Light Powered Cwclight Reviews

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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews are a series of videos that began on 1 January 2024.

Here Chris tries to review the toys used to create his custom-built Sonichu Transformers as well as promoting his build. Chris tries to copy emgo316, ripping off his intro style of using a toy representation to give a blurb of the toy before smash cutting to the video title with a theme song. He also promotes BigBadToyStore without permission.


Note that the video title shows the character's name as "Bumba-Lumba," even though Chris has previously written it in his comics as "Bumble-Lumba."

The video was later set to Private for an unknown reason, but was reuploaded on 9 January without any known alterations (although the hyphen was removed from "Bumba-Lumba). This happened again on 27 November 2024 to rerecord footage using a custom box.

Chris commented about this CWCki page's summary of the video, which had stated that the reason for the privated video was not known. Chris pointed out that it was due to the box.[1]

1st upload

The original video[2] was uploaded 1 January 2024. It was later set to Private and no known archive exists. However, the raw captions from YouTube were saved.


Review of the Bumba-Lumba figure of Transformers Legacy Cwcville.

You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
[Link to BigBadToyStore]

Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
[Link to OfficialCWCmart]

Text from YouTube's captions


bumblebee buz

around yeah no that's not bumblebee

that's bumba

lumba this video has been a long time

coming in the set of the quickfill

Autobots hey what's up YouTubers Christ

chat here and with another freaky OC

review and today we'll be reviewing of

the quickfield Ia team see quickfield

Edition bumba lumba and so here we are

and there he is and first and foremost

as always we take a quick look at the

packaging so from we got here this

lovely love box of his mold M legy

United Animated Universe bumblebee so

got the

font he a Del class


classic about you got half a lovely

piece of artwork I say half because look

like another half the picture there

other side you got lovely part lovely

mode of pictures of the of the old

bumble meister and top of the box this

lovely little

flap words STS barcodes and on the back

of the box you have your oh BL

that that that that's basically

for the

packaging and moving right along here is

our lovely little bumba lumba two words


LBA like lovely little soup up sports

car with lovely FL on look at that rise

up the

FAS called rise rise up the

Phenix anyway let's take a look around

all this lovely vehicle so front here

got the gr headlights looking all nice

and good looking and all that got the F

bird there all nice and green you got

the side of the

vehicle just good like a hole here and

hole there I take at least that's a good

looking painted window there's the back

of the vehicle with complete with tail

lights hey you better break with the

lights flash

red there's other side so there's the

top there's the bottom it do roll as

well slide

SL t for sliding

things and for comparison here is with

the netfit

Bumblebee and of course here's bum with

the good old standard comparison with

Earth rise Optimus Prime C

rise I think I can octopus but I don't I

know Sonu can he's done it more so than

I have yeah so with that bet that came

it from the other



with P SLA of the decept of the PVC say

deceptic CL

with quy Makoto in a lovely little saan


truck here is bumba lumba with a saian

Thundercracker this needs to be

desperately repayed to be like

Cracker and here's Bumble lumba with the

animated Swindle that is also going to

be repainted to be more like an

sa scoundrel as

vessel and here he is with all the other

all box of quickfi the top five or so

which they will each get the respective

review videos not too long for now until

I can redo son's video cuz I had so much

noise in the r video but I had the Play

Station so yeah of course there's jet

goes with arm rats over there hey

options they're good they're

good and here is a bubble LBA with our

quickfi combiner team including combiner

mode at Selena far in the back

there here he is with All About Chris

Chan Prime and all her three forms

between origin Main and combiner limb

form and of course with the original

animated bu because it's

precious also sticky d


precious and of course bumba lumba does

c with come

accessories you get a pair of lovely

Stingers Za it up to the

tree but you got all the lovely silver

paint on the transparent blue plastic

which I feel like that's way it works

and you got these lovely little turbo

rockets that out in silver paint and

just all looking good

that and of course the store these

vehicle mod cuz you don't have a p for

those Stingers here and put them onto

these pockets and put them right here on

the door like


for and of course

uh you know blasting forward whichever

way you want or brush can store back

