Template:Article of the now

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Revision as of 10:26, 21 October 2019 by Hurtful Truth Level (talk | contribs) (switched to Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History)
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Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History is a webseries created by producer and musician Geno Samuel, which began in February 2018. It is essentially a documentary about Chris's life, similar to Sachumo's. However, while Sachumo's film is an abridged summary of Chris's life for newcomers, Geno's videos go into greater detail, each video being around 30 to 40 minutes long. The series is in chronological order, taking several videos just to cover Chris's life before his internet fame, and Geno has said that he plans to step through the densely packed events of 2009–10 in increments of a few months. The series is still ongoing, and Geno predicts that it will be around 50 episodes long by the time he reaches the present day. Geno plans to continue the series incrementally until ultimately it reaches an end. Chris is aware of the series, and has commented on it several times over Twitter and YouTube.



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This template sits pride of place on the CWCki Main Page. It is a way of displaying some of the better quality articles on the CWCki. It is not usually the article that describes the most recent Chris-related event, though it often can be. Suggestions for new articles to be displayed here can be discussed either on this template's talk page, or on the CWCki:Community Portal‎.