago! I only paid ten dollars FOR Fallout: New Vegas when it was on sale a previous time!

Troll, you're so jinxed (?). One thing for everything... INCORRECT!

The CWCki's a damn lie! It's a [clipped], false implications! Truths and honest contents plague inside the contents [???]

Never-the CWCki no matter what! If you ask questions, ask me personally! All they tell you is exaggeration and lies! They're all trolls and bullies!


[turns off camera]

Gratitude for a good person in N.C. Chris's videos Current