here as was the case with the original



AES so that is basically it for the

vehicle bow so let's get down the

transformation shall we yes get a really

good spin on am spin it spin it to

win delightful delightful all right so

let me just uh rotate the camera up


bit right down to it course move the

m and what I like doing on this uh I

thought I say we start from the we start

by folding up what's in the trunk so we

just split shoulders up just pop that up

there and then we pull these

out SP down like

that this probably just go ahead don't

take the hands out close that up see the

little flip arms they close up like that

and we just want to wiggle these out

they're on a double

hinge and then we definitely want to get

down to business so we're going to bring

down the

legs work with it as you do as you

anyway that down you want to rotate that

180 and then let that click let that

click into place I'll just go ahead put

these elbows in the right

orientation and then let's see oh right

got split the legs and then we flip the

hoods up pull these black sections down

those three his KN caps sometimes could

be a little tricky might you make shift

spuder for that there we

go and give that 180

rotation put the heel spurs out on kn

and then rotate you flip the feet down

you close up the gaps

here and of course you just rotate

this and then you reveals the lovely

Bumble lumba Meister mug and shift the



and that is pretty much basically it oh

we done just we're done woo we're done

and that is that is there you go there

you have bum B lumba in his robot mode

ni say in Simplicity and size is small

and stature this actually works even for

update of an M feature so let's get in

let's look in on those DET let's get

close up soon not on those check not on

that chest but where's the autofocus on


camera oh well we'll just make do what

we have but you got some lovely detail

on his face cute little smirk his eyes

this not little pant like cring the head

just like you see on the secret Shi F

folder card those are going to be

available in the Etsy store soon plug

for the Etsy store the money does go the

money does go to CHR J Prime she gets

that money so you go on the store you

buy purchase from there she gets a big

chunk of that money so you're doing a

good service for her like that okay

there's a Shameless plug they good time

to the

show anyway so we look down got love me

look at those flames and then just love

he got like flames it's like a nice

update when you look at that picture

from that particular card that was just

mentioned and then go up the

back feel little heels you got a little

backpack going on there but that's cool

now articulation wise the head is on a

ball joint you got a lot of Wiggly

waggly going on you can look you can

look down a little bit you can look up a

lot do a total squirrel or you can use

that transformation joint and do a total

squirrel and then some s squ bend it


forward that's fun and of course uh head

can rotate do a full 360 with getting

the chin out from lifting above those

sharp pieces arms can only go up that

far and back that far you got a joint at

the shoulder here you got a joint at

just above the uh bicep here so you got

some range of movement you have this

joint if you want dislocate anyway but

still you can give you good poses this

way and of course uh

arms can do like rotate at

the you get 90° of Bend there at that

you got hand rotation there you got a

little inward outward rotation if you

open this up that's main you do for

transformation you have waist rotation


before that far back then go that far

outward you can pretty much do a full

split yeah thigh

rotation you get a really good range of

knee Bend there it's like over 90

degrees of bend the knee feet can go up

a little bit can go down and can can't

go down you got a little bit of ankle


there now as far far as this weapons go

of course uh you can do them multiple

ways so of course you can hold them in


hands come on work here there we go can

hold him in his hands he can zap zap zap

zap like without the

rock BL BL I don't think you get any BL

is within that tiny hole I'm wondering

though let's see this small Bush I mean

was like nope but can that work can that

work not really okay what we tried it's

like we did something that he didn't but

aside from that of course

uh we can put these on this back and I

could store on there like that be like

nobody in the comment SE be like hey

that one ConEd would when she put them

on the back

anyway but there you go and of course

with a full upright hit and that there

you go like Ro


delightful and then that course the fun

detail those on this just because can

open these up put the hands

in I want just mention this since he

didn't mention so of course uh with the

little Stinger on there it's like that

it's kind of awkward when you think

about the position of that Stinger it's

like um okay how am I supposed to sting

something like this I mean even just

like it looks like he wants a hand out

