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Chris Chan's animated message to [the Suitress]
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate Unclear - video archiver claimed the animation was created on 15 July 2021.
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[sigh] [the Suitress], I promise, should I ever see anything G5 related at the convention, I- I promise I will not get angry in front of you.

I withhold my anger. I don't have to feel comfortable around the fact that it's present within that moment, but I will refrain from getting angry. I promise you that.

And [sigh] I am very strong-willed, I am very strong-minded, and [sigh] I have a good sense of, uh what's the word there, I'm trying to remember the word, [sigh], well I have a good sense of self and self-control, so [long exhale].

I can take deep breaths of my own volition, I appreciate that. You do care about me there. Anyway, [quick exhale], I'll be heading for bed shortly. I'll take half a melatonin gummy to make it easier to fall asleep tonight.

I know that I'm gonna be more effective with the witching hours during the night once again, whether I'm asleep or not, okay.

Anyway, thank you [the Suitress]. Just, thank you. And I love you. I love you, [the Suitress].