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Hello, I'm defagging the CWCki. Here's an example of stuff I don't like;

Why Christian Weston Chandler is a Faggot

File:Stephen fry.jpg
Stephen Fry, LittleBigPlanet's narrator and the very antithesis of Chris in many respects, being that he is intelligent, witty, successful, handsome, wealthy, and charming, as opposed to a bumbling moron. While they are both gay men, Fry does not engage in self-loathing closet dwelling.

He's obese

Seriously guize, Chris is such a fat disgusting abomination of god I hate him so much, why, I bet his MOMMY and DADDY tuck him in to bed lol. Check out this ZIIIIMMMM FAANNAAARRT I did of Christian weston Chandler XD SO RANDOM >.> ^.^!!!

He makes us with Autism/Aspergers look bad

Chrissy makes us true autistics look BAD! He also apparently collects My Little Pony and that makes us Bronys look bad, he also likes Sonic so that makes us TRUE AND HONEST Sonic the Blue Hedgehog fans EMBARRASSED! See my friend Anthony Logatto's videos for more information please.

He's a paychopathic/psychotic child molester

Also isn't CWCville SERIOUSLY like an evil oppressive Third Reich dystopia? I bet Chris is gonna RAPE someone, he's a violent psychopathic man-child. He should be executed. I want to CUT OFF HIS BENT DUCK LLLOLL.. Also THAT video was OFFENSIVE and VIOLENT, it only goes to prove what an evil twisted being he is. Also he PROBABLY molests his niece, Savannah Chandler.