Bob Chandler thinks his son is a genius

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Bob Chandler thinks his son is a genius is a video of unknown origins, it is posted on the Albert Clukely YouTube channel which also hosts an archive of a ThePCAssassins video. It is presumed that the video originated from ThePCAssassins as it is similar to their recorded conversations with Bob. The caller is an until-now unrecognised voice, that does not sound alike to any of the three others that have called Bob previously on the channel. The man speaks with a southern accent (or mimicking such).

Bob Chandler thinks his son is a genius
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 2011
Subject Matter OtherUnknownIcon.png Bob
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy
Other LeakedLeaked Leaked


Bob: [Inaudible] -I and everybody else that there's a system that goes on that says that anybody, that wants to- that knows how with the proper uh- software and stuff can call any number in the country that they want to and put any particular phone number in the system and if it came from that number- [???] -to the people. Called spoofing, S-P-O-O-F-I-N-G.

The Southern Man: Is...

Bob: Now you can call your local police department if you'd like about that. But that's the name they all know it as, spoofing... Now I'm not calling your number... some crazy kook out there on the internet is playing games with you.

The Southern Man: Are you telling me that somebody out there on the internet is using your phone number in an attempt to pin the blame on your family?

Bob: That's right. It goes on all the time I've gotten calls from people everywhere, I've even- I've even uh- gotten calls where I was terrorising people and I wasn't even on the phone!

The Southern Man: Ah sir I- I do not happen to know if anybody on the internet who is drawing cartoons, I- I don't know I don't use the internet but, if that-

Bob: Well I don't use the internet either but my son does.

The Southern Man: Oh.

Bob: These people they hate him because he has copyright and he just won a case in England on copyright laws, and there are people in the world that hate him. There are people in the world that love him but there are people in the world that hate him and the people in the world that hate him are going to all kind of ends to try to destroy him.

The Southern Man: Your son- Your son is-

Bob: [Inaudible] -Other ways they do it.

The Southern Man: Your son is a cartoonist?

Bob: Yes he is.

The Southern Man: That's a very- that's very nice to hear I hope he's doing good.

Bob: Well he doesn't make a living out of it but he's autistic, he shares his cartoons with the world and has for the last uh- ten or twelve years.

The Southern Man: I've got a grandson who's into cartoons like that he might know him, he's on the internet looking up uh- cartoons on the internet and I think it's pretty nifty to be quite honest with you.

Bob: The one that my son does is called Sonichu.

The Southern Man: Sonichu? Is that some Japanese thing or what?

Bob: Well it's Sonic and Chu.

The Southern Man: Oh, oh so-

Bob: It's a Pikachu and it's like the Sonic.

The Southern Man: Oh my grandkids are into this little thing called Pikachu but I wouldn't know anything about that. You tell- Your son is the creator of this character?

Bob: It was since- before the year 2000.

The Southern Man: Oh.

Bob: He's been putting- and going- and putting them on the internet... [Very quietly] all over the world [??]

The Southern Man: Oh- oh I see where this- well I just wanted to find out wha- where these telephone numbers have been coming from because-

Bob: But I'm not calling you, you can go and check with your local police department if you'd like. There is this system called spoofing. [Inaudible] and they can't stop it either.

The Southern Man: It's spoofing? that is-

Bob: I- I- You- I- can even get put in jail for terrorising people, because my number comes in on their caller ID.

The Southern Man: Can I- uh- is this Mr Chandler right? Your name is Mr Chandler right?

Bob: That's right.

The Southern Man: Uh- you- your-

Bob: I'm Robert Chandler I got nothing to hide.

The Southern Man: The- there are-

Bob: And I'm eighty-two years old and I'm retired from GE (General Electric).

The Southern Man: There are other, people I have heard, I think one of my sons has been receiving calls from that number as well I did uh- look a read-up of that num- my son who is very into the internet did a lookup of that number and found out that the most people are getting calls from that number as well.

Bob: Yeah well see these people are using our number to try to get us in trouble.

The Southern Man: I am very sorry to hear that sir.

Bob: Well that's just the way this world goes, there's some lousy people in this world

The Southern Man: I- well oh man- I- Have you reported this incident yet?

Bob: If you- If you try to get in touch with the FBI- have you ever tried to get in touch with the FBI? You can't get in touch with the FBI. They don't even have any phone numbers- and if you ever find a phone number well it's an answering machine and nobody ever calls you back. They pay no mind to this kinda thing.

The Southern Man: Are you saying-

Bob: [Inaudible] -these internet clowns stuff.

The Southern Man: They are purposely ignoring this?

Bob: [Inaudible] - their identity and everything.

The Southern Man: They are purposely ignoring this?

Bob: I beg your pardon?

The Southern Man: They are purposely ignoring this?

Bob: That's right they're purposely ignoring it the telephone company will tell you the same thing, they all have this thing named and it's called spoofing.

The Southern Man: So they know is exists but they won't do anything about it?

Bob: That's right they won't do a thing about it.

The Southern Man: Yea- That-

Bob: Even caller ID won't block it.

The Southern Man: Are you a republican sir?

Bob: I'm a- I'm a republican yes.

The Southern Man: That is- yes-

Bob: I didn't vote for Obama that's for sure.

The Southern Man: I did not vote for Obama either.

Bob: Wha- What part of New York were you in?

The Southern Man: I think we live around upstate New York, we're very conservative republicans-

Bob: I stayed in upstate New York once I lived in Utica.

The Southern Man: Utica? I have a f- cousin who lives in Utica. I don't know if he's still living there but I haven't spoke to him in ten years.