hey give me give me some change give me

some change we're not happy nope I think

obviously could do a little work around

with that just turn one be like that's a

little better that's a little better

there all right so we just get that


there just go ahead put that there and

now put the two

together and you got that good that

lovely little bit of two-headed Stinger

action going

up to the

stream let's see here let's see if we

can do this let's do this live on

camera uh kind of sort of you know what

that works I'll take it so yeah now we

can do a lovely zapping bumba Lumber I

don't have a Graphic blue so I apologize

for do

noise and then they'll feely F fall

off and for

comparon here is Bumble lumba with neitz



with pun




with a t be updated



a to be

updated scel



Frank and here's how Bumble lumba

Compares and scale with the other with

the combiners of Quick Fill including

combiner form at

Selena here is how Bumble LBA scales

with the Trio OFA Chris CH between the

origin form on the right the

main CH Chris Chan Prime albot in the

center and of course uh the combiner

form Chris Chand in the the left along

with rung in both

ways he hears how Bumble lumba scales

with Sonu at Selena silver armor Prowler

and jet and an awesome Dynamic battle

scene where they're defending the city a


bille and of course last but not least

here he is with the original animated

bumble baby because he's so precious oh


precious so there you go and yeah as I

do really love I really like this figure

I mean just size quality and up dead to

uh I just you know moment mates update

to the precious figure mentioned earlier

it actually is quite good I like the uh

how it can stand good on his feet makes

good good shorts just obviously if I was

to give it like a little comparative mod

maybe it just like you know the ends of

the arms where the bo where the little

Stingers could connected could be more

flat that's my more grievance with it

but have to give it like do a something

to make it like

connect you know give it something go

back and forth there that would more

easier and hey who hasn't thought about

us actually using the rocket boosters to

give him fight because that's one thing

they can do I mean I think that was also

portrayed that was also portrayed

sometime anyway yeah there you go Bumble

Lumber can fly but he's not a bumblebee

but anyway from that if you want to hear

the back story for Bumble LBA and all

the other individuals of the alots of

quickfi you can look at that previous

live stream I did so there you

go now I fit this up in a Lov little

collab personally with

Hasbro and you might be able find this

some Hasbro PE sooner and later but if

you would like the similar figure you

can always get the Transformers Animated

B big figure from Hasbro Pro or even

like big btoy or your local

Target your local Walmart whichever

comes up at that time but anyway I think

that's about it so there you go you

don't not saying you don't stop playing

because you grow you grow because you

stop playing big gek be


proud okay so everybody knows this

particular outtake that we are doing

right now is not canon with the present

anime project in progress thank you all

very much for your continued support and

have a lovely blessed safe day

yay I love a good PE I go from a quick

F hey Optimus a bu Lum good to see you

again yeah you got to S call for me sir

yes I have actually a very serious

situation I want you look at I need you

to get roll out over here I mean I know

he's all duty but between him and

Ratchet they might be able to figure out

this little problem I have what's that

sir do you see this bumba lumba my

Matrix is

blinking your Matrix is blinking even I

don't know what that means I mean you're

the one that has h on to us for so

long it's been going off and on like

this for quite some time now even I'm

still perplexed I think it's trying to

kill me something why you think it's

trying to tell you


maybe what's matter Bumble Lumber I just

got download information from Cybertron

and the AC records and everything hey

oh my


my wow I didn't think my Matrix had that

effect on

anyone okay stop blinking n it's ping


normal I guess I add a bit of

information I need to upload to somebody

or might been that pizza bagel I had

while we were at Texas just yesterday

2nd upload

Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Bumba Lumba
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 9 January 2024
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
Shirt Not visible
Transformers - Past Ideas Reemerging - Part 2
Animate! Raleigh


Review of the Bumba-Lumba figure of Transformers Legacy Cwcville.

You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
[Link to BigBadToyStore]

Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
[Link to OfficialCWCmart]


CWCism-IllBreakYouDead.png  This media needs a transcript. Help CWCki by transcribing the content. If the media is too long, transcribe select portions which are funny or informative.

