User talk:4CentUser
Nice work on adding the refn template. It's a neat addition. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 23:50, 30 September 2021 (UTC)
- Thanks! I was trying to add a footnote with a reference inside it to the Randy Stair video transcript and realized it didn't work with the normal formatting, so I just imported it from Wikipedia. --4CentUser (talk) 19:24, 1 October 2021 (UTC)
Do you have an account on the CWCki server? Just feel we should talk for a bit. PsychoNerd (talk) 15:19, 3 October 2021 (UTC)
The Reversion of My Edits and the Subject of Cartoon and Anime Porn
On 22 October 2021, you decided to revert the edits I made on the "Chris and Sex" article. The sub page was "Cartoon and Anime" porn. Your reason was "literally none of this has anything to do with chris[sic]".
Now, I may have gone on wild tangents with that edit, maybe going into unnecessary history anime porn distribution in America(which, was for the sole sake of source citing and noteworthiness), and maybe I went on too long about one notable radio Shock Jock's opinion. But, the subject has a LOT to do with Chris and how he sees sex for simple factor. Chris is erotically aroused by Cartoons and Anime, and that makes him different from normal folks.
I don't wish to cause trouble here. In fact, I only come in the best of intentions, to keep this wiki alive and imbue it with the best useful information possible. So I'm just going to have a friendly argument with you over the subject of Cartoon and Anime porn and its possible hand in creating sexually disturbed weirdos, sexually disturbed weirdos like Chris.
I'll start off this debate by bringing up a copypasta from Encyclopedia Dramatica about a-log. In short, it was a long list of compare-and-contrast that was written in order to show that A-log and Chris are a lot alike(and also to show, that by list's normie trollish standards and logic, A-log was more pathetic then Chris because he was fatter and was still a virgin). The item on the list caught my attention was "both think cartoons are attractive, and see nothing wrong with that." The key words are that they "see nothing wrong with that", in contrast to normal folks, who don't see cartoon characters in a sexual light.
Chris looked at a Sailor Moon poster on his ceiling to "Stay Straight." And he made cartoon porn of his own creations for the sake of masturbating to them. I will repeat that although Sailor Moon has been joked about being boner inducing in anime fandom, the fact remains that the characters in that show are high school and junior high school girls, which means if a 27 year old was to look at the main character of that show and pop a boner, that makes that 27 year old a hebephile or an ephebiphile by definition respectively. At least according to this video by this genius 14 year old:
Lastly, back to the opinion of the shock jock. He makes more money than you or I, and he has friends everywhere. Howard Stern has watched and fapped to more pornography than you could ever imagine. He has interviewed an incredible amount of porn stars and kinky folks on his show. So, when this man says that cartoon masturbators disgust him, and that he considers himself superior to all cartoon masturbators on planet Earth, because is solely normal porn masturbator... Well, I think that says a lot, don't you think? How many do you know irl, admit that they fap to hentai? And how many of those are successful people with jobs and families? Aren't all of such are fat social invalids like Chris? -- TippyToesTommyTalarico
- This is a lot to unpack, and I was originally going to give an elaborate point-by-point response, but I decided that's not worth it. No offense, but I'll just be completely honest about the reason why I reverted your edits: Your writing style is extremely unprofessional even by the standards of this site, you A-log like crazy in every sentence, and you go on at extreme length about subjects that do not deserve more than a few sentences. Just so it doesn't seem like I'm dismissing you out of hand, I'll briefly address your main points:
ExpandA more in-depth response |
- If I was assuming the worst, I probably would say you were using this site to vent about your own personal vendetta against weebs. I'm not saying that is what you're doing - and honestly, I don't really care. I don't really edit here much nowadays anyway. The main reason that I removed your edits is just that what I've seen of your prose is simply not very good. --4CentUser (talk) 22:22, 4 November 2021 (UTC)
So, I recently reinstated an edit, albeit a much brief one that I hope is more to the liking of the wiki community. It's just a few sentences that boil down to "Chris is an individual that looks at cartoon and anime girls and feels arousal from the images thereof." I really don't intend to A-log at all, in fact I watched myself to make sure I'm not insulting Chris, just stating societal expectations that I perceive. I think anything he does wrong should be noted because although no one will ever a loser like Chris, everyone at least has one thing in common with Chris, and if they nix that thing, they can take step towards being a better person. I see a lot of people expressing romantic feeling to cartoon characters these days, and I don't see them making a positive impact. All see are fat social invalids with messy break up, exposed drama, and a downward sprial that usually ends with a 1000+ forum thread on Kiwi Farms. Famous cartoon fappers(other than Chris): Kurt EichenWald (Lolcow journalist who had to lie about his hentai in order to save face) Schmorky(Former SA cartoonist now Child Molestor and deranged furry) David Gontermann(OG lolcow) Digibrony(lolicon enthusiast) Andrew Dobson(Small time artist with an INFLATED ego) and much more, just browse ED and Kiwi Farms...
