Revision as of 17:33, 29 September 2014 by FromtheWordsofBR (talk | contribs)
Beating an apparent dead horse since summer 2014.
Asexual This user is asexual. They don't want or need to be "cured", thank you very much. |
STRAIGHT This user is STRAIGHT. The men like dykes and china while the women like pickles & balls. Unlike Chris, they don't mind da homos. |
High-Functioning Autistic This user has high-functioning autism, and therefore receives lots of stress from their gosh darn Mental Block. |
Vivian Gee This user applauds Vivian Gee for actually making something funny out of Sonichu. |
Wii This user owns a Wii, complete with a magic wand, and would do anything to get into Shigeru Miyamoto's pants. |