Raw captions

Text from YouTube's captions

bumblebee buz

around yeah no that's not bumblebee

that's bumba

lumba this video has been a long time

coming in the set of the quickfill

Autobots hey what's up YouTubers Christ

chat here and with another freaky OC

review and today we'll be reviewing of

the quickfield Ia team see quickfield

Edition bumba lumba and so here we are

and there he is and first and foremost

as always we take a quick look at the

packaging so from we got here this

lovely love box of his mold made legy

United Animated Universe bumblebee so

got the

font he a Del class class class

classic you got half a lovely piece of

artwork I say half because look like

it's another half the picture there

other side you got lovely part lovely

mode of pictures of the of the old

bumble meister and top of the box this

lovely little

flap words STS barcodes and on the back

of the box you have your oh BL

that that that that's basically

for the

packaging and moving right along here is

our lovely little bumba lumba two words


LBA like lovely little soup up sports

car with lovely flart on look at that

rise up the

FAS called rise rise off the

Phoenix anyway let's take a look around

all this lovely vehicle so front here

got the gr headlights looking all nice

and good looking and all that got the F

bird there all nice and green you got

the side of the

vehicle just good like a hole here and

hole there I take at least that's a good

looking painted window there's the back

of the vehicle with complete with tail

lights heyy you better break with the

lights flash

red there's other side so there's the

top there's the bottom it do roll as

well slide

SL T ready for sliding

things and for comparison here is with

the netfit

Bumblebee and of course here's Bumble

with the good old standard comparison

with Earth rise Optimus Prime C

rise I think I can octopus but I don't I

know Sonu can he's done it more so than

I have yeah with that bet that came in

from the other



with P SLA of the decept of the PVC say


with quy Makoto in a Lov little saan


truck here is bumba lumba with a saian

Thundercracker this needs to be

desperately repayed to be like

Cracker and here's Bumble lumba with the

animated Swindle that is also going to

be repainted to be more like an

sa scoundrel as

vessel and here he is with all the other

all box of quickfi the top five or so

which they will each get the respective

review videos not too long for now until

I can redo son's video cuz I had so much

noise in the r video but I had the Play

Station so yeah of course there's jet

goes with arm rats over there hey

options they're good they're

good and here is a bubble LBA with our

quickfi combiner team including combiner

mode at Selena far in the back

there here he is with All About Chris

Chan Prime and all her three forms

between origin Main and combiner limb

form with Legacy animated

Bumblebee and of course

with the original animated bub because


prees also sticky animated


prees and of course bumba lumba does

come with come with some

accessories you get a pair of lovely

Stingers Za it up to the

Treet but you got all the lovely silver

paint on the transparent blue plastic

which I feel like def really works and

you got these lovely little turbo

rockets that out silver paint and just

all looking good and all that and of

course to store these a vehicle mod cuz

you don't have a p for those Stingers

here and put them onto

these pockets and put them right here on

the door like



and of course

uh know it's blasting forward whichever

way you want or course you can store

back here as was the case with the



precious also

precious so that is basically it for the

vehicle B so let's get down the

transformation shall we you get a really

good spin on am spin it spin it to win


W delightful delightful all right so let

me just uh rotate the camera up little

bit right down to it of course move the

m and what I like doing on this uh I

thought I say we start from the we start

by folding up what's in the trunck so we

just split shoulders up just pop up

there and then we pull these out

down like

that at this point we can just go ahead

don't take the hands out go set up see

the little flip arms they close up like

that and we just want to wiggle these

out they're on a double

hinge and then we definitely want to get

down to business so we're going to bring

down the

legs work with it as you got do as you

anyway that down you want to rotate that

one 80 and then let that click let that

click into place I'll just go ahead put

these elbows in the right

orientation and then let's see all right

got split the legs and then we flip the

hoods up pull these black sections down

those'll be his KN caps sometimes could

be a little tricky might need make shift

spuder for that there you

go and give that 18

rotation put the heel spurs out on

these and then rotate you putp the feet

down you close up the gaps

here and of course you just rotate

this and then you reveal the lovely

bumba lumba M mug and shift the



and that is pretty much basically oh we

done yes we're done woo we're done and

that is that is there you go there you

have bumba lumba in his robot mode I say

in Simplicity and size is small and

stature this actually works even for

update of an anime feature so let's get

in let's look in on those DET let's get

close up soon not on those chest not on

that chest but where's the autofocus on


camera oh well we'll just make do what

we haveen

you got some lovely detail on his face

cute little smirk his eyes this Lely

little pant like CR in the head just

like you see on the secret ship F folder

card those are going to be available in

the Etsy store soon plug for the Etsy

store the money does go the money does

go to CHR Jam Prime she gets that money

so you go on the store you buy and

