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Count Graduon was the prime mover behind the forces of evil in Sonichu. Count Graduon is an ancient evil spirit residing in the scepter of the evil witch Mary Lee Walsh. Despite being a supernatural being of great power who threatened the ancient Native Americans, Graduon inexplicably holds the title of a middle-ranking nobleman in European society. Despite being envisioned as the overarching director of the campaign against Chris and the driving force of Chris and Sonichu's enemies, the ensemble cast of Electric Hedgehog Pokemon apparently never take the time to learn anything about him, leaving the reader in the dark about his motivations and importance.
Graduon's name (pronounced [ˈɡrædʒ.uː.ən], "GRADGE-oo-un") derives from Chris's feelings about his graduation from high school. Beyond his anger and embarrassment about not receiving special treatment at his class's commencement ceremony, Christian likens his departure from high school to being exiled from comfortable surroundings and cherished friends. He also regards his efforts to adjust to life after school as a great adventure story, so it should perhaps come as no surprise that this manchild's greatest enemy is a metaphor for growing up.
Chris claims that Graduon (along with Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc) is inspired by evil wizards and evil twins from various TV shows, movies, anime, and book stories. His title of Count could possibly be a reference to the villain character of Count Weirdly from Slylock Fox & Comics for Kids, where Chris once had a drawing of Sonichu published (at the youthful age of 29).