Bob: Yeah I worked for GE (General Electric) up there once about 40 years ago.

The Southern Man: General Electric?

Bob: Yeah [Inaudible]

The Southern Man: Ah that's a very- that's a very nice career- I heard it's a very nice employ- steady job.

Bob: Yeah well I'm retired from there so.

The Southern Man: Well I just wanted-

Bob: But I enjoyed it up there I used to go hiking in- in the [Inaudible] (Klondikes ??) and up there in the, uh- the mountains of uh- what is it White Mountain I guess it is- they call it or something?

The Southern Man: I think that's what we call it, it's very cold up here too. Very very cold.

Bob: I can remember some days when it was 35 (Farenheit) below zero up there. I- Got my [Inaudible].

The Southern Man: We just had sixteen- si- sixteen inches of snow. That was a-

Bob: Would- would you believe that I'm sitting in Charlottesville but you know where that is, in- in Virginia.

The Southern Man: I think it's-

Bob: We're right about next to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I can see the mountains from my house. But we have- right now two feet of snow in our yard and one time we had over three feet. About two weeks ago.

The Southern Man: Holy moly, are- are you able to get on the road safely?

Bob: Well I- I parked my car next to the street and finally we got a plow and uh- I- I can get in and out right now because I'm next to the street. But for a- about a week we couldn't get out at all.

The Southern Man: Oh that's very scary to hear that you guys get that much snow during the winter months.

Bob: Yeah if you stop in Washington down in Philadelphia and Baltimore, New York too - the same storms. They- it put the government out of business for about seven days up there.

The Southern Man: Oh that just goes to show you, you can't underestimate nature.

Bob: That's right you can't. That's what I learned while I was in Utica in upstate New York there.

The Southern Man: It gets pretty bad up here let me tell you, it- it can g- It can- we had an ice storm about twenty years ago and it took the power out for nearly a month, all the cars were frozen we couldn't- we couldn't even use our refrigerator. Oh it was scary we were afraid it wasn't ever going to come back on.

Bob: Yeah well I'm- I'm sure [Chuckles] 'cause I can remember we used to get all that, what they call "lake effect" snow.

The Southern Man: Uh what was it?

Bob: From up there the snow that comes in off the foreshore [??] on the Great Lakes there. And uh- yeah I can remember three feet of snow in Utica.

The Southern Man: Oh yeah like-

Bob: [Inaudible] [Can be heard laughing after saying something]

The Southern Man: It hasn- it hasn't been that bad yet, ho- ho- hopefully it won't be that bad in the future because, winter months is almost over and I- I could tell you I really wanna get out on my boat again. And fish don't come to- I gotta go snapper fishing and they don't come till August.

Bob: That's right I remember they used to have a joke about it up there, you had two- two uh- seasons. We had winter and the Fourth of July

[Both chuckle]

The Southern Man: That's- uh- that's what they call it, Christmas in July

Bob: That's right.

The Southern Man: Well I gotta be going now, well I just wanted to clear this-

Bob: I'm sorry just ignore those calls 'cause it ain't us.

The Southern Man: I just wanted to be- verify this because occasionally people have called up and we just wanted to see if it was important or not, cause I have family in Virginia-

Bob: Somebody might not like your son on the internet that's why they're- they just know our number and everything and so they're using our numbers to terrorise you.

The Southern Man: Well that probably answers some of the random number- back when I was a little boy we used to just type in random numbers in the phone and make prank calls. I'm not proud of it or anything but that's just what we did it's not- it's scary stuff that involved the computers and everything- oh- we- we did it in good fun you know we weren't trying to be antagonistic about it.

Bob: They are they're- for a while there were trying to even talk my son into committing suicide over the internet.

The Southern Man: That's just wrong.

Bob: Yeah it's disgusting and the federal government won't do a thing to help.

The Southern Man: Oh well-

Bob: Neither will the local government or anybody.

The Southern Man: Have you gotten the police involved yet?

Bob: It's just uh- It's just- we've learned how to cope with it that's all.

The Southern Man: Oh that's- that's a shame. I hope they don't you know, go too far with this or else you'd better get the police involved.

Bob: Well we have but they don't do anything, they say it's an internet matter and it's federal government.

The Southern Man: Apparently-

Bob: Federal government says we don't have any money.

The Southern Man: According to my son the police don't give a crap about what goes on the internet, they only care if it goes on in-

Bob: That's correct.

The Southern Man: Ah- well I have to be going now Mr Chandler, it's a-

Bob: I'm sorry, I'm sorry that somebody is bothering you but it ain't us.

The Southern Man: I'll just- I'll just keep a- I'll just block uh- whoever is spoofing me from now on. Well thank you for clearing this up I hope things go better for you and your son, have a good day sir.

Bob: We've learned just to ignore it.

The Southern Man: You should. Well you have a good day and I hope these winter months don't give you the cold shoulder [Chuckles]

Bob: I'll be alright.

The Southern Man: Alright, take care now.

[The call abruptly ends before Bob can say goodbye, or maybe he just hung up the phone once he was done talking]


Overall the call is quite interesting in that we get a view into what a "normal" conversation with Bob would look like. Despite the title of the video, Chris is only mentioned very briefly, the majority of the conversation centres around small talk. The two callers discuss the weather, Bob's job at General Electric, Upstate New York (Particularly the city of Utica) and fishing. Bob also talks at length about how trolls have been using his telephone number to call people, he refers to this as spoofing. He also mentions the harassment he and his family have received from trolls, including him stating that trolls have tried to goad Chris into suicide (Possibly a reference to when he walked into Chris' room when he was masturbating).