purchase from there she gets a big chunk

of that money so you're doing a good

service for her like that okay there's a

Shameless plug they going Time the show

anyway so we didn't look down got a

lovely look at those flames and then

just love you got like those flames it's

like a nice update when you look at that

picture from that particular card that

was just

mentioned and then we go up the

back feel little heels you got a little

backpack going on there but that's cool

now articulation wise the head is on a

ball joint you got a lot of Wiggly

waggly going on you can look you can

look down and

you can look up a lot do a total

squirrel or you can use that

transformation joint and do a total

squirrel and then some Square sare bend

it flying

forward that's fun and of course uh it

can rotate do a full 360 with getting it

chin out from up those sharp pieces arms

can only go up that far and back that

far you got a joint at the shoulder here

you got a joint at just above the uh

bicep here so you got some range of

movement you have this joint if you want

to dislocate anyway but still you can

give you good poses this way and of

course uh

arms can do like rotate at the

I get 90° of Bend there that you got

hand rotation there you got a little

inward outward rotation if you open this

up that's maybe do for

transformation you have waist rotation

legs before that far back then go that

far outward you can pretty much full

spit yeah thigh

rotation you get a really good range of

knee Bend there it's like over 90

degrees of band the knee feet can go up

a little bit can go down and can can't

go go down

you got a little bit of ankle tilted

there now as far as this weapons go of

course uh you can do them multiple ways

so of course you can hold them in this

hands come on work me here there we go

can hold him in his hands he can zap zap

zap zap

like without the rock

like BL BL I don't think you get any

bles within that tiny hole I'm wondering

though let's see this small I mean M was

like nope but can that work can it

work not really okay what we tried it's

like we did something that he didn't but

aside from that of course

uh we can put these on this back and I

can store on there like that be like

nobody in the comment be like hey that

one ConEd would when she put them on the

back anyway but there you go and of

course with a full upright hit and that

there you go like RAR


delightful and then of course the fun

detail those on this back just because

going open these up

foot the hands

in I just mention this since he didn't

mention so of course uh with the little

Stinger on there just like that it's

kind of awkward you think about the

position of that Stinger it's like um

okay how am I supposed to sting

something like this I mean even just

like it looks like he wants a hand out

hey give me give me some change give me

some change we're not thaty

nope I think obviously you could do a

little work around with that just turn

one be like that's a little better

that's a little

better all right so we just get that

there just go ahead put that there and I

put the two

together and you got that good that

lovely little bit of two headed Stinger

action going

up up this

let's see here let's see if we can do

this let's do this live on

camera kind of sort of you know what

that works I'll take it so yeah now we

can do a lovely zapping bumba Lumber I

don't have a Graphic blue so I apologize

for do

noise and then Fe F fall


and for

comparon here is Bumble lumba with nfz


with pun





a t be updated


with a to be

updated scel ass



FR and here's how Bumble lumba Compares

and scale with the other the combiners a

quick fill including combiner form and

Selena here is how Bumble MBA scales

with the trio of about Chris Chan

between the origin form on the right the

main CH Chris Chan Prime iot in the

center and of course uh the combiner

form Chris Chand in the the left along

with rung in both

ways he hears how bumble scales with San

at Selena silver armor Prowler and Jet

an awesome Dynamic battle scene we

they're defending the city a quick

bill with Legacy animated

Bumblebee and of course last but not

least here he is with the original

animated bumble B because he's so

precious oh so precious

so there you go and yeah as I do really

love I really like this figure I mean

just size quality and update to uh just

you know M mates update to the precious

figure mentioned earlier it's actually

is quite good I like the uh how it can

stand good on his feet makes good good

shorts just obviously if I was to give

it like a little comparative mod maybe

just like you know the ends of the arms

where the bo where the little Stingers

could connect to could be more flat

that's more grievance with it but they

have to give it like do something to

make it like

connect you know give something go back

and forth there that would more easier

and hey who hasn't thought about us

actually using the rocket boosters to

give him fight because that's one thing

they can do I mean I think that was also

portrayed that was also portrayed some

sometimes anyway yeah there you go

Bumble Lumber can fly but he's not a

bumblebee but anyway aside from that if

you want to hear the back story for

Bumble laba and all the other

individuals of the alots of quickfi you

can look at that previous live stream I

did so there you go now I pick this up

in a l collab personally with

Hasbro and you might be able find this

on Hasbro Pearl sooner and later but if

you would like the similar figure you

can always get the Transformers anime B

big figure from Hasbro Pro even like big

btoy or your local Target your

local Walmart whichever comes up at that

time but anyway I think that's about it

so there you go you don't stop saying

you don't stop playing because you're

grow old gr because you stop playing big

gek be



