December 2024 social media posts

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This page is an archive of Chris's social media posts during December 2024. Unless otherwise indicated, the posts are on Bluesky and from the account ‪‬.

Chris is fine

1 December
12:59 PM

Replying to an earlier Bluesky post.

marshmellow 🐻
how come? i personally have trust issues from my dad .. are u ok?
I'm fine. But as mentioned and should be obvious, I was taken advantage of online over the years by the fakers and online Trolls.

Why High Vibrational Energy can feel like a curse

2 December
10:39 AM

Why High Vibrational Energy can feel like a curse.

[Posts link to a YouTube video titled Why High Vibrational Energy Can Feel Like a Curse! Awakening Spirituality Chosen Ones.]

Medallions to Eastern Europe

2 December
7:04 PM

Hey Christine, do you ship medallions to eastern Europe? I am curious because It would be great if you did🙂

Aura and energy babble

4 December
12:51 PM

Replying to an earlier Bluesky post.

On the earlier mentioned topic, I have been sensitive and well aware of auras and energy. I can see auras with visual focus, yet I can tell someone's aura and mood by feel and 6th sense. This is popular in media, as a lot of you are aware, and it is very much real. Such the abilities are a...
...form of psychic power. It is a good thing, as with conscious use and guidance of this power, I can continue along paths that feel Light Powered and good as opposed to dark, demonic and plain bad. Vibes (Vibrations) is another accurate term in this as well.
Yet this power, to those inexperienced or still learning about it for themselves, which was the case for me for a lot of my life up to this point. In the past decades, I was at least a little bit aware of my innate power, so I didn't really know the differences or could actively think on them... the moments. One reason for this was the mixed emotions and energies from within me and from those around me and those out in public. So, I was unable to get an accurate read without the conscious, mindful focus. I was also letting fate and destiny take it's course in weeding out those...
...who were fake, inauthentic or with bad karma reveal themselves, so they would also get their dues. And in that, let those be lessons for the rest of you to not do that, because when you are being inauthentic with others, you are doing the same to yourself. Especially when doing do with...
...very selfish and bad or dark intentions. I understand that a lot of you all have your own mental and emotional issues, respectively. I have had some as well; still working through some of them. But I digress.

In any event, everyone is capable of reading energies,...

...or reading the room, as it is also known as. Even those immature or mentally handicapped are capable of this and learning how to process the thoughts and do appropriately in response without putting on a facade or mask. Not everyone is on a same maturity level, of course.
And this can be an issue with some friends and even couples. The mix of vibes and energies can make it tough to discern and even cope with. You don't need a heavy flash of partial demonic anger and hate speak forcing red energy that feels like you're being engulfed in flamed to make you aware...
...of your own level of awareness and sensitivity to energies and auras. Upon retrospect, it shows how an Aura Sphere can really hurt. This is why you should project good and positive vibes and energy as much as possible from yourself, authentically. And self-care and addressing your issues...
...and affirming, assuring or gauranteeing for yourself the set goal of doing good and sharing good remains beneficial for you and returns good and kindness upon yourself as well. Emotional and mental growth and maturity can be very painful, but doing so is good for you and everyone around you.
Although, those of you all still in school should still be actively learning and studying, because regardless of topic and your level of interest, it is still prepping you for the future with a fair to decent amount of knowledge. And you can have faith with study and learning, the details will... retained in your subconsciousness and unconsciousness. All it takes is a moment to meditate with active calming to access that knowledge to bring it into your consciousness. A bunch of you all have already learned of this without trying, but should be mindful to practice for yourselves.
Remember to care for and be kind to yourselves in maintaining your energies, but also address and clear out any issues you may have with intentions towards that which is Lighr Powered and good. ⚡️💙⚡️

Minors on social media

4 December
1:06 PM

On another topic, I have recently heard of Australia putting into practice the restriction of online social media sites from minors. I agree, some, with this due to the darkness on social media sites like #Twitter (#ElonMusk is a major bad in that and doesn't help), but at the same time,...

[Posts a GIF of the Twitter bird falling and breaking on the X logo.]

...I feel there should be an alternative type of website set for minors and teens, or put a content filter setting on the present social media sites, even with I feel some of the youth at this point is misusing the social media to instill reckless hatred and deception upon others.
It is not good to do that. Harsh truths of reality aside, yet duly noted. If one wishes to manifest a better world, exhuding kind, Lighr Power energy and good intentions is required.

[Posts link to a YouTube video titled 6 Daily Habits to Reduce Stress & Anxiety.]

No Morrowind

4 December
1:07 PM

Will you be playing morrowind next stream

Bumba Lumba

4 December
4:59 PM

“Updated for unknown reason”. LOL You all did not notice Bumba Lumba’s Box? How attentive to detail are you all.

Bumba Lumba box.jpg

Merged figures are appearing

6 December
1:18 PM

#Hasbro #Transformers Merged figures are appearing in stores everywhere. Check your #WalMart, #Target and where else Transformers are sold.

Chris recycled the post to Twitter at 2:27 PM.

Very cool

6 December
2:47 PM

‪‬ What are your thoughts on the new Sonic The Hedgehog X Transformers 2-pack?

[Posts an image of the toy's box.]

Very cool

Son-Chu review

7 December
12:25 AM

New Son-Chu Review Video (though the skit may not be as good as the old one)

[Links to YouTube video titled Light Powered Cwclight Reviews - Son-Chu.]

Hasbro toy rant

Posted to Chris's Twitter account.
9 December
Last edited 12:40 AM


[Posts image of Transformers toy.]

This is LOTS better than the new toy. We do not need a Menasor skeleton to combine the five bots that were also “Scramble City” combiners. Combiner Wars was best set of Combiner Bots. Do not be stupid with that new skeleton, @Hasbro.

Count your Blessings

10 December
1:58 PM

Hey, y’all. I am just putting this up as a friendly reminder to count your Blessings. In a world where tensions can rise, it is always important to remember that in order to manifest the positive, one needs to remember to be kind to themselves, even if they are not perfect or in the bad.
One can bring themselves out with addressing what is wrong within themselves, accepting what can’t be undone and vow to do better and good for themselves and unto others. Emotions are quite the thing to endure from time to time, and it takes a strong will to not let them keep you down,…
…but it is doable. Such moments to come and go, but it remains upon us to resolve when possible and accept when it can't be undone and how we respectively mature, develop and respond in a more positive way that manifests the positive that is desired. Kindness and tough kindness is valid and good.

Early Happy Holidays

10 December
2:00 PM

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Festuvus and Happy Holidays to everyone else in between and outside.

[Posts a GIF that reads "Merry Christmas!"]

Happy New Year

31 December
9:13 AM

Happy New Year. 🎊🎉

[Posts a GIF that reads "WISHING YOU PEACE and LOVE IN 2025"]