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Revision as of 17:33, 15 November 2010 by AlfredNTheFettuc (talk | contribs)
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Flag of Europe Eurofag: This user is a Eurofag and insists on using unnecessary vowels.
This user is in possession of a life upgrade, and treats it with the respect it deserves - unlike Chris.
Wii Wii
This user owns a Wii, complete with a magic wand, and would do anything to get into Shigeru Miyamoto's pants.
This user is the proud owner of a HEXBox. Chris does not approve.
Chris Acting Black White
This user is white and finds Chris's race relations embarrassing.
Virgin with Rage Virgin with rage
Like Chris, this user feels lonely, and is currently looking for a Boyfriend-free girl, or possibly a Girlfriend-free boy.
This user is a JERK and takes away all the girls see above.
Robert G. Ingersoll Agnostic
This user is agnostic and is highly skeptical of your claims about deities.
Naïve Naïve
This user isn't saying they're dumb... or naïve.