From what I see, maybe the correlation is significant. You don't ever hear of someone like Hayao Miyazaki or Hans Zimmer, John Cena, or Neil DeGrasse Tyson or John Glenn fapping to cartoons. On the subject of Howard Stern's opinion making an impression, you answered "Not, really no." To which I ask in return, "Why not?" Again, he has friends Robin(who is black, and female, and served in the air force), as well as other diverse people agreeing with him. He only watches live action pornography and only that for a reason. It kind of reminds me of Tommy Lee Jones noble but worn out sheriff character from the aptly named, No Country for Old Men, or, like Don McClean's perspective in the classic song American Pie. Old good guys commenting on the depravity of modern society and wondering where people's innocence and morals and honor went. One line from Stern from that radio segment that stuck with me, "those bombs we dropped on Japan, I think we really screwed them up..." I don't consider myself having a personal vendetta against "weebs." (And for the record, enlighten me on how you define "weeb", which I think you mean "weaboo" by which you mean "wapanese" or a "person that likes anime too much.") For the record, I freaking love anime, but a lot of the things I'm having cordial discussion with you about, are coming from a serious discussion I had with an irl friend, and suffice to say, the discussion changed my perspective on a lot of things, and even got me to be extremely introspective. --TippyToesTommyTalarico 12:35, 14 November 2021 (UTC)
The Male Social Hierarchy and the Qualifications for Dating
On December 10, you reverted an edit I made to the sweetheart page. Your reasoning being was "low quality edit, a-loggy". While I can agree that my caption about how "Despite his high expectations for others, Chris is at the bottom of the male totem pole", may have been "a-loggy", though, accurate based on his high standards for others, but low standards for himself, I cannot say the same for the picture, which was I found to be informative and helpful. Please tell me, what is low quality about this picture? The male social hierarchy is a useful guide for men to turn to help themselves gauge what kind of women are within their "league", and also check themselves to see if they are even should be dating rather than fixing themselves and becoming proper. One can usually determine whether or not they are either an alpha, a beta, a gamma, a delta, or an omega based on things like financial income, physical health, schooling, and whether or not the subject laughs at inappropriate things or masturbates to cartoons and anime. It's based on scientific observation in tribal hierarchies, namely with wolves and primates. When it came to the wolves in particular, the "alphas", which mated often, were the ones that seemed to be the most aggressive. Further examination found that these "alphas" were parents. In other words, the aggression served the purpose of defending the young, thus preserving the tribe. The bottom line is that "chicks dig Alpha males". But, contrary to how Adam Conover puts it, , Alpha males are not always aggressive and some not at all. An alpha male, as I have come to understand it, based on the "How Not To Fail At Life Guide" is in the end, just a strong person who preserves the tribe through his extremely refined talents. For the alpha positive, that is charisma, strength, intelligence, and abilities, all good qualities. In the case of the alpha negatives, who are generally the kind of people that beta, gamma, and omega negatives call "jerks", are in actuality just misguided, and I don't blame women for going out with them, because unlike the other types, alpha negatives are still strong, handsome, and charismatic despite not being smart, and all they need is the proper "push" from the right person to guide to being an alpha positive. Alphas tend to be leaders due to their strong stature and charisma. Alphas don't even need dating advice, women just come to them. Betas tend to be the more sensitive less confident, but more empathetic "alpha". Contrary to "popular belief", and by "popular belief" I mean kindergarten level /pol/ grade insults from jealous omega male cartoon masturbators hiding behind anime girl avatars, being a Beta is NOT a bad thing at all, neither is being a gamma or a delta for that matter. Betas also tend to be a little more intellectual and introspective than alpha males. Think of the Beta as the Raiden to the alpha male Solid Snake, wet behind the ears, but also fresh healthy and more of a nice guy, well if he's a beta positive. Otherwise, the beta negative is the constantly jealous "nice guy" who doesn't see how good he has it all. The best advice for Beta males is find the right woman, be confident, and just try. Gamma males are the super intellectual and introspective. They are masterful of certain intellectual talents, but they lack the physical attractiveness that Alphas and Betas possess. This is because they neglect their physical health in favor of really excelling in academic pursuits. Gammas are geniuses and tend to be head scientists and philosophers, head engineers, head musicians, and head writers. The gamma tends to be at odds with the alpha, sometimes this is justified because the public (deltas in general) tend to be scientifically illiterate and sometimes the alpha in charge is running things based on an outdated model that the gamma needs to replace. Gamma positives tend to be more humble, and they put aside their ego and focus squarely on their talents and improving the world and finding solutions. Gamma negatives tend to spite the world and feel above other people and develop superiority complexes. The best dating advice for gammas, is to not focus on dating, but rather their beautiful talents. Then maybe, the right woman will come to them, and be interested in who they are. Deltas are your average male, kind like everybody's dad when their dad is at their hokiest. Deltas are simple standard and reliable, but also aimless. They need the guiding hand of either an alpha or a gamma to get them through life. Delta positives are altruistic busybodies that do their job, get paid, and relax after a job well done. Delta negatives tend to be sheepish folk who buy into bogus claims, hoard items, and spend all their money on QVC and infomercials. The best dating advice for Deltas, is beggars aren't choosers. Deltas need to stick to a woman of their stature or just drop out of dating altogether. Omegas are the outsiders. Whereas the other greek alphabet people form together to make a harmonious tribe of leaders, wingmen, thinkers, and workers; the omega is the outcast that would otherwise not survive in a crisis situation. All serious lolcows, and some of the worst people in the world are omegas. Omegas are defined by not having any talents, not contributing to society other than a parasitic sense, and having interest that most would find creepy or uninteresting at best. Omega males tend to live in their parents basement, and masturbate to anime. They lack a social life. Omegas tend not to have jobs, often living off welfare or mommy and daddy's money. Omega positives understand that they failed and lived their lives the wrong way, and they try to correct the course. Omega negatives see nothing wrong with themselves and resent the world for rejecting them. Negatives in particular tend to become rapists, serial killers and spree killers, usually after snapping and having a final mental breakdown. The best dating advice to omegas is to simply not date, because they are essentially like a peacock with no tail feathers. And maybe seek therapy and also go back to school to learn what they need in order to get a better job. Chris is certainly an omega male in every sense of the word, and an omega negative at that, wouldn't you say? --TippyToesTommyTalarico 6:07, 25 December 2021 (UTC)
Yeah, I guess you're right. That was a mouthful on my behalf. But the thing I want to ask is, how is this little info-graph bogus, and how could it be a low-quality shit-post?: To me, it looks like common sense. When it comes to relationships(and to life in general), I think a peacock analogy is one way to put it. People(peacocks) are attracted to people(other peacocks) with a lot of qualities(tail-feathers). People flaunt their qualities in order attract mates. Chris in particular, an omega, is like a peacock flaunting around a bare stub for a tail, thinking he's a full set in delusion. Contrast someone like Vin Diesel, an alpha who is totally a peacock with a full set, and more. Not only is he a super fit actor and action star, but he is also game developer, a film maker, and a practitioner of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. Sure, a good personality is key, but you show a good personality through the qualities you possess which translate into paternal qualities. Just like with what this guide says: --TippyToesTommyTalarico 13:59, 03 January 2022 (UTC)
- I'm not going to tell you you're wrong, you can believe what you want about the world and if that personally satisfies you then good on you; the point of the matter is if the two files you uploaded are appropriate inclusions. The "How not to fail at life" comic has no place on this wiki, our aims are only to record and occasionally speculate on the actions of Chris, not to instruct people on how to live their lives. The conclusions you draw from reading about Chris are yours alone, there are several forums that specialize in discussing opinions on Chris and people like him, but here there is a lot of work done to try to keep things somewhat neutral while still being entertaining. Secondly, the comic is so wordy it's visually unappealing, most of the time pictures on the CWCki (not sourced from Chris) are straight to the point or enhance the page or section, in what way does this comic do this? You can't even read the text without zooming in. The other file you uploaded (Male Social Hierarchy) has a similar issue, it is way too wordy, the pertinent information on Chris is buried in the lower right, nine paragraphs in; the first time I saw this image I didn't even see Chris's picture. Apart from the fact that this "Social Hierarchy" thing is more of an opinion then an empirical science, what are you really saying with this picture, that Chris is "at the bottom of the totem pole" so to speak? You don't have to explain the "totem pole" to see that an autistic man who loves sonic isn't popular with the girls, it's self-evident. --Finnegan (talk) 02:51, 12 January 2022 (UTC)