F okay so everybody knows this

particular outtake that we are doing

right now is not canon with the present

animated project in progress thank you

all very much for your continued support

and have a lovely blessed safe day

yay I love a good pizza bagel from this

CIA quick

F hey Optimus a bu good to see you again

yeah you call see you call for me sir

yes I have actually a very serious

situation what you look at I need you

get roll out over here I mean I know he

on duty but between him and Ratchet they

might be able to figure out this little

problem I have what's that

sir do you see this Bumble Lumber my

matri is

blinking your Matrix is blinking even I

don't know what that means I mean you're

want to as no the hell on to it for so

long it's been going off and on like

this for quite some time now even I'm

still Perle I think it's trying to tell

me something what you think it's trying

to tell you


maybe what's matter Buble Lum I just got

download information from Cybertron and

the AC records and everything

he oh

my wow I didn't take my Matrix had that

effect on

anyone H okay it's stop bling not posing


normal I guess I had NY bit of

information I need to upload to

somebody or might been that pizza bag go

I had while we were at Texas just


3rd upload

Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Bumba Lumba
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 27 November 2024
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
Shirt Not visible
Transformers - Past Ideas Reemerging - Part 2
Animate! Raleigh


Review of the (Cwcville Autobot) Bumba-Lumba figure of Transformers Legacy Merged.

Follow me on BlueSky:
[Link to Bluesky profile]

You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
[Link to BigBadToyStore]

Official Cwclight Website, Blog and Store
[Link to Cwclight]

Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
[Link to OfficialCWCmart]


Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Son-Chu
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 7 December 2024
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
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Son-Chu Review Skit Redux
Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Silver


Review of the (Cwcville Autobot) Son-Chu figure of Transformers Legacy Merged.

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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Silver
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Stardate 14 December 2024
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Son-Chu
Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Excelina


Review of the (Cwcville Autobot) Silver figure of Transformers Legacy United Merged.

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You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
[Link to BigBadToyStore]

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Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Excelina
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Stardate 19 December 2024
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Silver
Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Prowler


Review of the (Cwcville Autobot) Excelina figure of Transformers Legacy United Merged.

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You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
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Official Cwclight Website, Blog and Store
[Link to Cwclight]

Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
[Link to OfficialCWCmart]


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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Prowler
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Stardate 1 January 2025
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Excelina
Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Armoraxe


Review of the (Cwcville Autobot) Prowler figure of Transformers Legacy United Merged.

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You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
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Official Cwclight Website, Blog and Store
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Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
[Link to OfficialCWCmart]


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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Armoraxe
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Stardate 11 January 2025
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Prowler
Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Punislav the First


Review of the (Cwcville Autobot) Armoraxe figure of Transformers Legacy United Merged.

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You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
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Official Cwclight Website, Blog and Store
[Link to Cwclight]

Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
[Link to OfficialCWCmart]


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Punislav the First

Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Punislav the First
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Stardate 18 January 2025
Subject Matter MarketingMarketing Marketing
Saga PraetorPraetor Praetor
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Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Armoraxe
JCWCSP Dramatic Reading - Chaos Crystal Control Act 0


Review of the (PVCCitizen's promoted Decepticlone) Punislav the First figure of Transformers Legacy United Merged.

Follow me on BlueSky:
[Link to Bluesky profile]

You can buy Transformers toys and accessories at BigBadToyStore
[Link to BigBadToyStore]

Official Cwclight Website, Blog and Store
[Link to Cwclight]

Official Christ Chan Sonichu Prime Etsy Store
[Link to OfficialCWCmart]


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